GOP congressman apologises for claiming he was a trained economist – after taking one class in which he got a C

We look at things more honestly and form our opinions based on what we see and not on whether they are right or left.
Mindless partisan hacks only understand mindless partisan hacks. Really, you don't have to think to develop your own opinions if you mindless toe the party line, makes life much eaiser.
Mindless partisan hacks only understand mindless partisan hacks. Really, you don't have to think to develop your own opinions if you mindless toe the party line, makes life much eaiser.
Santos, Greene and J6 speak volumes regarding what`s been done to the party of Eisenhower and the Bushes. No thanks.
Santos, Greene and J6 speak volumes regarding what`s been done to the party of Eisenhower and the Bushes. No thanks.
The Bushes? Two warmongers that created a mess in the Middle East. Eisenhower was a great President.
Santos, Greene and J6 speak volumes regarding what`s been done to the party of Eisenhower and the Bushes. No thanks.
I over all agree with more Republican policies than Democrats, but the Republicans have gone insane. There are many more examples of the insanity than just those three, but they are a start. Repubs started going crazy with the Tea Bagger movement. I thought Trump would be the culmination of the crazy, but I am just now sure.
Piss off Incel. It's all true, you seem to be extremely ill informed. There are You Tubes of all of it. Anyone dying? That's not what this bout, go read the OP.

YouTube ???? How many times do you need to be told YouTube isn't a source?????? Stuff is faked on YouTube all of the time.
Yes you do care otherwise you wouldn't have responded.
Why would I care what the enemy of my country thinks, in fact the worse you think of me the better I feel It would implicate how effective my insults of you traitors are. . I hate all traitors to this country, and I think they should have the death penalty for all traitors.
Why would I care what the enemy of my country thinks, in fact the worse you think of me the better I feel It would implicate how effective my insults of you traitors are. . I hate all traitors to this country, and I think they should have the death penalty for all traitors.
Get mental health counseling dude.
They ARE true. Perhaps you should know what you're talking about before you shoot your mouth off:

So you had to go back to the 1970's to find something Biden lied about???? How many people were harmed by these lies????
So you had to go back to the 1970's to find something Biden lied about???? How many people were harmed by these lies????
That's normal, their God and leader Scumbag lied 20 plus times a day , 3200 in four years , and Bidens lies are a issue with these book burners.. These people are mindless.
Why would I care what the enemy of my country thinks, in fact the worse you think of me the better I feel It would implicate how effective my insults of you traitors are. . I hate all traitors to this country, and I think they should have the death penalty for all traitors.
J6 was a missed opportunity. Unfortunately, only one traitor was eliminated. Did the cop only have one bullet?
J6 was a missed opportunity. Unfortunately, only one traitor was eliminated. Did the cop only have one bullet?
Next time they try that, they better have machine guns at every possible entrance and don't spare the bullets. These traitors have to be dealt with and the one thing that all American patriots have to do is never let these traitors off the hook , they have to be treated as the traitors they are. They are better off only being able to lurk around at nighttime, then given free rein of our streets and towns, They shouldn't be allowed on the street with real Americans.
Next time they try that, they better have machine guns at every possible entrance and don't spare the bullets. These traitors have to be dealt with and the one thing that all American patriots have to do is never let these traitors off the hook , they have to be treated as the traitors they are. They are better off only being able to lurk around at nighttime, then given free rein of our streets and towns, They shouldn't be allowed on the street with real Americans.
You really are a sicko.

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