GOP congressman apologises for claiming he was a trained economist – after taking one class in which he got a C

GOP congressman claimed he was an economist when he took one class and got a C

Yet another GOP liar. The GOP needs to look at its recruitment systems.
Over here we have this tool called Google. It gives you loads of info and enables you to check out when people are lying to you.

Still, nobody died and no puppies were stolen.
It's simply if they open their mouths or write anything down, it is best just to assume it is a lie. Because taking their word for anything is a total waste of time. You will go through this long process of assessing what they say to find out 95% of the times it is just MAGA bullshit. That's all you can expect from these book burners.
I'l just leave this here

Yup Obama was correct , you could keep the plan but you had to call to see if your doctor still excepted the plan , but anyone who has a brain knows that. That's the way it was before Obama care and it was the same during Obama care. Can help it if right-wingers are that stupid.
I bet you can't even say one thing that is a major right wing issue that is the truth. Or a distortion of the truth. Give it a try, ace.
I'm an Independent and not right or left. Both political parties lie.
Politicians of both parties and in all countries have been known to fib from time to time.

This inconsequential white lie is a lot less egregious that telling someone "if you like your doctor, you can keep your doctor"
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a cowardly and dishonest attempt to deflect.
I'm an Independent and not right or left. Both political parties lie.
No one said they both don't lie in fact no one even suggested it , but being as accurate as possible I say that the book burners lie 10 times more than then us patriots.
I'm an Independent and not right or left. Both political parties lie.
and so do independent, personally I think independents are wimps , they can't fight a good fight, so they are apposed to everyone. You can't back them into a corner, they just take the other side of the issue. . that's a wimp in my book.
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a cowardly and dishonest attempt to deflect.
These people are full of shit, It has always been the case with insurance , you had to call your doctor to see what insurance they take , only ignorant dumb bozos didn't know that. If you wanted to keep your doctor, you always have to find out if they still accept your insurance. Like I said, it has always been this way, and it was no different with Obama care.
No one said they both don't lie in fact no one even suggested it , but being as accurate as possible I say that the book burners lie 10 times more than then us patriots.
There is a common conservative tradition of saying Obama lied, and posting the same 5-10 statements over and over again, as if repeating them, added to the total.

Where they could count a dozen lies by Trump in a single speech.

Of course they then switch to the quality, instead of quantity, saying Obama said his health plan would save $2,500 dollars.

Well Trump said his plan for the wall would be fully paid for by Mexico, before soaking the American taxpayers for billions and billions of dollars.
Yup Obama was correct , you could keep the plan but you had to call to see if your doctor still excepted the plan , but anyone who has a brain knows that. That's the way it was before Obama care and it was the same during Obama care. Can help it if right-wingers are that stupid.
What about it being the lie of the FUCKING year was confusing for you?
There is a common conservative tradition of saying Obama lied, and posting the same 5-10 statements over and over again, as if repeating them, added to the total.

Where they could count a dozen lies by Trump in a single speech.

Of course they then switch to the quality, instead of quantity, saying Obama said his health plan would save $2,500 dollars.

Well Trump said his plan for the wall would be fully paid for by Mexico, before soaking the American taxpayers for billions and billions of dollars.
And that the virus was just a democratic plot and it would be gone by the weekend and that it was all but over and that you should drink bleach as a cure for it, or stick a light bulb up your ass. Trump all in the same sentence. And people say he doesn't lie..
These people are full of shit, It has always been the case with insurance , you had to call your doctor to see what insurance they take , only ignorant dumb bozos didn't know that. If you wanted to keep your doctor, you always have to find out if they still accept your insurance. Like I said, it has always been this way, and it was no different with Obama care.
The local hospital ER would have constantly changing signs about which insurance was no longer being accepted. But it still wasn't an all or nothing. Often it was a matter of in network vs out of network for the percentage or limit on costs covered.

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