GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

The "church" angle went over your butch head, but not shocking.

It is called the slippery slope, once you get one thing through then there's the next thing and the next thing.

Drug usage will be debated years from now. Dress and apperance standards will be up for debate. Etc, these things in the military must be like the mall. Raul can smoke crack at Macys in the dressing room during breaks and weight 250 lbs, so why is the Army opposed to taking him.

You're just a simple-minded radioman, err woman. Don't ever think you are going to change the world to your disturbed viewpoint.

It's called a slippery slope fallacy for a reason. Having all military members serving under the same exact rules and regulations is not going to lead to dogs and cats living together. The hyperbole is yummy for lunch though...thanks!
Such a big mouth on a nobody, you probably suck all the air out of a room with your mouth.

I'm not shocked someone with your resume doesn't understand this issue, so go away..fade away twit.

Repeal of DADT will ensure another run by Republicans like Reagan and Bush SR in the White House, so thanks butchie coastie.

The "church" angle went over your butch head, but not shocking.

It is called the slippery slope, once you get one thing through then there's the next thing and the next thing.

Drug usage will be debated years from now. Dress and apperance standards will be up for debate. Etc, these things in the military must be like the mall. Raul can smoke crack at Macys in the dressing room during breaks and weight 250 lbs, so why is the Army opposed to taking him.

You're just a simple-minded radioman, err woman. Don't ever think you are going to change the world to your disturbed viewpoint.

It's called a slippery slope fallacy for a reason. Having all military members serving under the same exact rules and regulations is not going to lead to dogs and cats living together. The hyperbole is yummy for lunch though...thanks!
It's called a slippery slope fallacy for a reason. Having all military members serving under the same exact rules and regulations is not going to lead to dogs and cats living together. The hyperbole is yummy for lunch though...thanks!

It's called the "slippery slope argument," fool. There's no such thing as the "slippery slope fallacy."

You don't know the slightest thing about logic, but you imagine your "logic" is credible?
Such a big mouth on a nobody, you probably suck all the air out of a room with your mouth.

I'm not shocked someone with your resume doesn't understand this issue, so go away..fade away twit.

Repeal of DADT will ensure another run by Republicans like Reagan and Bush SR in the White House, so thanks butchie coastie.

I doubt the irony of your post is lost on anyone besides you. You have provided zero facts to support any of your archaic positions. You've done nothing but provide school yard taunts and insults when faced with actual facts.

You views are old and dying off faster than even you are. I think that's a good thing. You should live long enough to see that you are on the wrong side of history.
It's called a slippery slope fallacy for a reason. Having all military members serving under the same exact rules and regulations is not going to lead to dogs and cats living together. The hyperbole is yummy for lunch though...thanks!

It's called the "slippery slope argument," fool. There's no such thing as the "slippery slope fallacy."

You don't know the slightest thing about logic, but you imagine your "logic" is credible?

No it isn't. It's called a "logical fallacy". Also known as the "fallacy of the beard". Google is your friend, "fool".
The majority of real Vets and military personnel are like me, not like you. In the big scheme of things, you were and are a nobody butchie radiowomanman.

You will find this out in the next election. You're too stupid to see it coming.

I'm done beating you over the head like a drum. Get back to your miserable life.

Such a big mouth on a nobody, you probably suck all the air out of a room with your mouth.

I'm not shocked someone with your resume doesn't understand this issue, so go away..fade away twit.

Repeal of DADT will ensure another run by Republicans like Reagan and Bush SR in the White House, so thanks butchie coastie.

I doubt the irony of your post is lost on anyone besides you. You have provided zero facts to support any of your archaic positions. You've done nothing but provide school yard taunts and insults when faced with actual facts.

You views are old and dying off faster than even you are. I think that's a good thing. You should live long enough to see that you are on the wrong side of history.
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

Maybe what they were booing was the fact that this person lied about who he was when he enlisted.

Or do you think that integrity isn't that important?

(Personally, I have no problem with the fact that DADT was overturned, but Obama only did it to pay off his base, not because there was some pressing need.)
On September 13, a GOP debate audience cheered loudly at the idea of letting sick patients die.

At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Equality, rightly understood as our founding fathers understood it, leads to liberty and to the emancipation of creative differences; wrongly understood, as it has been so tragically in our time, it leads first to conformity and then to despotism.
Barry Goldwater

Maybe what they were booing was the fact that this person lied about who he was when he enlisted.

Or do you think that integrity isn't that important?

(Personally, I have no problem with the fact that DADT was overturned, but Obama only did it to pay off his base, not because there was some pressing need.)

You don't know much about DADT if you think:

1) He had to lie to join
2) There wasn't a pressing need. Tell that to the people being discharged for the consenting adult they slept with.
The majority of real Vets and military personnel are like me, not like you. In the big scheme of things, you were and are a nobody butchie radiowomanman.

You will find this out in the next election. You're too stupid to see it coming.

I'm done beating you over the head like a drum. Get back to your miserable life.

Still no facts and more of your, I mean impotent rage.

Are you saying you are going to "cut and run" because you are losing the argument here on the board? What will you do since you are also losing the larger argument on gay and lesbian equality? I hear they still kill their queers in some countries. Perhaps one of those is to your liking.

My life is pretty awesome, thanks. I've got a spouse and kids that love me...I've got a great job and my fat retirement check to spend on our lavish "lifestyle".

That probably irks the hell out of you too. Good.
It's called the "slippery slope argument," fool. There's no such thing as the "slippery slope fallacy."

You don't know the slightest thing about logic, but you imagine your "logic" is credible?

No it isn't. It's called a "logical fallacy". Also known as the "fallacy of the beard". Google is your friend, "fool".

The "fallacy of the beard" bares no resemblance to the slippery slope argument. You're another ignoramus who doesn't know what he's talking about.
It's called the "slippery slope argument," fool. There's no such thing as the "slippery slope fallacy."

You don't know the slightest thing about logic, but you imagine your "logic" is credible?

No it isn't. It's called a "logical fallacy". Also known as the "fallacy of the beard". Google is your friend, "fool".

The "fallacy of the beard" bares no resemblance to the slippery slope argument. You're another ignoramus who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Saying that A will lead to Z is a slippery slope fallacy. Allowing gays to serve under the same rules of heterosexuals is not going to lead to freebasing meth in the E club. Slippery slope FALLACY (and an epic fail).
You don't know much about DADT if you think:

1) He had to lie to join
2) There wasn't a pressing need. Tell that to the people being discharged for the consenting adult they slept with.

watch the actual question. He said "I had to lie about who I was." He admitted, he lied.

Now, admittably, I don't know this soldier or his background. And I've also said I think that the military should either make the case or let it slide.

I also hate to break it to you, but 90% of guys who were discharged under DADT probably wanted the hell out because they figured out that the miltiary was not the fun adventure their recruiter told them it was going to be. I was in for 11 years, got out as a Staff Sergeant. If you did your job, no one cared. The guys who got tossed out were either chronic trouble makers or wanted to get out when they figured the Sergeant was a meaniehead who woke them up at 0400 in the morning.

No, this was Obama paying back his base, and not even a big payback, because the courts would have struck down DADT if he hadn't.
It's called the "slippery slope argument," fool. There's no such thing as the "slippery slope fallacy."

You don't know the slightest thing about logic, but you imagine your "logic" is credible?

No it isn't. It's called a "logical fallacy". Also known as the "fallacy of the beard". Google is your friend, "fool".

The "fallacy of the beard" bares no resemblance to the slippery slope argument. You're another ignoramus who doesn't know what he's talking about.


Continuum fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's part of a series of fallacies.
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You don't know much about DADT if you think:

1) He had to lie to join
2) There wasn't a pressing need. Tell that to the people being discharged for the consenting adult they slept with.

watch the actual question. He said "I had to lie about who I was." He admitted, he lied.

Now, admittably, I don't know this soldier or his background. And I've also said I think that the military should either make the case or let it slide.

I also hate to break it to you, but 90% of guys who were discharged under DADT probably wanted the hell out because they figured out that the miltiary was not the fun adventure their recruiter told them it was going to be. I was in for 11 years, got out as a Staff Sergeant. If you did your job, no one cared. The guys who got tossed out were either chronic trouble makers or wanted to get out when they figured the Sergeant was a meaniehead who woke them up at 0400 in the morning.

No, this was Obama paying back his base, and not even a big payback, because the courts would have struck down DADT if he hadn't.

He didn't have to lie to join, only to his shipmates when asked "what did you do this weekend"?

I hate to break it to YOU, but the overwhelming majority of people discharged under DADT didn't want to be discharged. I happen to know a dozen of them.Those that did it to get out were a very small majority. (I knew of ONE)

How is it Obama "paying back his base" when almost 80% of Americans supported repeal? It was a campaign promise that he fulfilled. According to Politifact, he did that a lot.
He didn't have to lie to join, only to his shipmates when asked "what did you do this weekend"?

He didn't make that distinction in his question. He just said "I lied". (also, he was in the Army. he doesn't have "shipmates".)

I hate to break it to YOU, but the overwhelming majority of people discharged under DADT didn't want to be discharged. I happen to know a dozen of them.Those that did it to get out were a very small majority. (I knew of ONE)

I was in the military for 11 years. I had a gay soldier in my squad, and I knew he was gay. So did my CO. Even though he was a chronic disciplinary problem, (including the one time he got into a fight at the enlisted club because he tried to play grab-ass with some guys who didn't share his lifestyle), we did not throw him out. (He eventually contracted HIV and got out on a medical.)

I also knew guys in basic, some of whom told the rest of us they weren't gay, they just wanted out, who tried to get out that way. News flash, they don't throw you out so easy after they've invested a lot of money in you. Took months to get these guys out, one guy was still waiting in the baracks while the rest of us were going off to AIT.

So, my guess is these "dozen people" you know probably got home, realized what a disgrace getting discharged was, and blamed the bad old system. How many of them have rushed back to re-enlist now that the Bamster has overturned it?

How is it Obama "paying back his base" when almost 80% of Americans supported repeal? It was a campaign promise that he fulfilled. According to Politifact, he did that a lot.

Now, sorry, the military should not take polls on how it is run. I would trust the judgement of officers before a public opinion poll. A lot of them were against this, they were against DADT when Clinton proposed it. My biggest concern is that the miltiary is going to end up making a lot of concessions to keep them happy. What about the Chaplain who preaches that homosexuality is a sin? Do we put him out of the military to placate them?

Sorry, just remembering how we decimated the Navy Air Corps after Tailhook in the name of political correctness.

More to the point. If you think some guy is out there who's been unemployed for a year, and he's going to say, "Well, they're foreclosing on my house next week, but Obama let gays in the military, give that boy another term!" I think you are sadly delusional.
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No it isn't. It's called a "logical fallacy". Also known as the "fallacy of the beard". Google is your friend, "fool".

The "fallacy of the beard" bares no resemblance to the slippery slope argument. You're another ignoramus who doesn't know what he's talking about.

Saying that A will lead to Z is a slippery slope fallacy. Allowing gays to serve under the same rules of heterosexuals is not going to lead to freebasing meth in the E club. Slippery slope FALLACY (and an epic fail).

Again, there is no such thing as the "slippery slope fallacy." It's called the slippery slope argument. It isn't always true, but it often is. Your ability to come up with an absurd example only proves that you're an imbecile. Liberals have often used the slippery slope argument. Here is a classic example:

First they came for the Socialists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Socialist.

Then they came for the Trade Unionists, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Trade Unionist.

Then they came for the Jews, and I did not speak out --
Because I was not a Jew.

Then they came for me -- and there was no one left to speak for me.​

Is that argument a fallacy, eh nimrod?
The "fallacy of the beard" bares no resemblance to the slippery slope argument. You're another ignoramus who doesn't know what he's talking about.


Continuum fallacy - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia
It's part of a series of fallacies.

Sorry, turd, but that doesn't describe the slippery slope argument.

I'll be nice. You said it bares no resemblance, not it doesn't describe it exactly.

I know they aren't the same thing, but they are part of a branch of logical fallacies.
At the Thursday night debate, they topped their own sick selves, booing an American soldier serving his country in Iraq.

Clearly those who booed are not representative of the GOP or conservatives in general – everyone has a few nitwits in the family.

As with the issue of Obama’s race, however, it is indicative that some on the right remain hostile to homosexuals and advocate their due process and equal protection rights be violated.

It’s incumbent upon the right, therefore, to examine what it is about their movement that attracts racists and homophobes.

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