GOP Congresswoman: Pornography Leads To School Shootings

You could make a cursory correlation between bad/illegal behavior and morally questinable stuff like violent videogames or porn. It's ultimately opinion. Porn? The only correlation really between porn and this shooting is that a girl shut his advances down, while porn sets up unrealistic expectations for what men (in particular) should expect from sexual relationships so... shoot up a school? I'm not seeing it.

Sounds like someone finding an excuse to attack something they don't like. "There was a domestic terror attack with a guy wearing an Iron Man Mask? Ban Marvel movies now cause they're too formulaic and i like DC better anyway!"
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Porn causes school shootings? My best guess is that she watches a completely different genre of porn than I do!

I posted about a young man who almost committed suicide because of porn. And you rated it funny.

You admit to being part of an industry you claim fucked people over for profit.....for four or five decades.

Calling you subhuman would be an insult to subhumans.

You really disgust me.

Sun, I think that you have anger issues. Lay off the porn. If you keep it up, we will be reading about you in the papers, involving some school or other.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Did I say I looked at porn ? If so, where ?

Or are you just using your typical left winger redirection methods.

You want to mark posts funny about attempted suicide...that is your right.

You are still a subhuman and you still make me sick to my stomach.

Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....
Porn causes school shootings? My best guess is that she watches a completely different genre of porn than I do!

I posted about a young man who almost committed suicide because of porn. And you rated it funny.

You admit to being part of an industry you claim fucked people over for profit.....for four or five decades.

Calling you subhuman would be an insult to subhumans.

You really disgust me.

Sun, I think that you have anger issues. Lay off the porn. If you keep it up, we will be reading about you in the papers, involving some school or other.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Did I say I looked at porn ? If so, where ?

Or are you just using your typical left winger redirection methods.

You want to mark posts funny about attempted suicide...that is your right.

You are still a subhuman and you still make me sick to my stomach.

Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....

How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.
Porn causes school shootings? My best guess is that she watches a completely different genre of porn than I do!

I posted about a young man who almost committed suicide because of porn. And you rated it funny.

You admit to being part of an industry you claim fucked people over for profit.....for four or five decades.

Calling you subhuman would be an insult to subhumans.

You really disgust me.

Sun, I think that you have anger issues. Lay off the porn. If you keep it up, we will be reading about you in the papers, involving some school or other.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Did I say I looked at porn ? If so, where ?

Or are you just using your typical left winger redirection methods.

You want to mark posts funny about attempted suicide...that is your right.

You are still a subhuman and you still make me sick to my stomach.

Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....

How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.

Well, Sun, I will take your word for your expertise on porn violence. What kind, specifically makes you aggressive?
I posted about a young man who almost committed suicide because of porn. And you rated it funny.

You admit to being part of an industry you claim fucked people over for profit.....for four or five decades.

Calling you subhuman would be an insult to subhumans.

You really disgust me.

Sun, I think that you have anger issues. Lay off the porn. If you keep it up, we will be reading about you in the papers, involving some school or other.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Did I say I looked at porn ? If so, where ?

Or are you just using your typical left winger redirection methods.

You want to mark posts funny about attempted suicide...that is your right.

You are still a subhuman and you still make me sick to my stomach.

Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....

How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.

Well, Sun, I will take your word for your expertise on porn violence. What kind, specifically makes you aggressive?

It's go to know that somebody who essentially raped his customers for 40 years can still act like he doesn't walk of four legs.
If pornography led to school shootings half of USMB would be building schools just to shoot at.
Sun, I think that you have anger issues. Lay off the porn. If you keep it up, we will be reading about you in the papers, involving some school or other.

Nice attempt at deflection.

Did I say I looked at porn ? If so, where ?

Or are you just using your typical left winger redirection methods.

You want to mark posts funny about attempted suicide...that is your right.

You are still a subhuman and you still make me sick to my stomach.

Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....

How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.

Well, Sun, I will take your word for your expertise on porn violence. What kind, specifically makes you aggressive?

It's go to know that somebody who essentially raped his customers for 40 years can still act like he doesn't walk of four legs.

Now, Sun, instead of being on here talking about killer pornography, and speculating about my life, shouldn't you be out protesting against gays, and atheists assisting the commies in fluoridating our water?
Snag is, ‘banning’ porn would be un-Constitutional, a violation of the First Amendment.

This has likely already been pointed out, but it bears repeating nonetheless.

Actually not true at all. Freedom of Speech is reserved to individuals, and porn is made by Corporations, meaning it can be regulated.

Corporations aren't people, we've heard this from our liberal friends for decades.

Besides, if we can reduce the amount of school violence by 1/10th of 1%, just by banning corporation from being involved in porn for a limited period of time, I'd say its worth it.

Porn , made by anyone is protected,

Nice attempt at deflection.

Did I say I looked at porn ? If so, where ?

Or are you just using your typical left winger redirection methods.

You want to mark posts funny about attempted suicide...that is your right.

You are still a subhuman and you still make me sick to my stomach.

Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....

How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.

Well, Sun, I will take your word for your expertise on porn violence. What kind, specifically makes you aggressive?

It's go to know that somebody who essentially raped his customers for 40 years can still act like he doesn't walk of four legs.

Now, Sun, instead of being on here talking about killer pornography, and speculating about my life, shouldn't you be out protesting against gays, and atheists assisting the commies in fluoridating our water?

No speculating there, chump. You've stated as much.

Did I ever say I protested against gays ?

Did I ever say I was against fluoridation ?

So....whose speculating ?

Yes, Mr. Subhuman.....a true left winger you are.
Sun, I am quite sure that a LOT of things make you sick, so I guess that I can't get to concerned about your killer porn conspiracy....

How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.

Well, Sun, I will take your word for your expertise on porn violence. What kind, specifically makes you aggressive?

It's go to know that somebody who essentially raped his customers for 40 years can still act like he doesn't walk of four legs.

Now, Sun, instead of being on here talking about killer pornography, and speculating about my life, shouldn't you be out protesting against gays, and atheists assisting the commies in fluoridating our water?

No speculating there, chump. You've stated as much.

Did I ever say I protested against gays ?

Did I ever say I was against fluoridation ?

So....whose speculating ?

Yes, Mr. Subhuman.....a true left winger you are.

Jesus on a bicycle, Sun, take a break. Take a nap. Swallow a valium. Go to bed.
How the one follows the other, I have no idea. But that would be your typical MO.

My "killer"porn conspiracy isn't that.

There is plenty of information to support the role of addictions in bad behavior (including aggressive, violent behavior). And there is loads of data on how porn is addictive.

Try again, slimewad.

Well, Sun, I will take your word for your expertise on porn violence. What kind, specifically makes you aggressive?

It's go to know that somebody who essentially raped his customers for 40 years can still act like he doesn't walk of four legs.

Now, Sun, instead of being on here talking about killer pornography, and speculating about my life, shouldn't you be out protesting against gays, and atheists assisting the commies in fluoridating our water?

No speculating there, chump. You've stated as much.

Did I ever say I protested against gays ?

Did I ever say I was against fluoridation ?

So....whose speculating ?

Yes, Mr. Subhuman.....a true left winger you are.

Jesus on a bicycle, Sun, take a break. Take a nap. Swallow a valium. Go to bed.

Take a break ?

You can't seem to face the counter to your cute little statement.

What are you posting for ?

Just to sound funny to yourself ?
I always wanted to meet a porn star. I wonder what they're like in real life ...

Anyway, this is dumb; porn doesn't have anything to do with school shootings. This woman is dumb too. I can see why women don't like porn though. It has definitely lessened the reliance of men on women for sexual relief, therefore reducing the collective power of women.

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