GOP congress blocked debate on the Pay Equity Bill..


Active Member
Jan 5, 2014
Repubs voted UNANIMOUSLY to prevent the bill from coming to the floor for debate...let alone for a vote.
What r they afraid of?

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Repubs voted UNANIMOUSLY to prevent the bill from coming to the floor for debate...let alone for a vote.
What r they afraid of?

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They know there are already laws against this type of discrimination, numbnuts......
Laws r pointless if they r not effective or enforced..and the Pay check Equity Bill puts more teeth in the existing law to make that happen...
Bye the bye...I'm female and have no nuts to numb...But GOPers in Congress apparently have no balls if they can't even deal w open debate on the issue...

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Laws r pointless if they r not effective or enforced..and the Paycheck Equity Bill puts more teeth in the existing law to make that happen...
Bye the bye...I'm female and have no nuts to numb...But GOPers in Congress apparently have no balls if they can't even deal w debate on the issue

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Or it opens the door for even more frivolous lawsuits than we have now. It's a democrat dog and pony show, pure and simple. They need something to deflect the disaster that is Obamacare.........
How would you like to see pay equity complaints resolved?

Wow that's a complex legislative issue which I don't deign to resolve singlehandedly...That's why there needs to be OPEN DEBATE in Congress about it...Something that GOP led parody of government is too chicken shit to permit...

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Is anyone surprised?

Repubs work for the 1% and nothing will change that. Their job is to put more money in the pockets of those who need it the least. The working class, the middle class, the poor work for the 1%. Period.
How would you like to see pay equity complaints resolved?

Wow that's a complex legislative issue which I don't deign to resolve singlehandedly...That's why there needs to be OPEN DEBATE in Congress about it...Something that GOP led parody of government is too chicken shit to permit...

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Usually the answer is litigation, especially if Congress passes a law.

IMO, someone proposing this should personally experience what it's like to have a few frivolous lawsuits filed against them or their business. Otherwise they will never understand.
Is anyone surprised?

Repubs work for the 1% and nothing will change that. Their job is to put more money in the pockets of those who need it the least. The working class, the middle class, the poor work for the 1%. Period.

Do jobs grow on trees?
How would you like to see pay equity complaints resolved?

Wow that's a complex legislative issue which I don't deign to resolve singlehandedly...That's why there needs to be OPEN DEBATE in Congress about it...Something that GOP led parody of government is too chicken shit to permit...

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Usually the answer is litigation, especially if Congress passes a law.

IMO, someone proposing this should personally experience what it's like to have a few frivolous lawsuits filed against them or their business. Otherwise they will never understand.

I'm a doc and pay absurd amounts of money annually for med liability insurance ....So I DO understand.
I just don't see folks seeking equitable pay as "frivolous"...although the existing law appears to be since it's clearly not effective.
The issue should AT LEAST come to debate on the floor...not just swept under the rug for political expedience and to accommodate deep pockets.

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Wow that's a complex legislative issue which I don't deign to resolve singlehandedly...That's why there needs to be OPEN DEBATE in Congress about it...Something that GOP led parody of government is too chicken shit to permit...

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Usually the answer is litigation, especially if Congress passes a law.

IMO, someone proposing this should personally experience what it's like to have a few frivolous lawsuits filed against them or their business. Otherwise they will never understand.

I'm a doc and pay absurd amounts of money annually for med liability insurance ....So I DO understand.
I just don't see folks seeking equitable pay as "frivolous"...although the existing law appears to be since it's clearly not effective.
The issue should AT LEAST come to debate on the floor...not just swept under the rug for political expedience and to accommodate deep pockets.

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I call bull shit. You can't be a doctor and be that fucking stupid.
Is anyone surprised?

Repubs work for the 1% and nothing will change that. Their job is to put more money in the pockets of those who need it the least. The working class, the middle class, the poor work for the 1%. Period.

Dems work for the 1%. Their job is to put more money in their pockets while using other people's money to keep themselves in power. Life is good.
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Wow that's a complex legislative issue which I don't deign to resolve singlehandedly...That's why there needs to be OPEN DEBATE in Congress about it...Something that GOP led parody of government is too chicken shit to permit...

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Usually the answer is litigation, especially if Congress passes a law.

IMO, someone proposing this should personally experience what it's like to have a few frivolous lawsuits filed against them or their business. Otherwise they will never understand.

I'm a doc and pay absurd amounts of money annually for med liability insurance ....So I DO understand.
I just don't see folks seeking equitable pay as "frivolous"...although the existing law appears to be since it's clearly not effective.
The issue should AT LEAST come to debate on the floor...not just swept under the rug for political expedience and to accommodate deep pockets.

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Great so you’re a doc who knows what it is like to be sued. I have managed a family owned business for 30 years and I’m a little sensitive to this problem due to my experience. We have 260 employees and the only reason I’m posting today is that I’m on vacation.

I come from a family of lawyers, but quite frankly am fed up with 110 frivolous lawsuits we’ve gotten over the years. When I say frivolous, I mean dismissed for no money, without merit, often filled with lies by the plaintiff and rarely with any legal merit. That’s how the plaintiff lawyers work, they advertise for a victim, get 100 to file complaints, then pursue the two or three that have actual monetary value. Unfortunately, the courts rarely award sanctions for a frivolous lawsuit. They only award damages when the defendant is wrong.

So let’s say we have two employees, one is male, one is female. They quote big projects. But each attribute is independent of each other, so I won’t tell you which employee is which?
One has worked for the firm 15 years and been in this job 3 years.
The other has worked for the firm 8 years and been in this job 5 years.
One shows up to work every day and takes all the calls, the other one calls in sick frequently.
One has an associate’s degree, the other has a four year degree.
One got some big orders but has complaints from customers, the other is a steady Eddie.
One got a pay increase after threatening to leave for another job, while on a key project.
One moves to another town with spouse, takes another job, then five months later files pay equity lawsuit, which the lawyer takes on contingency.

Six employees are depositioned, the key one is already dead after dying from a heart attack. Three key customers are served with interrogatories. Then there are motions, mediation and finally a jury trial.

How is such a matter to be resolved, even if what I wrote is entirely fiction? Should it take a year? Two years? Five years? Should the defense attorney fees be $10K, $25K, $100K?

And with stronger pay equity laws, should we add a few million of the above fictions to our courts?
Laws r pointless if they r not effective or enforced..and the Pay check Equity Bill puts more teeth in the existing law to make that happen...
Bye the bye...I'm female and have no nuts to numb...But GOPers in Congress apparently have no balls if they can't even deal w open debate on the issue...

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One word.

Usually the answer is litigation, especially if Congress passes a law.

IMO, someone proposing this should personally experience what it's like to have a few frivolous lawsuits filed against them or their business. Otherwise they will never understand.

I'm a doc and pay absurd amounts of money annually for med liability insurance ....So I DO understand.
I just don't see folks seeking equitable pay as "frivolous"...although the existing law appears to be since it's clearly not effective.
The issue should AT LEAST come to debate on the floor...not just swept under the rug for political expedience and to accommodate deep pockets.

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Great so you’re a doc who knows what it is like to be sued. I have managed a family owned business for 30 years and I’m a little sensitive to this problem due to my experience. We have 260 employees and the only reason I’m posting today is that I’m on vacation.

I come from a family of lawyers, but quite frankly am fed up with 110 frivolous lawsuits we’ve gotten over the years. When I say frivolous, I mean dismissed for no money, without merit, often filled with lies by the plaintiff and rarely with any legal merit. That’s how the plaintiff lawyers work, they advertise for a victim, get 100 to file complaints, then pursue the two or three that have actual monetary value. Unfortunately, the courts rarely award sanctions for a frivolous lawsuit. They only award damages when the defendant is wrong.

So let’s say we have two employees, one is male, one is female. They quote big projects. But each attribute is independent of each other, so I won’t tell you which employee is which?
One has worked for the firm 15 years and been in this job 3 years.
The other has worked for the firm 8 years and been in this job 5 years.
One shows up to work every day and takes all the calls, the other one calls in sick frequently.
One has an associate’s degree, the other has a four year degree.
One got some big orders but has complaints from customers, the other is a steady Eddie.
One got a pay increase after threatening to leave for another job, while on a key project.
One moves to another town with spouse, takes another job, then five months later files pay equity lawsuit, which the lawyer takes on contingency.

Six employees are depositioned, the key one is already dead after dying from a heart attack. Three key customers are served with interrogatories. Then there are motions, mediation and finally a jury trial.

How is such a matter to be resolved, even if what I wrote is entirely fiction? Should it take a year? Two years? Five years? Should the defense attorney fees be $10K, $25K, $100K?

And with stronger pay equity laws, should we add a few million of the above fictions to our courts?

I hear u...I think that pay equity should definitely apply to base pay...with exceptional performance to be possibly rewarded thru bonuses or perhaps promotion to a different role warranting higher pay...
And I think that all disgruntled employees should be required to discuss the matter w their employer to work things out and have that documented...before being able to file a lawsuit. Other protections for both employer and employee can be built into the law to cut down on frivolous law suits and other problems...But this cannot happen if honest debate on the Paycheck Equity Bill is blocked by an underutilized Congress unresponsive to the needs of the people its supposed to represent....
When the concerns of the majority of the people are ignored this feels like a form of opression.

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Wow that's a complex legislative issue which I don't deign to resolve singlehandedly...That's why there needs to be OPEN DEBATE in Congress about it...Something that GOP led parody of government is too chicken shit to permit...

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Usually the answer is litigation, especially if Congress passes a law.

IMO, someone proposing this should personally experience what it's like to have a few frivolous lawsuits filed against them or their business. Otherwise they will never understand.

I'm a doc and pay absurd amounts of money annually for med liability insurance ....So I DO understand.
I just don't see folks seeking equitable pay as "frivolous"...although the existing law appears to be since it's clearly not effective.
The issue should AT LEAST come to debate on the floor...not just swept under the rug for political expedience and to accommodate deep pockets.

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Because from what I answered before, the system to remedy your issue is awful and unjust. It costs too much, takes way too long, and encourages massive numbers of complaints that don't meet the standard. It's a boon for the trial lawyers, who are rarely penalized when they bring a wrongful suit.
I'm a doc and pay absurd amounts of money annually for med liability insurance ....So I DO understand.
I just don't see folks seeking equitable pay as "frivolous"...although the existing law appears to be since it's clearly not effective.
The issue should AT LEAST come to debate on the floor...not just swept under the rug for political expedience and to accommodate deep pockets.

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Great so you’re a doc who knows what it is like to be sued. I have managed a family owned business for 30 years and I’m a little sensitive to this problem due to my experience. We have 260 employees and the only reason I’m posting today is that I’m on vacation.

I come from a family of lawyers, but quite frankly am fed up with 110 frivolous lawsuits we’ve gotten over the years. When I say frivolous, I mean dismissed for no money, without merit, often filled with lies by the plaintiff and rarely with any legal merit. That’s how the plaintiff lawyers work, they advertise for a victim, get 100 to file complaints, then pursue the two or three that have actual monetary value. Unfortunately, the courts rarely award sanctions for a frivolous lawsuit. They only award damages when the defendant is wrong.

So let’s say we have two employees, one is male, one is female. They quote big projects. But each attribute is independent of each other, so I won’t tell you which employee is which?
One has worked for the firm 15 years and been in this job 3 years.
The other has worked for the firm 8 years and been in this job 5 years.
One shows up to work every day and takes all the calls, the other one calls in sick frequently.
One has an associate’s degree, the other has a four year degree.
One got some big orders but has complaints from customers, the other is a steady Eddie.
One got a pay increase after threatening to leave for another job, while on a key project.
One moves to another town with spouse, takes another job, then five months later files pay equity lawsuit, which the lawyer takes on contingency.

Six employees are depositioned, the key one is already dead after dying from a heart attack. Three key customers are served with interrogatories. Then there are motions, mediation and finally a jury trial.

How is such a matter to be resolved, even if what I wrote is entirely fiction? Should it take a year? Two years? Five years? Should the defense attorney fees be $10K, $25K, $100K?

And with stronger pay equity laws, should we add a few million of the above fictions to our courts?

I hear u...I think that pay equity should definitely apply to base pay...with exceptional performance to be possibly awarded thru bonuses or perhaps promotion to a different role warranting higher pay...
And I think that all disgruntled employees to required to discuss the matter w their employer to work things out and have that documented...before being able to file a lawsuit. Other protections for both employer and employee can be built into the law to cut down on frivolous law suits and other problems...But this cannot happen if honest debate on the Paycheck Equity Bill is blocked by an underutilized Congress...
When the concerns of the majority of the people are ignored this feels like a form of opression.

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While you may have good intentions, you're dreaming. Any law passed by Congress will be circumvented by state law, each which has its own rules. There will be forum shopping and millions of claims filed that take years to resolve. Another windfall for the trial lawyers.

And while I am not a Repub, only moderate who voted for Obama, this is why the House was correct to table the issue.

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