GOP congressman apologises for claiming he was a trained economist – after taking one class in which he got a C

and so do independent, personally I think independents are wimps , they can't fight a good fight, so they are apposed to everyone. You can't back them into a corner, they just take the other side of the issue. . that's a wimp in my book.
Independents are just more honest than party loyalists like you.
No one said they both don't lie in fact no one even suggested it , but being as accurate as possible I say that the book burners lie 10 times more than then us patriots.
I don't consider you a patriot.
Independents are just more honest than party loyalists like you.
No they are wimps , can't stand up for their position ,so you hate both sides. That's Independent, Can't be backed into a corner when they can support or attack either side. WIMPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
Republicans need to do the exact political destroying of the other party that Progs do. Gotta say that any accusation could be counter accused of hate.
When criminals get caught, it usually destroys them.
The thing about the comment "If you like your doctor or healthcare plan, you can keep it", likely was based on people like my aunt, who's been retired for 16 years.
She has kept the same healthcare plan, the entire time, only changed doctors once, because of the death of one doctor.

So...............How many times have employers changed their health insurance for their employees?
How many times has a doctor changed the insurance, or plan, which he/she accepts?
This fails as a red herring fallacy, a cowardly and dishonest attempt to deflect.
whats that jones,that i think both parties are lying asswipes?....if you knew first hand the democrats were trying to over throw the govt, you would try to find a way to blame it on the republicans,thats how fucking controlled you are....go ahead comment on that...
No they are wimps , can't stand up for their position ,so you hate both sides. That's Independent, Can't be backed into a corner when they can support or attack either side. WIMPSSSSSSSSSSSSSS!!!!!!!!!!!!
We look at things more honestly and form our opinions based on what we see and not on whether they are right or left.

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