GOP Could Impeach Biden If He Wins....Here We Go Down Stupid Lane

Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

He is allowed to investigate international criminal activity when it involves taxpayer money. If Biden was a presidential candidate and a criminal at the same time that's his fucking problem.

Nope. You are taking a couple of things that happened and using Vladimir Putin's interpretation of them. There is no evidence of anything other than national policy supported by the international community. No personal gain for Biden.

All the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes.

Sadly, you will not.

Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Yes we do know that. Just because you have chosen to beleive every lie trump tells you... Because there is no Joe Biden or Obama administration and Burisma.

Obama may not have been involved but he sure as hell knew about it. there's a good reason why Barack Obama can't stand Joe Biden and really doesn't want to have anything to do with him.


There was no Joe Biden and Burisma. Obama presented Biden with the medal of freedom I beleive. So you're just posting inaccuracies here.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

He is allowed to investigate international criminal activity when it involves taxpayer money. If Biden was a presidential candidate and a criminal at the same time that's his fucking problem.


Trump wasn’t investigating. He didn’t even tell the DoJ. Hard to say he was trying to root out crime without having mentioned anything to the cops.

You would have impeached any Democrat for doing what Trump did. Hell, you all were whining because you falsely accused Obama of investigating Trump’s campaign.
Turnabout's fair play. Except Biden won't face impeachment because he'll never be president.

Turnabout's fair play? Yeah, that's what we said about President Clinton's blowjob impeachment.
How did it work out for ya? Clinton's impeachment was bi-partisan. Trump's was not.

So what? Who cares? Get over it.
You care or you wouldn't have started a thread about it. Clinton actually committed a crime, Trump did not. See the difference, idiot?

Clinton crime? What, abuse of cigars?

I don’t see any mention of a cigar-

WASHINGTON –– President Clinton has reached a deal with prosecutors to avoid indictment, requiring him to make a written acknowledgment he may have misled investigators in the Monica Lewinsky case and agree to a suspension of his law license, government sources said.
Actually, everyone will lose when the Libs implement their High Tax policies of War and Economic Malaise on this nation. Not just "Rumpers" or whatever other slur you want to attach to supporters of the President.

Then I suggest you help out cleaning house in the Republican Party now to prevent it. Rump has to go.
Even if it means 4 years with a Democrat President. Maybe with that, we can deprogram a bunch of so called Republicans and be ready for 2024. It's time to clean house.

I don't see any Republican on the horizon beating Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie in 2024 if the D's win this fall. The GOP would need to get ready for the 2044 election as it will take time to regain the trust of the people in the Heartland.

I can think of 4. But the Party of the Rump won't hear of it since they aren't Rump.

The only really worthwhile possible GOP candidates for 2024 that I would consider are Jared Kushner, Mike Pence, Ivanka and Donald Jr.

I don't think that you would find any of them acceptable

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.
His son never denied being paid by Burisma.

And there is video evidence of Biden bragging about when he threatened to pull one billion in aid as a Quid Pro Quo. According to Dems just threatening to withhold aid to Ukraine is threatening national security because it would benefit Russia.

Dems set those standards, so Biden would be impeachable.
Nope. You are taking a couple of things that happened and using Vladimir Putin's interpretation of them. There is no evidence of anything other than national policy supported by the international community. No personal gain for Biden.

All the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes.

Sadly, you will not.

Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Yes we do know that. Just because you have chosen to beleive every lie trump tells you... Because there is no Joe Biden or Obama administration and Burisma.

Suer there is, that's what the impeachment was all about. Trump was getting suspicious about what went on there,and it had to do with the Obama administration, Joe, Hunter and Burisma.

'No Crime Is Needed For Impeachment'

'Impeachment is POLITICAL'.

View attachment 304231

Yeah, and 'Be careful what you ask just might get it'.

It would be funny as hell....and 'justice' .... if Biden wins the Presidency, and he is Immediately Impeached for Extortion, for extorting the former Ukraine PM....and all they would have to do is play his videotaped confession.



It’s a little early to be this oblivious.

Not soon as Harry Reid changed the Senate rules everybody predicted that it would bite him in the ass almost idmmediately after he did it.

This is not like what Reid did. This votes gives the president unlimited power.

Put down the hot glass bowl dude it's exactly like what what Reid did. He had a majority so he abused that authority to step outside the norm and get something done. little did he know that Mitch McConnell would shove it up his ass in Royal Style just a few years later. 200 plus appointments to the federal bench and the first term isn't even over yet. The Democrats in the house pulled out impeachment for political reasons and now it's out.

Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

He is allowed to investigate international criminal activity when it involves taxpayer money. If Biden was a presidential candidate and a criminal at the same time that's his fucking problem.


There was no criminal conduct that's the point you fail to understand. trump didn't care about an investigation, he just wanted it to be announced on US airwaves so he could hammer that lie on Biden during the campaign. trump is a cheater. He has cheated on his wives, and is a notorious golf cheat. He cheated the tax system, cheated contractors out of money, cheated people out of charitable contributions and he has cheated laws regarding fraud. He will do whatever it takes to have his way and if you don't think he was cheating here to get Biden out of the competition, then you really have no clue about the type of person trump is.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

tRump's Impeachment is not "nothing".
Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Using your logic, Shokin probably was a Unicorn who was working to get the Tooth Fairy as the new leader of Ukraine. Or maybe, Shokin was vending Hotdogs and Biden got a bad one and Shokin's Hotdog Trailer had to go. See, I can make crap up as well.

It very possible that Shokin was fired for not returning Biden’s friend request on Facebook.
So that why the EU wanted him removed?

Shokin friended Belarus but not France. They don’t take kindly to that kind of snub.
Lol, riiiiiiight.
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

You mean like the FBI? The IRS? Those kinds of government people?
Yeah. Those kinds of government people. Exactly.

But it’s now proven that this behavior is okay, so the next president gets to do whatever they want.

The precedent is set. Thanks a lot.

That precedent was not set by Trump, it was set by Obama since that's what happened under his watch.

Obama didn’t order investigations into his enemies so he can’t be considered to have set this precedent.
Then I suggest you help out cleaning house in the Republican Party now to prevent it. Rump has to go.
Even if it means 4 years with a Democrat President. Maybe with that, we can deprogram a bunch of so called Republicans and be ready for 2024. It's time to clean house.

I don't see any Republican on the horizon beating Sleepy Joe or Crazy Bernie in 2024 if the D's win this fall. The GOP would need to get ready for the 2044 election as it will take time to regain the trust of the people in the Heartland.

I can think of 4. But the Party of the Rump won't hear of it since they aren't Rump.

The only really worthwhile possible GOP candidates for 2024 that I would consider are Jared Kushner, Mike Pence, Ivanka and Donald Jr.

I don't think that you would find any of them acceptable

You still don't get it. The Party of the Rump is a goner. Your Cultist slip is showing.

Assuming you are right, where are the 'real' Republicans at now, in 2020, running? I don't see any Anti-Trump Republicans even showing their faces, much less running for office.

You aren't looking very well. There at least 2 that are registered so they can vie for the votes at the Republican National Convention. And they are both polling with less than 10% but together, if they decide which one would be the better VP, they could derail Rump. Got a newsflash for you, the Republican Party is already split. And NO President trying to be reelected has ever won with a split party. Even though those two can only attribute for about 10% combined, that's enough to split the party. The Party of the Rump is dying fast. You had better start working for a better horse instead of Rump the Jackass.

Republicans control the Justice Department right now
Why aren’t they prosecuting Biden for his “crimes” ?

Probably because it’s not illegal. Washington has gone out of its way to make loopholes and make it perfect legal for politicians to become millionaires through corruption. Stopping Washington corruption would no doubt require many new laws.

'No Crime Is Needed For Impeachment'

'Impeachment is POLITICAL'.

View attachment 304231

Yeah, and 'Be careful what you ask just might get it'.

It would be funny as hell....and 'justice' .... if Biden wins the Presidency, and he is Immediately Impeached for Extortion, for extorting the former Ukraine PM....and all they would have to do is play his videotaped confession.



It’s a little early to be this oblivious.

Not soon as Harry Reid changed the Senate rules everybody predicted that it would bite him in the ass almost idmmediately after he did it.

This is not like what Reid did. This votes gives the president unlimited power.

Put down the hot glass bowl dude it's exactly like what what Reid did. He had a majority so he abused that authority to step outside the norm and get something done. little did he know that Mitch McConnell would shove it up his ass in Royal Style just a few years later. 200 plus appointments to the federal bench and the first term isn't even over yet. The Democrats in the house pulled out impeachment for political reasons and now it's out.


The only glass bowl I use is for salads. You guys have done this shit for three years. This is a fucking false equivalence that has no comparison. Reid did not move to give the president unlimited power. This impeachment was about trumps violations, not politics.
Joe Biden Could Be Impeached by GOP Over Ukraine if He Wins, Iowa Senator Says

Well, we've had retarded (Adam Schitt).

And now we are talking counter retarded (Iowa Senator).

I would hope this really would not be the case.

America is fucked as it is.

Do we want to finish her off that much faster ?
Over what?

Over nothing you idiot just like now.
This is why you don't abuse the Congressional rules because it doesn't stop once it starts. There was never a case for impeachment here so now the bar has been lowered to the point where impeachment is going to be brought up every time a president loses the house. Very very stupid.

The president isn’t allowed to send the government after his political enemies. If Obama had done this, y’all would have done the same thing.

He is allowed to investigate international criminal activity when it involves taxpayer money. If Biden was a presidential candidate and a criminal at the same time that's his fucking problem.

Except that there is absolutely no evidence of sny of that. It's all a Russian conspiracy theory.
Nope. You are taking a couple of things that happened and using Vladimir Putin's interpretation of them. There is no evidence of anything other than national policy supported by the international community. No personal gain for Biden.

All the evidence is there, all you have to do is open your eyes.

Sadly, you will not.

Uh-huh, his son banking $50-80k a month for doing next to nothing isn’t a personal gain for the Biden family.

You’re delusional.

Joe Biden didn’t do anything as VP to get Hunter his position. If Burisma wants to pay him $80k a month, that’s their decision. It’s not your money so stop whining.

First of all, you don't know that. Secondly, it's less about Hunter than it is how it relates to the Obama administration and what Burisma got in return. So far, we know that it's very possible Joe stopped Shokin from throughly investigating Burisma.

Yes we do know that. Just because you have chosen to beleive every lie trump tells you... Because there is no Joe Biden or Obama administration and Burisma.

Suer there is, that's what the impeachment was all about. Trump was getting suspicious about what went on there,and it had to do with the Obama administration, Joe, Hunter and Burisma.

Good story. Doesn’t pass the smell test.

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