GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

They wanted to buy protection, and they got it

So you’re reading their minds?

No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
They wanted to buy protection, and they got it
So you’re reading their minds?

Nah....that was Psychic Shifty Schiff during the Senate hearings presenting their 'air-tight' justification for the House's vote to Impeach.


So where’s the evidence of why Burisma hired Hunter.

Why doesn't Hunter provide that with documents as well as Testimony under Oath?
I forgot that you think engaging in constitutionally established procedure is a coup.
You should really stick to trying to speak for yourself because you SUCK at speaking for me.

No, I consider the Democrats declaring they do not need to afford the Rights of Due Process during an Impeachment 'Lynching' or even actually have a crime to Impeach because the Constitutional Process of Impeachment is a partisan, political tool that allows self-appointed, power hungry rulers to strip Americans of heir right to vote and choose their own leaders to be Un-Constitutional, treasonous bullshit spewed in an attempt to justify their attempted coup.

Yeah. I know what you think. It’s idiotic. None of this is accurate. You don’t know what you’re talking about. A crime is not necessary to be impeached. Trump was not denied due process. The vote isn’t undone.

You’re opinions are bad jokes fed by the idiotic tripe fed to you by your right wing media brainwashers.
They wanted to buy protection, and they got it
So you’re reading their minds?

Nah....that was Psychic Shifty Schiff during the Senate hearings presenting their 'air-tight' justification for the House's vote to Impeach.


So where’s the evidence of why Burisma hired Hunter.

Why doesn't Hunter provide that with documents as well as Testimony under Oath?
Tell you want. If you want to know, go to a court and get a subpoena. Hunter is protected by the constitution. You don’t get to go around it just to satisfy a political vendetta.

Do that, and I have no problem with Biden being investigated.
They wanted to buy protection, and they got it
So you’re reading their minds?

Nah....that was Psychic Shifty Schiff during the Senate hearings presenting their 'air-tight' justification for the House's vote to Impeach.


So where’s the evidence of why Burisma hired Hunter.

Why doesn't Hunter provide that with documents as well as Testimony under Oath?

Sure, as soon as he's called on to do so. He hasn't been because it has had nothing to do with anything for the United States of America. It's only important to Burisma, Hunter Biden and you party of Rumpers. But if you want to, you can get with a bunch of other Party of Rumpers and bring it in front of a court yourselves. And the Judge will have to send out for a really BIGLY Gavel to throw at you as he kicks you out of his courtroom.
What “immunity”? If he was immune there would never had been an impeachment trial.
There WASN'T a trial! Only a whitewash.

House said they had all that was necessary when they impeached him on a partisan vote.

Why are you upset the Senate said they didn't, on a partisan vote?

Is being partisan only allowed for Democrats?
Because a lot more has come out since the Senate cover up. Remember Tramp has been obstructing Congress all along. But I agree the House should have investigated longer before voting on impeachment.

But I agree the House should have investigated longer before voting on impeachment.

Shame that Nadler, Schiff, and Pelosi wanted such an historic Christmas present.

Looks like their Christmas Cracker blew up in their faces.
Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

Trump goes down as an Impeached President

Just like Clinton

Let him run on the sham that passed as a “trial”

and for 20 years, Democrats have been telling us Clinton wasn't impeached, because the Senate acquitted him.
They wanted to buy protection, and they got it

So you’re reading their minds?

No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.
They wanted to buy protection, and they got it

So you’re reading their minds?

No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

It's the Shrooms, man the Shrooms.
Neither did Trump.... He asked for investigations into criminal corruption
And money laundering of American taxpayer dollars.... The fact that Biden was also a presidential candidate is his problem not Trump's. Biden can't shield himself from criminal prosecution just because he applied for political candidacy.


Really? He asked a country that depends on us for their existence to do him a favor, then immediately held up theirs aid, and that’s just him “asking”?

So Obama didn’t ask anyone be investigated but Trump did. Correct?

How do you know he didn't run for president just to protect himself?

The fact that he's a presidential candidate has nothing to do with his criminality and does not shield him from investigation.
The fact that Romney is a senator that hates Trump doesn't shield him from investigation either. Hell .... Trump is the president and that's all they've done is investigate him
Based solely on political political partisan hackery.

Sure. It doesn’t shield him from investigation. But Biden is being subject to political partisan hackery, not investigations. You think he’s a criminal, have the DoJ investigate him, not your sleazy lawyer.

Congress oversees the executive. That’s their job.

Rudolph Giuliani isn't a "sleazy" lawyer at all. In fact, he an expert in corrupt organizations who took down the Colombo Family.

Taking down the Biden Family is right up his alley. Remember that the Bidens have been documented to be involved in both the cocaine and prostitution rackets. Members of the Family have actually been thrown out of the US military for cocaine violations.

Giuliani is corrupt. The Bidens haven't been documented to be involved any of the things you claim. Hunter Biden by himself is the one with all that. Implicating families about things like this brings trumps family right into the spotlight and you don't want to do that.

Riddle me this: Besides the Hunter thing, Joe's brother got an unexpected high paying job at a construction company. Like Hunter with energy, he had no background in construction. And what luck too. After he was hired, that construction company got a 1.5 billion dollar government contract. How do you suppose that happened?

But I bet you'll just :lalala:
So you’re reading their minds?

No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

It's the Shrooms, man the Shrooms.

Shokin knows his audience. Better punch up the drama.
No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

It's the Shrooms, man the Shrooms.

Shokin knows his audience. Better punch up the drama.

Now, why would I want to punch of the drama in a Ukrainian matter. We have enough of a circus in the United States already. And ours has 3 rings, 2 big tents and comes with a Fat Lady, Jackass and a disappearing midget (use your own imagination on that one).
The Bidens haven't been documented to be involved any of the things you claim.

Joe Biden:
'I knew nothing about what Hunter was doing / who he was working for, and did not speak to him about it.'


Meet Joe Biden, Hunter Biden, and 2 of Hunter's
fellow Burisma Board Members / Reps playing
golf together. (They obviously never spoke to each
other the whole day. :p )

Joe Biden:
'No one ever brought up to me that Hunter working for Burisma was or resembled a 'Conflict of Interest.'

State Dept. official flagged Hunter Biden's 'conflict of interest' in Ukraine, testimony shows

"I did not know that at the time," Kent testified. "And when I was on a call with somebody on the vice president's staff and I cannot recall who it was, just briefing on what was happening into Ukraine, I raised my concerns that I had heard that Hunter Biden was on the board of a company owned by somebody that the U.S. Government had spent money trying to get tens of millions of dollars back, and that could create the perception of a conflict of interest."
-- George Kent, a career official at the State Department

(BONUS testimony from Kent:
"nobody in the Ukrainian Government became aware of a hold on military aid" until Aug. 29th -- a month after Trump's July 25 phone call with Ukrainian President Volodymyr Zelensky")

(MORE BONUS testimony from Kent, supporting what Dr. Hill and Ambassador Yavnovich testified to, that eliminating corruption was Trump's FOREIGN POLICY:

"Part of our foreign assistance was specifically focused to try to limit and reduce corruption. And we also tried, to the best of our knowledge and abilities, to do due diligence to make sure that U.S. taxpayer dollars are being spent for the purposes that they were appropriated and that they are as effective as they can be.")

EXTORTION: Biden's videotaped CONFESSION:

Do you say anything that comes into your lil' snowflake mind in defense of the Democrats, IM2, or do you actually make any attempt to get the FACTS?
They wanted to buy protection, and they got it

So you’re reading their minds?

No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

Biden has credibility problems as well. Shokin was corrupt, the person that replaced him was corrupt, Burisma was and is corrupt, the President at the time was corrupt, but the only problem the commies had was with Shokin, not his predecessor, not Burisma, not the President, just Shokin.

Oh, but Biden hates corruption. That's why he only had Shokin fired. If Biden was so hell bent on getting rid of corruption, why didn't he tell his son to stay out of his business; stay out of Ukraine, and go chase ambulances or something? Then when he was exposed, he lied to the American public stating he didn't know his son was working for Burisma. Then a picture surfaced of him, a Burisma official, and Hunter on a golf course together. But you have the nerve to say Shokin has credibility problems???
So you’re reading their minds?

No, I'm listening to what the guy directly involved had to say. Too many indicators that he is telling the truth and the Democrats were lying.
No you're not.

Sure I am. Want to see the Shokin interview? I bet you never seen it before. I have it right here if you're interested. Just ask and I'll post it.
Doesn’t he claim that Biden poisoned him?

Shokin has some credibility problems.

Biden has credibility problems as well. Shokin was corrupt, the person that replaced him was corrupt, Burisma was and is corrupt, the President at the time was corrupt, but the only problem the commies had was with Shokin, not his predecessor, not Burisma, not the President, just Shokin.

Oh, but Biden hates corruption. That's why he only had Shokin fired. If Biden was so hell bent on getting rid of corruption, why didn't he tell his son to stay out of his business; stay out of Ukraine, and go chase ambulances or something? Then when he was exposed, he lied to the American public stating he didn't know his son was working for Burisma. Then a picture surfaced of him, a Burisma official, and Hunter on a golf course together. But you have the nerve to say Shokin has credibility problems???

this is a load of unrelated nonsense.

Biden couldn’t replace the president, obviously. They had to work with him. Biden didn’t choose the successor either and when they did appoint him, they weren’t sure he was corrupt. They had to give him a chance like the gave Shokin a chance. Turns out Shokin was wasting US taxpayer dollars and time so the US felt compelled to respond rather than flush more tax dollars down the toilet.

Oh and that photo with a Burisma official is Devon Archer, Hunter’s long time business partner and friend. It’s silly to try to recharacterize it.
Yeah. I know what you think.
NO, no you DON'T, lil' snowflake. Once more so you might just get it this time:

You should really stick to trying to speak for yourself because you SUCK at speaking for me.

No, I consider the Democrats declaring they do not need to afford the Rights of Due Process during an Impeachment 'Lynching' or even actually have a crime to Impeach because the Constitutional Process of Impeachment is a partisan, political tool that allows self-appointed, power hungry rulers to strip Americans of heir right to vote and choose their own leaders to be Un-Constitutional, treasonous bullshit spewed in an attempt to justify their attempted coup.
Yeah. I know what you think.
NO, no you DON'T, lil' snowflake. Once more so you might just get it this time:

You should really stick to trying to speak for yourself because you SUCK at speaking for me.

No, I consider the Democrats declaring they do not need to afford the Rights of Due Process during an Impeachment 'Lynching' or even actually have a crime to Impeach because the Constitutional Process of Impeachment is a partisan, political tool that allows self-appointed, power hungry rulers to strip Americans of heir right to vote and choose their own leaders to be Un-Constitutional, treasonous bullshit spewed in an attempt to justify their attempted coup.

You suck at thinking for yourself. I’ve read what you’ve written. It’s garbage. Uninformed garbage. You think that due process applies to impeachment. It doesn’t. You’re an idiot. You think you can rewrite the rules. You can’t.

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