GOP cuts funding for veterans administration, then blame General Shinseki

Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill:


A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.


"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
I did a quick google on this and congress did change this in feb 2014 and the Military Pension plan went back to normal.... and Obama signed it, so I guess you are WRONG on this one....

Congress restores military pensions - Feb. 12, 2014
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?

No, republicans have failed at their job to fund the VA, then blamed Shinseki. Nice try scumbag.

You and DK are liars and I proved it. They have even the President more $$$$ than he asked for.

But you won't let go of your lie will you?

That makes you officially a scumbucket. :D
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

Don't try to play the funding game lefties. It only makes you look stupid. Shinseki "took responsibility" for the negligent deaths of Veterans but of course in political speak the word "responsibility" means the opposite.

Oh, like fiscal "responsibility", when Raygun tripled the national debt after promising to balance the budget...and when Shrub daddy doubled the national again in only four years...and when Shrub Jr. doubled it again, and destroyed the whole economy....and when he wasted $3 trillion on the Iraq war. Yeah, let's talk about "responsibility".
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

Wow, a Democrat willing to spend money on something? You must be really serious about this, LOL... Actually there have been no cuts, this is another lie. Not voting to increase money as fast as Democrats want to isn't a "cut."
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

Don't try to play the funding game lefties. It only makes you look stupid. Shinseki "took responsibility" for the negligent deaths of Veterans but of course in political speak the word "responsibility" means the opposite.

Oh, like fiscal "responsibility", when Raygun tripled the national debt after promising to balance the budget...and when Shrub daddy doubled the national again in only four years...and when Shrub Jr. doubled it again, and destroyed the whole economy....and when he wasted $3 trillion on the Iraq war. Yeah, let's talk about "responsibility".

You don't know anything about how budgets are passed, you don't know history and you don't know economics, so explaining to you what happened is pointless.

However, I will give you the 411 on one thing. Federal tax receipts doubled under Reagan. Tip O'Neill just spent it even faster than that. I'll let you return to your partisan fog now.
There is no money for veteran care There's money for new furniture and drapes. There's plenty of money for a sex change operation for convicted spy, but no money for veteran care.

It's all a matter of priorities.
The GOP mantra is to delegitimize, defund, derail, and destroy the basic government functions that serve the people, and then say, "Look! Government doesn't work."

^ that

I would have thought by now that most would know this. :dunno: Its been their game plan ever since the Gipper.
Funding in 2000 was $44.8 billion. In 2013 $138.8 billion.
the service connected disabilities has grown by 1.1 million in that time.
2000 2.4 million
2013 3.5 million
It would seem the increase of $94 billion over the time period should be adequate.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

How would some bogus "jobs" initiative pissing away $1 Billion on a failed government boondoggle have affected the VA's failure to address the veterans' medical issues?

Did you even read beyond the bullshit Daily Kos headline, you fucking mental midget?

Read the text of the bill, dimwit.

Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

Thanks for reposting my link. Sad to see you didn't read it.
[ame=]Judge Jeanine Pirro Opening Statement - Veterans Left To Die By The VA - VA Full Blown Scandal - YouTube[/ame]
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

How would some bogus "jobs" initiative pissing away $1 Billion on a failed government boondoggle have affected the VA's failure to address the veterans' medical issues?

Did you even read beyond the bullshit Daily Kos headline, you fucking mental midget?

Read the text of the bill, dimwit.

Bill Text - 113th Congress (2013-2014) - THOMAS (Library of Congress)

. Sad to see you didn't read it.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

Wow, a Democrat willing to spend money on something? You must be really serious about this, LOL... Actually there have been no cuts, this is another lie. Not voting to increase money as fast as Democrats want to isn't a "cut."

Yes it is when the number of new enrollees and returning war vets is increasing exponentially.

Last time (last Fri) I went to the clinic there was a line of old men and vets waiting to sign up. It's so bad they had to move the mental health clinic to it's own building to give enrollment it's own area with seven windows.

And the clinic is only 8 years old. It's busting at the seams.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

Wow, a Democrat willing to spend money on something? You must be really serious about this, LOL... Actually there have been no cuts, this is another lie. Not voting to increase money as fast as Democrats want to isn't a "cut."

Yes it is when the number of new enrollees and returning war vets is increasing exponentially.

Last time (last Fri) I went to the clinic there was a line of old men and vets waiting to sign up. It's so bad they had to move the mental health clinic to it's own building to give enrollment it's own area with seven windows.

And the clinic is only 8 years old. It's busting at the seams.

We spend trillions on things that are less important. What if we cut some of that fat so we can afford it. A liberal saying let's spend more is meaningless, a liberal saying let's stop spending money on A and B so we can afford C is what would be persuasive that it's anything but an attack point to you.
There were E-mails from the administration directing doctors not to treat certain patients so that the bureaucrats could earn bonuses by saving money while the Veterans died or committed suicide. How do you blame the majority party in congress for that?
The problems with the VA doesn't come from lack of funding. It's government laziness. The salaried doctors and other medical personnel just didn't work very hard. In some cases, doctors only saw two patients a day. The VA has the same kind of work ethic as the DMV or Post office. Then they covered up the lack of interest by creative appointment books. This is an unfortunate byproduct of single payer health care.

Lying and covering up is the hallmark of this entire evil regime.
The reality here is, that Republicans could have cut more, but Obama sat there and ignored it for 6 years. Ample time to correct this situation...
This lying thread is still going?


I proved early on that the budget has been increasing for the VA. Sheesh. Talk about flogging a dead horse.
Funny how we were lectured about wanting to "cash in" on the deaths of four men in Benghazi, about how our outrage was hollow, but here we have liberals trying to pin this on Republicans, attempting to cash in on the deaths of hundreds of our vets in VA hospitals.

Dear Liberals, when are you planning to establish a select committee on the VA?

Several media outlets are reporting that the GOP Budget cuts funding for veterans. These same outlets charge that the GOP budget doesn’t even mention the word “veterans.” Both charges are wrong.

These reports stem from a misreading of the GOP Budget and by comparing the CBO scoring of the GOP Budget and the President’s Budget, with that of OMB’s score of the President’s Budget. Using CBO scoring for both budgets, the GOP Budget exceeds the funding levels for veterans over the next 10 year as compared to the President’s budget (see chart below).

Learn more about funding veterans programs from the House Budget Committee.
The Facts

FACT: The GOP Budget Keeps Discretionary Spending for Veterans Exactly the Same as Proposed By President Obama: $61.342 Billion.

Using CBO numbers (which, by law, every Congressional budget resolution must use), the GOP budget assumes discretionary spending (i.e., VA medical care, construction, claims processing and national cemetery administration, etc.) on veterans in FY 2013 at exactly the amount requested in the President’s Budget.

In both budgets, this translates to a 4.3% increase above the FY 2012 funding level for VA, as recommended in the House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ bipartisan Views and Estimates letter.

FACT: The GOP Budget Fully Funds VA Entitlement Programs in FY 2013 and Beyond. Again, using CBO numbers, the GOP budget fully funds VA entitlement programs (i.e., disability compensation, pension, GI Bill, etc.) this year and beyond.

The only difference between the GOP Budget and the President’s Budget under mandatory spending is the exclusion of the President’s $1 billion Veterans Jobs Corps proposal, on which the Administration has yet to produce any details.

The exclusion of the Veterans Jobs Corps in FY 2013 spending is supported by all 11 House Committee on Veterans’ Affairs’ Democrats and Senator Patty Murray of the Senate Committee on Veterans' Affairs (see SVAC V&E letter).

FACT: The Word “Veterans” Appears 41 Times in the GOP Budget. FY 2014 advanced appropriations for veterans’ medical care is dictated by Section 501(c) of the GOP budget resolution, which permits advance appropriation not exceeding $54.462 Billion “for the following programs in the Department of Veterans Affairs – (A) Medical Services; (B) Medical Support and Compliance; and (C) Medical Facilities accounts of the Veterans Health Administration.”

The word “veterans” clearly appears in the GOP Budget.

Rest at link. I wish liberals could stop lying.

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans | House Committee on Veterans' Affairs

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