GOP cuts funding for veterans administration, then blame General Shinseki

Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
that's only session's OPINION....

here's another from the same link:

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.

The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.

um; that's only Murray's opinion

what a joke you are
I KNOW that Bedowin.....keep up! Just showing how with every TIT, there is a TAT....tit for tat, tit for tat, repubs vs dems, rebubs vs dems....

How is this solving anything?

How about for ONCE in 6 fricking years, BOTH SIDES of the aisle work together to TAKE CARE of this problem....?

My husband IS A DISABLED VET, and he gets his healthcare from the VA, (though we do have insurance with his work to cover me, he ONLY uses the VA, because this is where he feels most comfortable)

So I have PLENTY at stake here and so do many other Disabled Veterans and their spouses and children.
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?
Can you tell us what he HAS accomplished and what he HASN'T accomplished in his years in the job? Do you know?
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?
Can you tell us what he HAS accomplished and what he HASN'T accomplished in his years in the job? Do you know?

Sadly.....whether deserving or not, he has to answer for what is going on under his tenure.
only a loser like you; a rabid partisan idiot; would excuse the guy and hide behind his record. he's failed at his job; you want to dismiss the tens of thousands of veterans getting shaby treatment on his watch; to hide behind his record of earlier achievements; really just to provide cover for your messiah obama

why dont you be a man for once in your life and admit the obvious?
Can you tell us what he HAS accomplished and what he HASN'T accomplished in his years in the job? Do you know?

Sadly.....whether deserving or not, he has to answer for what is going on under his tenure.
Yes, and up until last year, he drastically reduced wait times with the VA...we had the effects of the Sequestration and other things happen this very time period of it falling apart we need to get to the bottom of this and see if he truly is at fault, and he could be....I am not saying he isn't....

What I don't want to see is him being used as a scapegoat and never getting to the bottom of what was going on and what we need to do to NOT make the same mistakes again!!!

But I have a feeling with this partisan frenzy going on....that just won't happen, and the only people being hurt AGAIN are the Veterans....
IN THE FALL; Republicans will retain the House and almost certainly take the Senate back

good luck with your delusions though leftardz
The Obama Administration has cut the military to the lowest level since before WW2. When asked about how to cut the deficit, every liberal here mouths "Cut Defense Spending." So we cut defense spending and now you want to complain because the administration can't manage the VA.
Fuck you.

Moron, defense spending is different than veterans benefits spending. It has nothing to do with taking care of those that were wounded in Shrub's stupid war.

On top of that, defense spending has not been cut what so ever. Cons would obstruct any cuts in defense spending, and you know it.


And once veterans are no longer active military? It's no longer counted as defense spending.

And once veterans are no longer active military they have been getting the shaft from EVERY Administration since Vietnam....this one aint no different.....
Is there ANY PART of this administration that is honest enough to accept responsibility for their fuck ups?

You liberal cock suckers blame the GOP for EVERYTHING
Don't you conservative c s ers as you call partisans, BLAME EVERYTHING on liburals and Obama? Has the GOP EVER taken responsibilities for their actions? Ever?

See dear gramps, it does go both ways....

Now that doesn't solve anything...pointing fingers at the other guy and trying to get people fired that don't deserve firing, at least not as of yet, when it comes to the VA Head...

What we need to do is FUND the VA...and cut some of the other defense spending waste to do it.

This should be A BIPARTISAN EFFORT....


(we are one messed up group of people if we can't agree on funding veterans health care to the LEVEL THEY NEED.)

No it doesn't go both ways dearie. I have made quite a few threads about republican fuck ups and my rep bares the scars to prove it. In all my time here I've only seen ONE liberal accept blame for mistakes made by the Obama administration.
Simply not true, the Obama supporters do denounce Obama for his mistakes all the time, the only difference is that they see different things as his mistakes than those on the right you are blindly not accounting for them....

I have seen Obama being blasted by the liberals on the faster track deportation of illegals, blasted on not getting "The Public Option" in Obamacare, and blasted by the left for not pursuing Universal Health care, and for not closing Gitmo, and many other things that he said he would do but didn't....

but you guys don't hear these complaints because you silently agree with Obama on these things that these lefties disagree with Obama on and say Obama is at fault for.....

So, although these bashes on Obama are not the same as the ones Cons put forth, they still have bashed him....
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In recent times, the VA has been falling behind and in trouble ever since the influx of wounded physically and mentally troops started returning from Iraq. The Bush Administration was unprepared to handle the load and as a result of the shortsightedness James Nicholson was forced to resign as head of the VA. This incompetence clearly carried over to the Obama Administration, which we see clearly, today.
I picked up at Stars and Stripes that they got a 4% increase in 2011.

WASHINGTON — While many agencies are cutting back or barely holding steady, the Department of Veterans Affairs’ budget is growing.

The agency would get a modest 4 percent increase in its budget next year over its request for this year, bringing its funding to $132 billion.

As has been the case the last two years, the focus of the increased spending is on the needs of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. More than $6 billion will go to mental health and traumatic brain injury needs.

Budget breakdown: Veterans Affairs - News - Stripes

And now for the whole article.

Budget breakdown: Veterans Affairs - News - Stripes
By Megan McCloskey
Stars and Stripes
Published: February 14, 2011
WASHINGTON — While many agencies are cutting back or barely holding steady, the Department of Veterans Affairs’ budget is growing.

The agency would get a modest 4 percent increase in its budget next year over its request for this year, bringing its funding to $132 billion.

As has been the case the last two years, the focus of the increased spending is on the needs of Iraq and Afghanistan veterans. More than $6 billion will go to mental health and traumatic brain injury needs.


TBI/PTSD efforts: The department is requesting $483 million in additional funding this year for dealing with mental health and traumatic brain injury issues.

Prosthetics: The VA requested an additional $380 million to provide prosthetics for those who lost limbs, bringing the program to $2.5 billion.

Homeless veterans outreach: The agency is dedicating $939 million to keep expanding services for homeless veterans with both private and public partnerships. This helps VA Secretary Eric Shinseki with his ambitious goal of “ending” veteran homelessness by 2014.


Builders: The VA is requesting half the amount of money for major construction projects that it did last year.

Computer geeks: Although the VA has promised to improve its electronic record systems and ditch its paper-centric ways, there will be $146 million less in the agency’s information technology budget.

VA and DOD civilians: There will be no cost-of-living raise for federal employees for either 2011 or 2012, saving $713 million from the VA’s budget over the two years. Servicemembers get a scant 1.6 pay bump next January.


$183 million — Money for the long-ago-promised paperless system to cope with the backlog of benefits claims

$28 million — Increased amount allocated for female veterans-specific care

295,410 — Number of VA employees in 2012

Bolding mine.
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Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill:


A final effort by Senate Republicans to halt cuts to pensions of military retirees failed late Tuesday, after Democrats blocked an amendment to the controversial budget bill.


"By blocking my amendment, they voted to cut pensions for wounded warriors," he said afterwards. "Senators in this chamber have many valid ideas for replacing these pension cuts, including my proposal to close the tax welfare loophole for illegal filers, and all deserved a fair and open hearing. But they were denied.”
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
that's only session's OPINION....

here's another from the same link:

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.

The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.

Nevertheless, our poor veterans will have their pensions cut thanks to the Democrats who hate the military and anyone associated with it.
Senate GOP fails in final bid to block military pension cuts in budget bill | Fox News

I really feel sorry for our Vets under the current administration. They fight, bleed, and lose limbs then the Dems cut their pensions and put their medical care on the back burner. Hillary and Obama ought to be ashamed of themselves.
that's only session's OPINION....

here's another from the same link:

Senate Budget Committee Chairman Patty Murray, D-Wash.,who brokered the budget deal with House counterpart Rep. Paul Ryan, R-Wis., argued the GOP effort was really an attempt to kill the entire bill.

The Republican-led House passed the bill last week in an effort to avoid another stalemate leading to a potential government shutdown, like the one in October that polls showed was largely unpopular with voters.

Nevertheless, our poor veterans will have their pensions cut thanks to the Democrats who hate the military and anyone associated with it.
There is absolutely no reason at all that Sessions can not bring up his bill all on its own, and the senate debate and pass there? and why doesn't he do so, RIGHT NOW? Not later, Not after the election, RIGHT NOW?
GOP can't cut funds for anything without bipartisan support. That's what happens when we have a government that is controlled by different parties in different chambers of Congress.

Not to mention Obama has to sign off on every single budget cut unless Congress gets a 2/3 majority in both Chambers.

If you guys are so right about how evil the GOP is, why do you feel the need to make such obvious lies?
GOP can't cut funds for anything without bipartisan support. That's what happens when we have a government that is controlled by different parties in different chambers of Congress.

Not to mention Obama has to sign off on every single budget cut unless Congress gets a 2/3 majority in both Chambers.

If you guys are so right about how evil the GOP is, why do you feel the need to make such obvious lies?
Have they even passed a budget? Or are all these CLAIMS just proposals? I dunno?
GOP can't cut funds for anything without bipartisan support. That's what happens when we have a government that is controlled by different parties in different chambers of Congress.

Not to mention Obama has to sign off on every single budget cut unless Congress gets a 2/3 majority in both Chambers.

If you guys are so right about how evil the GOP is, why do you feel the need to make such obvious lies?
Have they even passed a budget? Or are all these CLAIMS just proposals? I dunno?

Honestly, I don't have a clue. My understanding is they really haven't.
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

If one does not get a bullet in the front out there one will get a knife in the back back here.

Republicans love to wave that Flag, wrap themselves in that Flag, they love to lead the parade. Would not want anyone messing up their pretty parade now would they? Would hardly be a good marketing for the next war.
GOP can't cut funds for anything without bipartisan support. That's what happens when we have a government that is controlled by different parties in different chambers of Congress.

Not to mention Obama has to sign off on every single budget cut unless Congress gets a 2/3 majority in both Chambers.

If you guys are so right about how evil the GOP is, why do you feel the need to make such obvious lies?

Bills don't get passed without a lot of compromise. Democrats want a little more for transportation they have to accept a little less for veterans. It's the name of the game. As Republicans love to say, they will cut anything and everything they possibly can.
Shinseki served honorably for 40 years, then cons stab him in the back. That's how cons treat vets.

If one does not get a bullet in the front out there one will get a knife in the back back here.

Republicans love to wave that Flag, wrap themselves in that Flag, they love to lead the parade. Would not want anyone messing up their pretty parade now would they? Would hardly be a good marketing for the next war.

you sanctimonius left-wing losers want to hide behind his record to protect obama; but while you're sanctimoniously bringing up the record of one guy that was brave when he served; you are stabbing thousands of other brave vets in the back; all for your political agenda

you guys are douche-bags
GOP can't cut funds for anything without bipartisan support. That's what happens when we have a government that is controlled by different parties in different chambers of Congress.

Not to mention Obama has to sign off on every single budget cut unless Congress gets a 2/3 majority in both Chambers.

If you guys are so right about how evil the GOP is, why do you feel the need to make such obvious lies?

Bills don't get passed without a lot of compromise. Democrats want a little more for transportation they have to accept a little less for veterans. It's the name of the game. As Republicans love to say, they will cut anything and everything they possibly can.

YAWN; another idiiotic lie you've told yourself and cant back up. now you pull these turds out of your ass and expect othes to believe them

you're a joke

republicans ask that they be paid for. dems pretend to want the same thing but when it comes time to doing it cant find the balls to do it
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