GOP Congresswoman: Pornography Leads To School Shootings

That is as silly as blaming a tv
NOBODY wants to fight the actual problems
You all suck greasy prison dick!
You'll take my porn when you pry it from warm, sticky hands! :mad:

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
Although not representative of all conservatives, this is nonetheless an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

This is also another moronic, pathetic attempt by a rightist to cloud the issue of addressing gun crime and violence.
It is fact.

The only ignorance and stupidity is coming from idiots like you who think that porn isn’t an extremely harmful influence.
well given we've had "porn" around since we've had men and women, how did it come around these days to only now contributing to mass shootings from kids in schools?

pretty sure we had want viewed porn in the 80s when i was in high school but hey - no shootings. hell we even brought the guns to school in the back window of trucks. no shootings.

but hey - you hate it so it must be the root of all evil.

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?

I want to know where she shops...there is no porn at my grocery store! I feel so cheated!

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
Although not representative of all conservatives, this is nonetheless an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

This is also another moronic, pathetic attempt by a rightist to cloud the issue of addressing gun crime and violence.

Idiocy like this has nothing to do with conservatives. She is a embarrassment for what passes for legitimate debate. Porn has been around for a long time. School shootings have not.
School shootings have been around almost as long as schools have, idiot.

That's not true at all.

I went to school in the 60s and 70s. There were no school shootings when I went to school.

I don't recall any in the 80s either. If there was I don't remember it.

Your very lame attempt to excuse the violence is just sad.

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
I want to know what she was watching. It must have been really intense.

One: Lakhota is a judgmental asshole.

Two: She probably watches PBS. You are still stuck in Romper Room.

But just so we are clear...

She's not the only one who feels that way:

The Documented Effects of Pornography — The Forerunner

Addiction and Suicide - AddictionCenter

Now, read the article and see where it describes violent behaviour towards others as being associated with additiction.

Let me guess, you don't think you can get addicted to porn ? You are so fucking stupid.

C'mon deanrd ....

Where is that dull comback you always produce.

Or have you, like usual, stuck your fat mooching tail between your legs and headed away from here.

Then there is the moron Lakhota ...don't see him back here. Still hurting from the last thread he started and got rammed up his ass.

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
Although not representative of all conservatives, this is nonetheless an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

This is also another moronic, pathetic attempt by a rightist to cloud the issue of addressing gun crime and violence.

Idiocy like this has nothing to do with conservatives. She is a embarrassment for what passes for legitimate debate. Porn has been around for a long time. School shootings have not.
School shootings have been around almost as long as schools have, idiot.

Really? Is there a point, little boy? People die in car accidents but we still mandate seat belts. People get murdered but we still make mirser illegal.

Logic. Try it. You know, instead of repeating loony NRA BS
Really? Is there a point, little boy? People die in car accidents but we still mandate seat belts. People get murdered but we still make mirser illegal.

Logic. Try it. You know, instead of repeating loony NRA BS
But we don't ban cars and we don't prosecute for murder just because somebody has a gun.

That's the point we have been trying to convey.

I have guns that I inherited from my grandfather that are 20 years older than me. They have never harmed anyone. None of my guns have ever harmed anyone but me (I accidentally touched a hot barrel once). Why do I have to lose my rights so that we MAY save the lives of 3 people a year.
So something that is natural is causing kids to blow each other kids away? I highly don't think so. What a dumb witch.

Two things are causing the shootings
1. Bullying
and 2. Too many guns.

Wrong, its an immoral and depraved society with broken homes thats causing the increased carnage.

Damn near true about the Parkland shooter but what about all the other's? Not many broken homes but it seems the parents let these kids run a muck most of their short life's.

If it was porn I would have either been rotting in prison or dead by now. She is full of crap.

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
Although not representative of all conservatives, this is nonetheless an example of the ignorance and stupidity common to most on the right.

This is also another moronic, pathetic attempt by a rightist to cloud the issue of addressing gun crime and violence.

Idiocy like this has nothing to do with conservatives. She is a embarrassment for what passes for legitimate debate. Porn has been around for a long time. School shootings have not.
School shootings have been around almost as long as schools have, idiot.

There has been a increase. They are still rare but not as rare as they once were.
So something that is natural is causing kids to blow each other kids away? I highly don't think so. What a dumb witch.

Two things are causing the shootings
1. Bullying
and 2. Too many guns.

Wrong, its an immoral and depraved society with broken homes thats causing the increased carnage.

Damn near true about the Parkland shooter but what about all the other's? Not many broken homes but it seems the parents let these kids run a muck most of their short life's.

If it was porn I would have either been rotting in prison or dead by now. She is full of crap.

Well, I guess that someone had to take over for Michelle Bachmann after she left congress.....

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
Well at least she knows our astronauts have never been anywhere near Mars and she’s never expressed concern about Guam tipping over.
So something that is natural is causing kids to blow each other kids away? I highly don't think so. What a dumb witch.

Two things are causing the shootings
1. Bullying
and 2. Too many guns.

Wrong, its an immoral and depraved society with broken homes thats causing the increased carnage.

Damn near true about the Parkland shooter but what about all the other's? Not many broken homes but it seems the parents let these kids run a muck most of their short life's.

If it was porn I would have either been rotting in prison or dead by now. She is full of crap.

Porn is just a small part of the overall breakdown of families. Add to it that any kid that acts out, instead of being disciplined is taken to a shrink, analysed, and given ADD/ADHD or Antidepressant meds that screw with not yet fully developed brains. Then off to the Video games where you can shoot as many folks as you want (added points for ugly, messy kills) and everything will just turn out just fine, right?

Why am I not surprised that we must confront these problems (or not) as often as we do.

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
I want to know what she was watching. It must have been really intense.

One: Lakhota is a judgmental asshole.

Two: She probably watches PBS. You are still stuck in Romper Room.

But just so we are clear...

She's not the only one who feels that way:

The Documented Effects of Pornography — The Forerunner

Addiction and Suicide - AddictionCenter

Now, read the article and see where it describes violent behaviour towards others as being associated with additiction.

Let me guess, you don't think you can get addicted to porn ? You are so fucking stupid.

C'mon deanrd ....

Where is that dull comback you always produce.

Or have you, like usual, stuck your fat mooching tail between your legs and headed away from here.

Then there is the moron Lakhota ...don't see him back here. Still hurting from the last thread he started and got rammed up his ass.

You are guessing ?

Or are you, in true left fashion, stating something you know nothing about.
Porn causes school shootings? My best guess is that she watches a completely different genre of porn than I do!

I posted about a young man who almost committed suicide because of porn. And you rated it funny.

You admit to being part of an industry you claim fucked people over for profit.....for four or five decades.

Calling you subhuman would be an insult to subhumans.

You really disgust me.
“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

I don't think anyone can say for sure whether Ms. Black's theorem is correct or not.

But what does it cost to try out her ideas and eliminate all smut- see if it makes a difference.

It is possible it might, and even if it only reduces school shootings by 1/10 of 1%, it would be a crime not to do it and be responsible for the deaths of millions of school children.

“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

During a meeting last week with local pastors, Black raised the issue of gun violence in schools and why it keeps happening.

“Pornography,” she said.

“It’s available on the shelf when you walk in the grocery store. Yeah, you have to reach up to get it, but there’s pornography there,” she continued. “All of this is available without parental guidance. I think that is a big part of the root cause.”

Here’s an audio of her remarks, which she made during a listening session with ministers at Safe Harbor of Clarksville, Tennessee.

Black didn’t clarify what it is about porn that she thinks is leading to school massacres. Her congressional spokesman did not respond to a request for comment.

More: Porn Leads To School Shootings, GOP Congresswoman Says

WOW! Where do these people come from? What do you think?
They are fked up

You are just jealous.

The closest you get to being fucked is hiding in your mothers bathroom with a jar of vasaline.

You left wing twats are truly the scum of the earth.
OK, now we know what your fantasy is. Mine is much more normal.

As usual, batbrains, you know nothing.

But in typical left wing think you do.

It's a sickness.

One that can cured by you going to the Grand Canyon, finding a 2000 ft cliff and taking a leap of faith.
“I think that is a big part” of the spike in such attacks, Rep. Diane Black asserts.

Does anyone know what kind of porn Rep. Diane Black (R-Tenn.) is watching?

Whatever it is, the 67-year-old Black, who is running for governor of Tennessee, said it’s a “big part” of what is driving the spike in school shootings.

I don't think anyone can say for sure whether Ms. Black's theorem is correct or not.

But what does it cost to try out her ideas and eliminate all smut- see if it makes a difference.

It is possible it might, and even if it only reduces school shootings by 1/10 of 1%, it would be a crime not to do it and be responsible for the deaths of millions of school children.

You could say that about any hare-brained fantasy. Should we indulge them all? Just in case?
Porn causes school shootings? My best guess is that she watches a completely different genre of porn than I do!

I posted about a young man who almost committed suicide because of porn. And you rated it funny.

You admit to being part of an industry you claim fucked people over for profit.....for four or five decades.

Calling you subhuman would be an insult to subhumans.

You really disgust me.

Sun, I think that you have anger issues. Lay off the porn. If you keep it up, we will be reading about you in the papers, involving some school or other.
You could say that about any hare-brained fantasy. Should we indulge them all? Just in case?

Its not "hare brained" but I'll grant, it is controversial.

Since there is no downside to this if it turns out to be wrong, I can't see why this one shouldn't be tried for a limited period of time.

If we outlaw all smut for say 10 years, and there is no decline in school shootings, then we can discontinue it.

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