GOP cuts funding for veterans administration, then blame General Shinseki

Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill:


A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.


"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”

Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
Is there ANY PART of this administration that is honest enough to accept responsibility for their fuck ups?

You liberal cock suckers blame the GOP for EVERYTHING
Don't you conservative c s ers as you call partisans, BLAME EVERYTHING on liburals and Obama? Has the GOP EVER taken responsibilities for their actions? Ever?

See dear gramps, it does go both ways....

Now that doesn't solve anything...pointing fingers at the other guy and trying to get people fired that don't deserve firing, at least not as of yet, when it comes to the VA Head...

What we need to do is FUND the VA...and cut some of the other defense spending waste to do it.

This should be A BIPARTISAN EFFORT....


(we are one messed up group of people if we can't agree on funding veterans health care to the LEVEL THEY NEED.)
Is there ANY PART of this administration that is honest enough to accept responsibility for their fuck ups?

You liberal cock suckers blame the GOP for EVERYTHING
Don't you conservative c s ers as you call partisans, BLAME EVERYTHING on liburals and Obama? Has the GOP EVER taken responsibilities for their actions? Ever?

See dear gramps, it does go both ways....

Now that doesn't solve anything...pointing fingers at the other guy and trying to get people fired that don't deserve firing, at least not as of yet, when it comes to the VA Head...

What we need to do is FUND the VA...and cut some of the other defense spending waste to do it.

This should be A BIPARTISAN EFFORT....


(we are one messed up group of people if we can't agree on funding veterans health care to the LEVEL THEY NEED.)

the loser Let keeps forgetting they are in charge. look at them; cryin like babies; and their best excuses are reduced to "well you guys did the same thing!"
Is there ANY PART of this administration that is honest enough to accept responsibility for their fuck ups?

You liberal cock suckers blame the GOP for EVERYTHING
Don't you conservative c s ers as you call partisans, BLAME EVERYTHING on liburals and Obama? Has the GOP EVER taken responsibilities for their actions? Ever?

See dear gramps, it does go both ways....

Now that doesn't solve anything...pointing fingers at the other guy and trying to get people fired that don't deserve firing, at least not as of yet, when it comes to the VA Head...

What we need to do is FUND the VA...and cut some of the other defense spending waste to do it.

This should be A BIPARTISAN EFFORT....


(we are one messed up group of people if we can't agree on funding veterans health care to the LEVEL THEY NEED.)
"They all do it" is a failure. When did Bush ever blame Clinton for anything? When did Reagan blame Carter?
We have cut defense spending to levels below WW2. How much further would you like to cut our ability to counter worldwide aggression so we can provide Viagra for old alcoholics?
While funding is important, I will not defend Gen. Shinseki on this one, he should know better than anyone else " You Improvise, You Adapt, You Overcome", to get the best care you can for your brothers and sisters. As an Officer it is his DUTY to see to it that this mission is carried out, if he fails, he should know better than anyone else it is his DUTY to resign. Yes funding is important and the problems with the VA cross many Administrations and talk is cheap, yeah is really nice to say you support Vets when election time rolls around , but when the elections are over, that's when you really see who supports Vets and who doesn't and most of the time Vets are an afterthought. These folks at the VA that are responsible for this need to go and go now, as do the political types who sit back and allow the men and women who they sent to war and defend this nation suffer back home.
they have half a billion for furniture; then rant that the reason for the shocking mismanagement of our troops is budget cuts

libs are losers who lie to themselves

So you think it better to dump tons and tons of files on the floor of an old building? So many that the building was about to crumble?


Seems you folks have no idea what "Bureaucracy" is all about.

Some of it is about managing information. And without proper funding and equipment?

That becomes impossible.
Is there ANY PART of this administration that is honest enough to accept responsibility for their fuck ups?

You liberal cock suckers blame the GOP for EVERYTHING
Don't you conservative c s ers as you call partisans, BLAME EVERYTHING on liburals and Obama? Has the GOP EVER taken responsibilities for their actions? Ever?

See dear gramps, it does go both ways....

Now that doesn't solve anything...pointing fingers at the other guy and trying to get people fired that don't deserve firing, at least not as of yet, when it comes to the VA Head...

What we need to do is FUND the VA...and cut some of the other defense spending waste to do it.

This should be A BIPARTISAN EFFORT....


(we are one messed up group of people if we can't agree on funding veterans health care to the LEVEL THEY NEED.)

No it doesn't go both ways dearie. I have made quite a few threads about republican fuck ups and my rep bares the scars to prove it. In all my time here I've only seen ONE liberal accept blame for mistakes made by the Obama administration.
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill:


A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.


"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
that's only session's OPINION....

here's another from the same link:

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.

The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill:


A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.


"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
that's only session's OPINION....

here's another from the same link:

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.

The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.

um; that's only Murray's opinion

what a joke you are
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

This has been an ongoing problem for some time now. President Obama actually raised the amount of money going to the VA.

However, although the investigation is partisan in nature? I am glad it's going on.

Veterans have been getting the shaft for far too long..and it really should be a priority to make sure they get the benefits they need.

Sallow a heads up. I went directly to the Budget. It's been going up under the Republicans. Don't fall for the Daily Kos lie.

The GOP Budget exceeds the funding levels for veterans over the next 10 year as compared to the President’s budget

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans | House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
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The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

This has been an ongoing problem for some time now. President Obama actually raised the amount of money going to the VA.

However, although the investigation is partisan in nature? I am glad it's going on.

Veterans have been getting the shaft for far too long..and it really should be a priority to make sure they get the benefits they need.

Sallow a heads up. I went directly to the Budget. It's been going up under the Republicans. Don't fall for the Daily Kos lie.

, the GOP Budget exceeds the funding levels for veterans over the next 10 year as compared to the President’s budget

FY 2013 Budget: The Facts for Veterans | House Committee on Veterans' Affairs
Have ANY of these budgets passed both congresses and been signed by the President?
The truth is out there.

Q: Does this budget cut spending on veterans programs?

A: No. The Path to Prosperity matches the President’s discretionary request for veterans for fiscal year 2013: $61.3 billion. Over the ten-year window, the House Republican budget is actually above the President’s request on both the mandatory and discretionary side of the ledger.

On the mandatory side, the House Republican budget calls for $720 million more than President’s request. On the discretionary side, the House Republican budget calls for $16.4 billion more than President’s request, increasing America’s funding for services and benefits earned by veterans.

Q: Does this budget neglect to mention veterans?
A: No. This bizarre claim is demonstrably false, as the word “veteran” appears 41 times in the House Republican fiscal year 2013 budget resolution.

Defense and Veterans Q&A | Budget.House.Gov
I picked up at Stars and Stripes that they got a 4% increase in 2011.

WASHINGTON — While many agencies are cutting back or barely holding steady, the Department of Veterans Affairs’ budget is growing.

The agency would get a modest 4 percent increase in its budget next year over its request for this year, bringing its funding to $132 billion.

As has been the case the last two years, the focus of the increased spending is on the needs of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. More than $6 billion will go to mental health and traumatic brain injury needs.

Budget breakdown: Veterans Affairs - News - Stripes
too bad the President's budgets were not passed, he has proposed a minimum of a 10% increase in VA spending for every year in office....

The president's budget had outrageous spending increases everywhere in the budget.
This instance would just show that a broken clock is right twice a day.

Also, there isn't enough oversight with the spending that's being done with our tax dollars....sadly.
When full sequestration was happening money was being moved around and the spending was being specifically targeted as it should without all the frills. One person lost their job over person. Just goes to show that the government can do it right when they have to.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

very few on their side are vets so :eusa_whistle: Thats where the term- "chicken hawks" originated.
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

very few on their side are vets so :eusa_whistle: Thats where the term- "chicken hawks" originated.

another idiotic claim you losers cant back up

i'm a veteran of Iraq you dolt

anyway it was obama and democrats who cut funding for veterans; and have placed costs on people still in the military

you are a joke
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

Name one conservative that questioned his serving honorably in the military for 40 years, hungover? Name just one, I'll be waiting.
You're comparing apples to oranges.....military service to a cabinet position. :eusa_whistle:
The scum of the cons goes on forever. They cut a billion dollars in funding for veterans, and now are blaming retired General Shinseki for lack of care given to wounded troops.

GOP's actual track record on supporting veterans

This investigation should come back to bite the cons in the ass just in time for the fall elections.

very few on their side are vets so :eusa_whistle: Thats where the term- "chicken hawks" originated.
Really? You must have the facts to back up your ignorant claim, darlin'.

FYI......most of the military leans right.
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