'GOP Cut CDC Funding' Lie Gets Four Pinocchios


Platinum Member
Dec 18, 2011
The Dems are desperate. Can't have sloppy leadership going into the election. With so many Dems trailing in the polls, they needed something big and fast, so the new lie is that the Ebola scare was caused by Republicans. I am waiting for campaign ads that claim we will all perish from Ebola if more Dems aren't elected.

Obama actually wanted cuts. And the Dems used the sequester to try and force Republicans into condoning irresponsible spending.

Besides, when the head of the CDC is incompetent, no amount of money will make up for it. I guess the claim is that they needed millions more to be able to tell the truth about Ebola and inform hospitals. Seriously, emails advising on protocol would have done the trick and hospitals buy their own supplies when they know what they'll need. Why does government always claim to need millions to do simple tasks?

How much did it cost us to bring in the respiratory illness and other fun stuff that the illegal aliens gifted us with? Seems there is always money for what congress and the president want, but they are quick to use lack of funding as an excuse when things go wrong. We all know that throwing more money at problems always makes everything better.

CDC funding greatly rose under Bush, but the media found that little fact too distasteful to report.

The Myth of the Budget Cuts exposed:


And here are a few things they waste money on:

The $30 billion U.S. National Institutes of Health blamed tightening federal budgets on Monday for its inability to produce an Ebola vaccine, but a review of its grant-making history in the last 10 years has turned up highly unusual research that redirected precious funds away from more conventional public health projects.

The projects included $2.4 million to develop “origami” condoms designed with Japanese folding paper in mind, and $939,000 to find out that male fruit flies prefer to romance younger females because the girl-flies’ hormone levels drop over time.

Other winners of NIH grants consumed $325,000 to learn that marriages are happier when wives calm down more quickly during arguments with their husbands, and $257,000 to make an online game as a companion to first lady Michelle Obama’s White House garden.

The agency also spent $117,000 in taxpayers’ grant dollars to discover that most chimpanzees are right-handed.

The same group of scientists determined, at a cost of $592,000 for NIH, that chimps with the best poop-throwing skills are also the best communicators. …

Part of a $666,000 NIH grant supported a University of Buffalo researcher who determined that watching sitcom reruns like “Seinfeld” or re-watching old movies helps older people feel re-connected with pseudo-friends from their past.

Another outlay of $181,000 went to University of Kentucky researchers who studied how cocaine use “enhanced” the sex drive of the Japanese quail.

About Those NIH 8220 Budget Cuts 8221 Power Line
The Myth of the Budget Cuts exposed:

View attachment 32902

And here are a few things they waste money on:

The $30 billion U.S. National Institutes of Health blamed tightening federal budgets on Monday for its inability to produce an Ebola vaccine, but a review of its grant-making history in the last 10 years has turned up highly unusual research that redirected precious funds away from more conventional public health projects.

The projects included $2.4 million to develop “origami” condoms designed with Japanese folding paper in mind, and $939,000 to find out that male fruit flies prefer to romance younger females because the girl-flies’ hormone levels drop over time.

Other winners of NIH grants consumed $325,000 to learn that marriages are happier when wives calm down more quickly during arguments with their husbands, and $257,000 to make an online game as a companion to first lady Michelle Obama’s White House garden.

The agency also spent $117,000 in taxpayers’ grant dollars to discover that most chimpanzees are right-handed.

The same group of scientists determined, at a cost of $592,000 for NIH, that chimps with the best poop-throwing skills are also the best communicators. …

Part of a $666,000 NIH grant supported a University of Buffalo researcher who determined that watching sitcom reruns like “Seinfeld” or re-watching old movies helps older people feel re-connected with pseudo-friends from their past.

Another outlay of $181,000 went to University of Kentucky researchers who studied how cocaine use “enhanced” the sex drive of the Japanese quail.

About Those NIH 8220 Budget Cuts 8221 Power Line

My husband completely came unglued over the origami condoms.

And an ebola czar exists..and she was busted for funneling money away from ebola vaccination research, and into the pockets of friends.

Indeed. Her name is Dr. Nicole Lurie. Why isn't she providing information to the public instead of Dr. Transfat Freiden?

So, we have an office for public health threat preparedness and response. And one of HHS’ eight assistant secretaries is the assistant secretary for preparedness and response, whose job it is to “lead the nation in preventing, responding to and recovering from the adverse health effects of public health emergencies and disasters, ranging from hurricanes to bioterrorism.”

In the video below, the woman who heads that office, Dr. Nicole Lurie, explains that the responsibilities of her office are “to help our country prepare for, respond to and recover from public health threats.” She says her major priority is to help the country prepare for emergencies and to “have the countermeasures—the medicines or vaccines that people might need to use in a public health emergency. So a large part of my office also is responsible for developing those countermeasures.”

Or, as National Journal rather glowingly puts it, “Lurie’s job is to plan for the unthinkable. A global flu pandemic? She has a plan. A bioterror attack? She’s on it. Massive earthquake? Yep. Her responsibilities as assistant secretary span public health, global health, and homeland security.” A profile of Lurie quoted her as saying, “I have responsibility for getting the nation prepared for public health emergencies—whether naturally occurring disasters or man-made, as well as for helping it respond and recover. It’s a pretty significant undertaking.” Still another refers to her as “the highest-ranking federal official in charge of preparing the nation to face such health crises as earthquakes, hurricanes, terrorist attacks, and pandemic influenza.”...

President Obama Already Has An Ebola Czar. Where Is She
That won't matter to their sheep base as we've already seen four or five threads on here.

How terrible it must to be so DEVOTED and enslaved by a party you spread their lies with no shame
The Dems are desperate. Can't have sloppy leadership going into the election. With so many Dems trailing in the polls, they needed something big and fast, so the new lie is that the Ebola scare was caused by Republicans. I am waiting for campaign ads that claim we will all perish from Ebola if more Dems aren't elected.

Obama actually wanted cuts. And the Dems used the sequester to try and force Republicans into condoning irresponsible spending.

Besides, when the head of the CDC is incompetent, no amount of money will make up for it. I guess the claim is that they needed millions more to be able to tell the truth about Ebola and inform hospitals. Seriously, emails advising on protocol would have done the trick and hospitals buy their own supplies when they know what they'll need. Why does government always claim to need millions to do simple tasks?

How much did it cost us to bring in the respiratory illness and other fun stuff that the illegal aliens gifted us with? Seems there is always money for what congress and the president want, but they are quick to use lack of funding as an excuse when things go wrong. We all know that throwing more money at problems always makes everything better.

CDC funding greatly rose under Bush, but the media found that little fact too distasteful to report.


And an ebola czar exists..and she was busted for funneling money away from ebola vaccination research, and into the pockets of friends.
Well, the Dems now are blaming the GOP for defunding the CDC and is hampering Ebola research. What the bandylegged little peckerheads fail to mention is the GOP defunded $2.6 million for the CDCs planned research on Gun Violence. CDC = Center for Disease Control. Kinda makes ya wonder sometimes. What virus would push gun violence?
Typical election year B.S. hopefully the images of the head of CDC seemingly knot knowing what he is talking about from one day to the next resonate more than these silly far left talking points.

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