GOP civil war

Almost 4 million people more voted against Trump than for him. His approval rating has hovered in the mid to high 30%'s. And the Republicans, even having control of all three branches of the government, cannot repeal Obamacare (thanks mostly to republican voters showing up at town halls in their states and screaming at the Congressman to not repeal it without a replacement). And we see these pockets of conservatives in some of these red states that are simply religious fanatics that only want to elect religious fanatics.

The Democrats will win the Senate back in 2018 and likely the House as well. All of Trump's plans will then be a distant memory. The wall will end. And Trump and his cronies will be facing Congressional investigations the likes of which have not been seen since Watergate. The Democrats will control all the machinery, with impeachment solidly on the table. Benghazi was fun eh? Fasten your seatbelts cons, the sequel will be produced by Democrats and it's going to be a scorcher.

Yes, I'm sure of it, just like I was sure Hillary would win in a landslide.

You people on the left are counting on underhanded politics to take over and ignore what's been taking place the last eight years, and that is Americans had a taste of socialism and didn't like it one bit.

The tide has slowly been turning and no evidence in site that Americans want to turn back. Polls? They are unreliable and tell you what they hope is happening instead of what is happening. Trump's disapproval does not mean that the same people will approve of a Democrat in over three years from now.
A reactionary Republican insurgency angry that the GOP isn’t bigoted, racist, and hateful enough, who have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance, and seek only to pursue the failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda.

The reprehensible right versus the even more reprehensible right – neither of whom fit to hold public office.

It's all that "deplorable" talk by the left that helped us usher in Donald Trump. Thanks for your past help and your continued aid in making America hate Democrats. his point was that the popular vote would determine the winner in those elections. Clearly this point sailed right over your head. And , naturally, this is everyone else's fault but yours.

Clearly, you are a colossal asshat whom any intelligent discourse would just fly right over your head, through your ears and right out your butt. As to everyone's fault but mine-- -- -- I don't even want to try to GUESS what the f---k you are trying to claim with that!
I truly hope the GOP starts a civil war.

No, if you're a sane person you don't. Too many innocents are killed in a Civil War. Only a true imbecile wishes for that sort of horrible event.
I do want a war. Time to put conservatism out to pasture in the mid atlantic.

The problem with that is you won't survive the experience. Always take that fact into consideration. Like I said, it's all fun till it is you getting shot at. And in a Civil War EVERYONE is a target. I suggest you rethink your position. It is a bad one.
LibTard Talk Radio personalities like Norman Goldman were talking GOP Civil War throughout 2015 and 2016.

Unfortunately for Goldman, he had to eat crow on November 9, 2016, and every day afterwards.
Good. States don't have electoral colleges

Oh really? Yes they do and they even have web-pages! Here is the web-space for the Electoral College in Pennsylvania:

Electoral College
Good fucking grief. For state elections, dum dum.

Jackass: States don't have electoral colleges

ME: Here is the web-space for the Electoral College in Pennsylvania

Jackass: Good fucking grief. For state elections, dum dum.

ME: Of course not, idiot! WHY would a STATE need an electoral college??????? States elect based on the popular vote because they are just one state in and of themselves! The electoral college was wisely placed there by the Founders in order to PREVENT a popular vote for a president!


Because popular vote, a "democratic" election is another name for MOB RULE. What's wrong with Mob Rule? Because states like Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Delaware, even states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Montana would never have their voice heard! Without the Electoral College, EVERY election would be decided by NYC, Chicago, Miami, and the west coast of California. The other 95% of the country would have no voice in how their country is governed!

It is the Electoral College which gives each state an equal say proportional to their size.

The way the electoral college works is the candidate wins each state by popular vote. Then each state has so many electoral college votes PROPORTIONAL TO THEIR POPULATION. The candidate getting 270 or more EC votes WINS.
You seem to be promoting one acre/one vote instead of one person/one vote.
I truly hope the GOP starts a civil war.

No, if you're a sane person you don't. Too many innocents are killed in a Civil War. Only a true imbecile wishes for that sort of horrible event.
I do want a war. Time to put conservatism out to pasture in the mid atlantic.

The problem with that is you won't survive the experience. Always take that fact into consideration. Like I said, it's all fun till it is you getting shot at. And in a Civil War EVERYONE is a target. I suggest you rethink your position. It is a bad one.
If you are not willing to make that sacrifice then you have right to complain or speak out.
A reactionary Republican insurgency angry that the GOP isn’t bigoted, racist, and hateful enough, who have nothing but contempt for sound, responsible governance, and seek only to pursue the failed, wrongheaded conservative agenda.

The reprehensible right versus the even more reprehensible right – neither of whom fit to hold public office.

The civil war is between the scum like Ryan and McConnell vs the commoners who want to be left alone.

Actually it is a 3-way civil war. On 1 side is Bannon, the other is the establishment and the third are people who can't stand either side. I couldn't stand either candidate in Alabama.

I am certain the feeling was mutual. I can't stand you either!
Good. States don't have electoral colleges

Oh really? Yes they do and they even have web-pages! Here is the web-space for the Electoral College in Pennsylvania:

Electoral College
Good fucking grief. For state elections, dum dum.

Jackass: States don't have electoral colleges

ME: Here is the web-space for the Electoral College in Pennsylvania

Jackass: Good fucking grief. For state elections, dum dum.

ME: Of course not, idiot! WHY would a STATE need an electoral college??????? States elect based on the popular vote because they are just one state in and of themselves! The electoral college was wisely placed there by the Founders in order to PREVENT a popular vote for a president!


Because popular vote, a "democratic" election is another name for MOB RULE. What's wrong with Mob Rule? Because states like Rhode Island, Massachusetts, Connecticut, Vermont, Delaware, even states like Wyoming, South Dakota and Montana would never have their voice heard! Without the Electoral College, EVERY election would be decided by NYC, Chicago, Miami, and the west coast of California. The other 95% of the country would have no voice in how the country is governed! his point was that the popular vote would determine the winner in those elections. Clearly this point sailed right over your head. And , naturally, this is everyone else's fault but yours.

Someone proves they are ignorant and you have to jump up, wave your hands and scream, "Me too! "
I truly hope the GOP starts a civil war.

No, if you're a sane person you don't. Too many innocents are killed in a Civil War. Only a true imbecile wishes for that sort of horrible event.
I do want a war. Time to put conservatism out to pasture in the mid atlantic.

Are you libtards going to hire the Hessians as mercenaries? Are you going to throw rocks at us, or will they be sticks since you don't believe in guns?
Actuarial tables will prevent any GOP civil war.

The old farts are dying off and young, militant conservatives are moving on up.

Good Bye, McCain........don't let the door (or lid) hit you on the way out.
You seem to be promoting one acre/one vote instead of one person/one vote.

Wha----? I'm not "promoting" anything! I'm telling you how the electoral college works. Learn your country.

Electoral College (United States) - Wikipedia

If it were based on "acreage," then why would California have 19 more electors than Texas? And Alaska only 3?

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