GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.

Obama didn’t order investigations into his enemies so he can’t be considered to have set this precedent.

Neither did Trump.... He asked for investigations into criminal corruption
And money laundering of American taxpayer dollars.... The fact that Biden was also a presidential candidate is his problem not Trump's. Biden can't shield himself from criminal prosecution just because he applied for political candidacy.


Really? He asked a country that depends on us for their existence to do him a favor, then immediately held up theirs aid, and that’s just him “asking”?

So Obama didn’t ask anyone be investigated but Trump did. Correct?
The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.

Obama didn’t order investigations into his enemies so he can’t be considered to have set this precedent.

It happened under his watch, so it's his fault.

So you’re saying Obama didn’t order any investigations.

Trump set a new precedent. It’s okay to personally order investigations and there’s no repercussions. Go ahead and use the government against your enemies.
The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.

Obama didn’t order investigations into his enemies so he can’t be considered to have set this precedent.

It happened under his watch, so it's his fault.
yep there's another modus operandi that lefty pulled out of the bag too soon and now it's biting them in the ass again.

But you have to understand when they use it "it's different"

And as if to prove how correct Democrat Constitutional Expert Jonathon Turley was when he testified in the House that DEMOCRATS have been the only ones to abuse their power and that they are trying to steal 2 elections, Nancy Pelosi, Hillary Clinton, and the DNC are actively, openly demonstrating that they are interfering with the 2020 election already:

The Impeachment was an admitted pathetic POLITICAL attempt to remove the President from office because they know they neither have the platform or the candidate to defeat him in 2020.

Pelosi used the timing of the Impeachment, finally sending the Articles of Impeachment to the Senate when she did, to sequester the US Senate candidates in Washington just prior to the Iowa Caucus.

Hillary has reportedly taken back over the DNC with her 2016 candidacy associates / team members holding the top DNC position.

While using Secret Service to block the presentation of the official Gabbard $50 MILLION law suit documents, the DNC excludes Gabbard from the up-coming debates / caucus....

Hillary publicly attacks Sanders, claiming 'No One Likes Him', etc....
** Which Immediately creates a backlash from the radical new Senators like Tlaib and from die-hard 'Hollywood' extremists like Michael Moore...

Once again, demonstrating their tactic of accusing others of what they have been caught doing and continue to do, The Democratic Party 'old guard' / criminal, power-hungry dinosaurs are not even hiding the fact that they are trying to rig their Primaries and steal the 2020 election, just like they did / tried to do in 2016.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.

Obama didn’t order investigations into his enemies so he can’t be considered to have set this precedent.

Actually he did. Obama's FBI ordered FISA warrants on Carter Page, so he could wiretap Trump Tower and spy on The Donald.

Show me where Obama ordered the FBI to investigate Page.

The FBI did it, while Obama was in office.

Are you suggesting that liberal icons like Comey were "rogue"? ridiculous. The buck stopped at the desk of B. Hussein O.

So you’re saying that Obama didn’t order the investigation into Carter Page?

Wow, are you reaching on that one. Here is something Carter Page actually said it should have been reason enough for Rump to NEVER us him for anything connected with any camaign.

In August 2013, Page wrote, "Over the past half year, I have had the privilege to serve as an informal advisor to the staff of the Kremlin in preparation for their Presidency of the G-20 Summit next month, where energy issues will be a prominent point on the agenda."[26] Page described his role differently in 2018: "I sat in on some meetings, but to call me an advisor is way over the top
The only glass bowl I use is for salads. You guys have done this shit for three years.
Yet you snowflakes never can seem to produce the evidence to support your accusations that others are doing what Democrats have been proven to have done and are still doing.....
I can think of 4. But the Party of the Rump won't hear of it since they aren't Rump.

The only really worthwhile possible GOP candidates for 2024 that I would consider are Jared Kushner, Mike Pence, Ivanka and Donald Jr.

I don't think that you would find any of them acceptable

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.
There aren't any left.

Thank you. The choice in 2020 and ongoing is clear. Its either Donald J. Trump or the New Green Deal led by AOC. Not a mythical Non-Trump Republican.

No, that's not the choice. And by the time we have to make that choice, the real choice will be very clear. Can America survive 4 more years of trumps bullshit?

My answer is no.
His son never denied being paid by Burisma.

And there is video evidence of Biden bragging about when he threatened to pull one billion in aid as a Quid Pro Quo. According to Dems just threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine is threatening national security because it would benefit Russia.

Dems set those standards, so Biden would be impeachable.
Nope. You are taking a couple of things that happened and using Vladimir Putin's interpretation of them. There is no evidence of anything other than national policy supported by the international community. No personal gain for Biden.

All the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes.

Sadly, you will not.

Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.
No facts at all in that post. Why did you bother?
What was in my post has been proven and supported - with links - by NUMEROUS board members over and over in this thread and others. Why did YOU even bother? Probably trying to convince yourself and encourage other snowflakes.

The only glass bowl I use is for salads. You guys have done this shit for three years.
Yet you snowflakes never can seem to produce the evidence to support your accusations that others are doing what Democrats have been proven to have done and are still doing.....
You have been shown plenty of evidence that only republicans are doing this.
No, that's not the choice. And by the time we have to make that choice, the real choice will be very clear. Can America survive 4 more years of trumps bullshit? My answer is no.

OF COURSE YOUR answer is 'NO', lil' snowflake.

Trump is the most successful President in the last 50 years, in some cases EVERE. Even in the Democrats embarrassing House Coup hearings DEMOCRAT witnesses made it clear that the relations between Ukraine and the US have grown STRONGER, now better off than it was under Obama.

Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?

Not going to happen. Us Republicans are going to busy cleaning our own house.

What do you mean by "cleaning our own house"? Bending over and taking it, as Sleepy Joe implements a New Green Deal to ruin the economy?

That's precisely what he means. That and hoping they can get the romney, kasich type idiots to run.

Actually, Romney caved to the Party of the Rump. He's out of favor with the Republicans. Traitors like him don't deserve support. And when I say Republicans, I don't mean "The Party of the Rump".

I've seen your posts jakey. You're no republican.
You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.

Obama didn’t order investigations into his enemies so he can’t be considered to have set this precedent.

Neither did Trump.... He asked for investigations into criminal corruption
And money laundering of American taxpayer dollars.... The fact that Biden was also a presidential candidate is his problem not Trump's. Biden can't shield himself from criminal prosecution just because he applied for political candidacy.


Really? He asked a country that depends on us for their existence to do him a favor, then immediately held up theirs aid, and that’s just him “asking”?

So Obama didn’t ask anyone be investigated but Trump did. Correct?

How do you know he didn't run for president just to protect himself?

The fact that he's a presidential candidate has nothing to do with his criminality and does not shield him from investigation.
The fact that Romney is a senator that hates Trump doesn't shield him from investigation either. Hell .... Trump is the president and that's all they've done is investigate him
Based solely on political political partisan hackery.

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.

You aren't looking very well. There at least 2 that are registered so they can vie for the votes at the Republican National Convention. And they are both polling with less than 10% but together, if they decide which one would be the better VP, they could derail Rump. Got a newsflash for you, the Republican Party is already split. And NO President trying to be reelected has ever won with a split party. Even though those two can only attribute for about 10% combined, that's enough to split the party. The Party of the Rump is dying fast. You had better start working for a better horse instead of Rump the Jackass.

Better look at the other side. People will be generally pissed if the commies rig their primary to keep Sander's out once again, and they are trying right now. When Mike Moorecrap rallies against the Democrat party, you know how much trouble they are in.

Wow, shades of 1958 and the John Birch Society. There's a commie behind every tree.

Dude this is way beyond 1958.


Actually, it's not. It's the same thing had the JBS gained control in 1964 before Goldwater and his people threw them off the campaign trail. They have been trying to infiltrate the Republican party since the day the JBS was created. And they finally got their boy into the White House. I didn't mind it when they were just putting up signs like "Get us out of the UN". I thought that was cute but harmless. It's an extension off of the Senator McCarthy. RED SCARE
You have been shown plenty of evidence that only republicans are doing this.
Democrats have said that for 4 years....and when it came to 'put up or shut up' they FAILED....every time. YOU CLAIM there is evidence but never can produce any yourself. Those talking points / false narrative you and other snowflakes have become like the tall tales and myths of Big Foot lunatics still spread:

'HE / IT'S OUT THERE, MAN! I ain't seen it myself, BUT I KNOW A GUY WHO KNOWS A GUY!'

(Which sums up the testimony of EVERY Democrat Impeachment 'witness'... Bwuhahahahahaha)
Nope. You are taking a couple of things that happened and using Vladimir Putin's interpretation of them. There is no evidence of anything other than national policy supported by the international community. No personal gain for Biden.

All the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes.

Sadly, you will not.

Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

Obviously you're new to politics. People don't do favors for somebody or some people without getting anything in return. Burisma hiring a drug addict who's the son of a VP didn't do that out of the kindness of their heart. They wanted to buy protection, and they got it. They used his name to try and setup meetings with the State department, and we have the emails to prove that.

You keep saying things like that and you are going to have to go into the hospital to get a Nozzle reduction.
The only really worthwhile possible GOP candidates for 2024 that I would consider are Jared Kushner, Mike Pence, Ivanka and Donald Jr.

I don't think that you would find any of them acceptable

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.

You aren't looking very well. There at least 2 that are registered so they can vie for the votes at the Republican National Convention. And they are both polling with less than 10% but together, if they decide which one would be the better VP, they could derail Rump. Got a newsflash for you, the Republican Party is already split. And NO President trying to be reelected has ever won with a split party. Even though those two can only attribute for about 10% combined, that's enough to split the party. The Party of the Rump is dying fast. You had better start working for a better horse instead of Rump the Jackass.

Better look at the other side. People will be generally pissed if the commies rig their primary to keep Sander's out once again, and they are trying right now. When Mike Moorecrap rallies against the Democrat party, you know how much trouble they are in.

Wow, shades of 1958 and the John Birch Society. There's a commie behind every tree.
They are in Congress. Look harder.

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