GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

Are you going to get that radioman changed to radiowoman? I'm sure it offended you, even if you are butch which you are.

I was never offended by my rating, Radioman...although I ceased being a Radioman pretty early on in my career.

How do you presume to know the extent of my femininity or lack thereof? You presume that because you are an idiot losing an argument that you should be able to be an ass instead? Brilliant debate technique.

Oh, USCG is nothing like the rest of the military when it comes to living quarters, so you just blew up your arguments.

Actually, no I didn't since none of my arguments had to do with the berthing or showering arrangements of the US Coast Guard.

I stated, quite clearly so that even you could understand, that only 8% of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans had to shower in communal showers. What does that have to do with Coast Guard berthing arrangements?

Nearly three out of four troops said in the Zogby poll that they usually or almost always take showers privately - only 8% say they usually or almost always take showers in group stalls.​

Zogby Poll December 2006

Marines would not like some USCG radiowomanman telling them it's ok that Raul wants to shower with them in Afghanistan, well the Marines I know and worked with.

Give it up, most of society isn't going to love your gay lifestyle. You can be gay at your bank job, but don't act gay around other troops. Your mental problems are not our problem.

Most of society thinks my "lifestyle" (whatever that means) is just fine. An overwhelming majority (close to 80%) thought that DADT should be repealed. It's nice to know that we can still accomplish things that most Americans want. Now if we could just do the same with the Public Option that most Americans support...
Just asking, twit.

Since you have low morals and don't believe in God, then someone might want to know if you hate other things about the military like religion on base.

Once you get the foot in the door with gays in the military, next is taking down the religion in the military angle, since that is in line with your immoral thoughts.

You're offended that someone prays in uniform but not offended if Raul gets sexually excited at the base gym....

Having drunkards and adulterers in the military hasn't hurt religion on military bases...why should honestly serving gays and lesbians?
Just asking, twit.

Since you have low morals and don't believe in God, then someone might want to know if you hate other things about the military like religion on base.

Once you get the foot in the door with gays in the military, next is taking down the religion in the military angle, since that is in line with your immoral thoughts.

You're offended that someone prays in uniform but not offended if Raul gets sexually excited at the base gym....

So since the Air Force has officers that "preach" shouldn't you get Obamination to change that too?

Heck, burn down all the churches on base is next on the agenda?

What about when military promotions and services are started with a prayer? Gotta get rid of that too, eh?

Now, if someone on base says Jesus or God, is that time for a Commander's complaint?


You're getting better at this proving me right thing. Please do go on with the baseless assumptions that prove you have no knowledge about that which you speak of.

How judgmental of you...wonder would Christianity says about that?
So let's sum you up along with your argument...

You're a washed up USCG enlisted troop that hid dumpster diving for 20 years, but now want the world to accept you as normal.

You show random polls that most Americans could care less about your dumpster diving, when in reality if you hit on them they would be offended. Oh, let's not forget when you show up at some gay pride parade with your 200 lbs stuffed into pink panties and a bra parading down mainstreet with your bi-polar, methhead 35 year old girlfriend holding hands.

All that means Raul should be allowed to show off his lifestyle in the military because odds are he won't shower with people in Afghanistan but will in boot camp, the base gym, etc. Nevermind being enlisted and living on top of some Billy Bob from Iowa forced to accept Raul's lifestyle as normal.

Raul once out of the military will be goose-marching with you at the next gay pride parade bragging about his 4 years in the Air Force and posting on this board with an AF logo....

Are you going to get that radioman changed to radiowoman? I'm sure it offended you, even if you are butch which you are.

I was never offended by my rating, Radioman...although I ceased being a Radioman pretty early on in my career.

How do you presume to know the extent of my femininity or lack thereof? You presume that because you are an idiot losing an argument that you should be able to be an ass instead? Brilliant debate technique.

Oh, USCG is nothing like the rest of the military when it comes to living quarters, so you just blew up your arguments.

Actually, no I didn't since none of my arguments had to do with the berthing or showering arrangements of the US Coast Guard.

I stated, quite clearly so that even you could understand, that only 8% of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans had to shower in communal showers. What does that have to do with Coast Guard berthing arrangements?

Nearly three out of four troops said in the Zogby poll that they usually or almost always take showers privately - only 8% say they usually or almost always take showers in group stalls.​

Zogby Poll December 2006

Marines would not like some USCG radiowomanman telling them it's ok that Raul wants to shower with them in Afghanistan, well the Marines I know and worked with.

Give it up, most of society isn't going to love your gay lifestyle. You can be gay at your bank job, but don't act gay around other troops. Your mental problems are not our problem.

Most of society thinks my "lifestyle" (whatever that means) is just fine. An overwhelming majority (close to 80%) thought that DADT should be repealed. It's nice to know that we can still accomplish things that most Americans want. Now if we could just do the same with the Public Option that most Americans support...
Nice try liar. I've never seen anyone in the US Armed Forces....Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Army, but never refer to the US Armed Forces as their service branch.

Go away tool, go away.

You are an idiot trying to explain cutting off your left arm even though you don't need to do it, is ok because others said it should be the standard. Better yet, just cut off your head for us.

You're a liar, you never served except maybe served time in a jail somewhere.

I served 20 years in the US Armed Forces and retired in 2003. The onus is on you to prove that I have lied about serving. You, on the other hand, are showing yourself quite dishonorable in insisting that I'm lying about MY service. I certainly didn't question yours. In fact, I will now THANK you for yours, despite the fact that you are a dishonorable douchenozzle.

That would be pretty stupid of them. Are you actually trying to "blame the victim" for the actions of idiotic homophobes?

Your infatuation with showers is just showing how infantile your argument is. If you know there is a gay guy in the shower and it makes you uncomfortable, wait 5 minutes until he gets out. Again, only 8% of Iraq and Afghanistan vets said they even had to shower in communal showers. Most of the showers are individual canvas stalls.

Roommate is gay and you don't like it? Well, it is your problem now in the military. Raul ends up with a room by himself since nobody wants to sleep in the same room with him. So since he offends people, he gets his own room in the barracks.:cuckoo:

Roomate is black, Muslim, Jewish, a nose picker a don't like it...what do you do? :eusa_think:

I dont quite follow. I served 6 in the Army infantry. I dont say I was in the Army, I say in the Service. If they are interested, the follow up question is what branch.
Just asking, twit.

Since you have low morals and don't believe in God, then someone might want to know if you hate other things about the military like religion on base.

Once you get the foot in the door with gays in the military, next is taking down the religion in the military angle, since that is in line with your immoral thoughts.

You're offended that someone prays in uniform but not offended if Raul gets sexually excited at the base gym....

So since the Air Force has officers that "preach" shouldn't you get Obamination to change that too?

Heck, burn down all the churches on base is next on the agenda?

What about when military promotions and services are started with a prayer? Gotta get rid of that too, eh?

Now, if someone on base says Jesus or God, is that time for a Commander's complaint?


You're getting better at this proving me right thing. Please do go on with the baseless assumptions that prove you have no knowledge about that which you speak of.

DO go on. Please.
So you're now claiming if someone is drunk at work that they don't get in trouble? There are plenty of people booted out for DUIs, getting drunk on base/at bars, etc.

Or if someone is cheating on their spouse openly, they don't get in trouble?

FYI....I knew Kelly Flynn, she got in trouble for sleeping with an airmen's husband....but the PC Clinton Admin let her quit instead of getting court a man would.

Try another argument, butchie.

Just asking, twit.

Since you have low morals and don't believe in God, then someone might want to know if you hate other things about the military like religion on base.

Once you get the foot in the door with gays in the military, next is taking down the religion in the military angle, since that is in line with your immoral thoughts.

You're offended that someone prays in uniform but not offended if Raul gets sexually excited at the base gym....

Having drunkards and adulterers in the military hasn't hurt religion on military bases...why should honestly serving gays and lesbians?
So let's sum you up along with your argument...

You're a washed up USCG enlisted troop that hid dumpster diving for 20 years, but now want the world to accept you as normal.

You show random polls that most Americans could care less about your dumpster diving, when in reality if you hit on them they would be offended. Oh, let's not forget when you show up at some gay pride parade with your 200 lbs stuffed into pink panties and a bra parading down mainstreet with your bi-polar, methhead 35 year old girlfriend holding hands.

All that means Raul should be allowed to show off his lifestyle in the military because odds are he won't shower with people in Afghanistan but will in boot camp, the base gym, etc. Nevermind being enlisted and living on top of some Billy Bob from Iowa forced to accept Raul's lifestyle as normal.

Raul once out of the military will be goose-marching with you at the next gay pride parade bragging about his 4 years in the Air Force and posting on this board with an AF logo....

Are you going to get that radioman changed to radiowoman? I'm sure it offended you, even if you are butch which you are.

I was never offended by my rating, Radioman...although I ceased being a Radioman pretty early on in my career.

How do you presume to know the extent of my femininity or lack thereof? You presume that because you are an idiot losing an argument that you should be able to be an ass instead? Brilliant debate technique.

Actually, no I didn't since none of my arguments had to do with the berthing or showering arrangements of the US Coast Guard.

I stated, quite clearly so that even you could understand, that only 8% of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans had to shower in communal showers. What does that have to do with Coast Guard berthing arrangements?

Nearly three out of four troops said in the Zogby poll that they usually or almost always take showers privately - only 8% say they usually or almost always take showers in group stalls.​

Zogby Poll December 2006

Marines would not like some USCG radiowomanman telling them it's ok that Raul wants to shower with them in Afghanistan, well the Marines I know and worked with.

Give it up, most of society isn't going to love your gay lifestyle. You can be gay at your bank job, but don't act gay around other troops. Your mental problems are not our problem.

Most of society thinks my "lifestyle" (whatever that means) is just fine. An overwhelming majority (close to 80%) thought that DADT should be repealed. It's nice to know that we can still accomplish things that most Americans want. Now if we could just do the same with the Public Option that most Americans support...

You know what's interesting, I would be willing to die for him, just as much as I know he would be willing to die for me.

Something I know you would not. So who's the immoral one now?
99.99999% of Vets don't say "I served in the US Armed Forces." They say I was in the Army, Navy, Marines, and Air Force.

It being a coastie I can see needs to throw in "Armed Forces" in there to feel legit.

I haven't seen a US Armed Forces Veteran hat at the BX.....

Nice try liar. I've never seen anyone in the US Armed Forces....Air Force, Navy, Marines, Coast Guard and Army, but never refer to the US Armed Forces as their service branch.

Go away tool, go away.

You are an idiot trying to explain cutting off your left arm even though you don't need to do it, is ok because others said it should be the standard. Better yet, just cut off your head for us.

I served 20 years in the US Armed Forces and retired in 2003. The onus is on you to prove that I have lied about serving. You, on the other hand, are showing yourself quite dishonorable in insisting that I'm lying about MY service. I certainly didn't question yours. In fact, I will now THANK you for yours, despite the fact that you are a dishonorable douchenozzle.

That would be pretty stupid of them. Are you actually trying to "blame the victim" for the actions of idiotic homophobes?

Your infatuation with showers is just showing how infantile your argument is. If you know there is a gay guy in the shower and it makes you uncomfortable, wait 5 minutes until he gets out. Again, only 8% of Iraq and Afghanistan vets said they even had to shower in communal showers. Most of the showers are individual canvas stalls.

Roomate is black, Muslim, Jewish, a nose picker a don't like it...what do you do? :eusa_think:

I dont quite follow. I served 6 in the Army infantry. I dont say I was in the Army, I say in the Service. If they are interested, the follow up question is what branch.
You're not going to die from paper clips, airmen.

Now, go work on that background paper to get churches banned from the base. You can get CCAF credit for it.

Oh re-read my last sentence moron....

So let's sum you up along with your argument...

You're a washed up USCG enlisted troop that hid dumpster diving for 20 years, but now want the world to accept you as normal.

You show random polls that most Americans could care less about your dumpster diving, when in reality if you hit on them they would be offended. Oh, let's not forget when you show up at some gay pride parade with your 200 lbs stuffed into pink panties and a bra parading down mainstreet with your bi-polar, methhead 35 year old girlfriend holding hands.

All that means Raul should be allowed to show off his lifestyle in the military because odds are he won't shower with people in Afghanistan but will in boot camp, the base gym, etc. Nevermind being enlisted and living on top of some Billy Bob from Iowa forced to accept Raul's lifestyle as normal.

Raul once out of the military will be goose-marching with you at the next gay pride parade bragging about his 4 years in the Air Force and posting on this board with an AF logo....

I was never offended by my rating, Radioman...although I ceased being a Radioman pretty early on in my career.

How do you presume to know the extent of my femininity or lack thereof? You presume that because you are an idiot losing an argument that you should be able to be an ass instead? Brilliant debate technique.

Actually, no I didn't since none of my arguments had to do with the berthing or showering arrangements of the US Coast Guard.

I stated, quite clearly so that even you could understand, that only 8% of returning Iraq and Afghanistan veterans had to shower in communal showers. What does that have to do with Coast Guard berthing arrangements?

Nearly three out of four troops said in the Zogby poll that they usually or almost always take showers privately - only 8% say they usually or almost always take showers in group stalls.​

Zogby Poll December 2006

Most of society thinks my "lifestyle" (whatever that means) is just fine. An overwhelming majority (close to 80%) thought that DADT should be repealed. It's nice to know that we can still accomplish things that most Americans want. Now if we could just do the same with the Public Option that most Americans support...

You know what's interesting, I would be willing to die for him, just as much as I know he would be willing to die for me.

Something I know you would not. So who's the immoral one now?
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So let's sum you up along with your argument...

You're a washed up USCG enlisted troop that hid dumpster diving for 20 years, but now want the world to accept you as normal.

More aspersions on my service. Such impotent rage you are harboring...or is just regular old impotence?

You show random polls that most Americans could care less about your dumpster diving, when in reality if you hit on them they would be offended. Oh, let's not forget when you show up at some gay pride parade with your 200 lbs stuffed into pink panties and a bra parading down mainstreet with your bi-polar, methhead 35 year old girlfriend holding hands.

Actually I provided two polls that were of service members. I'm sorry they don't support your archaic world view, but I'm afraid you are just going to have to adapt or die. Your views are not supported by a majority of Americans anymore. Not on DADT, not on how "icky" you think gays are or even on marriage equality for gays and lesbians.

Oh, and I don't have a "girlfriend", I have a spouse, a life partner. We've been together for 16 years and have two children...and we've all marched together in a Pride parade, but wore t-shirts and shorts OVER our pink bras and panties.

Are you ever going to address a SINGLE one of the facts presented...without petty and childish insults? I won't hold my breath...
You're not going to die from paper clips, airmen.

Now, go work on that background paper to get churches banned from the base. You can get CCAF credit for it.

Oh re-read my last sentence moron....

So let's sum you up along with your argument...

You're a washed up USCG enlisted troop that hid dumpster diving for 20 years, but now want the world to accept you as normal.

You show random polls that most Americans could care less about your dumpster diving, when in reality if you hit on them they would be offended. Oh, let's not forget when you show up at some gay pride parade with your 200 lbs stuffed into pink panties and a bra parading down mainstreet with your bi-polar, methhead 35 year old girlfriend holding hands.

All that means Raul should be allowed to show off his lifestyle in the military because odds are he won't shower with people in Afghanistan but will in boot camp, the base gym, etc. Nevermind being enlisted and living on top of some Billy Bob from Iowa forced to accept Raul's lifestyle as normal.

Raul once out of the military will be goose-marching with you at the next gay pride parade bragging about his 4 years in the Air Force and posting on this board with an AF logo....

You know what's interesting, I would be willing to die for him, just as much as I know he would be willing to die for me.

Something I know you would not. So who's the immoral one now?

Oh Gods, are you but a precious individual. :lol:

You would be right at home with those we are fighting.
....ok, hold your breath and keep holding it.

I was right about the 200 lbs though.

Polls.....yeah, I can find 10000000000 flies that think cow shit is great tasting so it must taste great.

Most Americans haven't been in the military and think working at McDonalds is like being in the Army. If Raul can flip burgers without offending people with his gay advances/remarks well then Sgt Pyle better get on the PC train.

Afterall, you hide it for 20 years so that is like Raul prancing around the barracks today. Like I said, you can cut off your arm and live without a left arm but that doesn't make it a smart move.

So let's sum you up along with your argument...

You're a washed up USCG enlisted troop that hid dumpster diving for 20 years, but now want the world to accept you as normal.

More aspersions on my service. Such impotent rage you are harboring...or is just regular old impotence?

You show random polls that most Americans could care less about your dumpster diving, when in reality if you hit on them they would be offended. Oh, let's not forget when you show up at some gay pride parade with your 200 lbs stuffed into pink panties and a bra parading down mainstreet with your bi-polar, methhead 35 year old girlfriend holding hands.

Actually I provided two polls that were of service members. I'm sorry they don't support your archaic world view, but I'm afraid you are just going to have to adapt or die. Your views are not supported by a majority of Americans anymore. Not on DADT, not on how "icky" you think gays are or even on marriage equality for gays and lesbians.

Oh, and I don't have a "girlfriend", I have a spouse, a life partner. We've been together for 16 years and have two children...and we've all marched together in a Pride parade, but wore t-shirts and shorts OVER our pink bras and panties.

Are you ever going to address a SINGLE one of the facts presented...without petty and childish insults? I won't hold my breath...
So you're now claiming if someone is drunk at work that they don't get in trouble? There are plenty of people booted out for DUIs, getting drunk on base/at bars, etc.

Or if someone is cheating on their spouse openly, they don't get in trouble?

FYI....I knew Kelly Flynn, she got in trouble for sleeping with an airmen's husband....but the PC Clinton Admin let her quit instead of getting court a man would.

Try another argument, butchie.

I'm not surprised you missed the point. You claim that the repeal of DADT will lead to religion being drummed out of the military. Why would that be the case of other biblical "sins" didn't?
....ok, hold your breath and keep holding it.

I was right about the 200 lbs though.

Polls.....yeah, I can find 10000000000 flies that think cow shit is great tasting so it must taste great.

Most Americans haven't been in the military and think working at McDonalds is like being in the Army. If Raul can flip burgers without offending people with his gay advances/remarks well then Sgt Pyle better get on the PC train.

Afterall, you hide it for 20 years so that is like Raul prancing around the barracks today. Like I said, you can cut off your arm and live without a left arm but that doesn't make it a smart move.

Not even when I was pregnant with twins did I reach 200, but the Non sequiturs are fun...and just make you look like more of a moron.

The repeal was supported by Americans, their representatives and the military and now it's gone. The military will be better for it and so will America.

You haven't provided a single fact to prove otherwise...not even with over 20 countries not having a ban. Thanks for playing though. You are amusing.
The "church" angle went over your butch head, but not shocking.

It is called the slippery slope, once you get one thing through then there's the next thing and the next thing.

Drug usage will be debated years from now. Dress and apperance standards will be up for debate. Etc, these things in the military must be like the mall. Raul can smoke crack at Macys in the dressing room during breaks and weight 250 lbs, so why is the Army opposed to taking him.

You're just a simple-minded radioman, err woman. Don't ever think you are going to change the world to your disturbed viewpoint.

So you're now claiming if someone is drunk at work that they don't get in trouble? There are plenty of people booted out for DUIs, getting drunk on base/at bars, etc.

Or if someone is cheating on their spouse openly, they don't get in trouble?

FYI....I knew Kelly Flynn, she got in trouble for sleeping with an airmen's husband....but the PC Clinton Admin let her quit instead of getting court a man would.

Try another argument, butchie.

I'm not surprised you missed the point. You claim that the repeal of DADT will lead to religion being drummed out of the military. Why would that be the case of other biblical "sins" didn't?
20 other countries could experiment with their military because they rely on the US military, err US Armed Forces for you coasties.

Your simple mind fails to understand the position of the US military in the world compared to say Brazil. Raul can have 20 boyfriends in Brazil's Army because their military doesn't you don't matter.

....ok, hold your breath and keep holding it.

I was right about the 200 lbs though.

Polls.....yeah, I can find 10000000000 flies that think cow shit is great tasting so it must taste great.

Most Americans haven't been in the military and think working at McDonalds is like being in the Army. If Raul can flip burgers without offending people with his gay advances/remarks well then Sgt Pyle better get on the PC train.

Afterall, you hide it for 20 years so that is like Raul prancing around the barracks today. Like I said, you can cut off your arm and live without a left arm but that doesn't make it a smart move.

Not even when I was pregnant with twins did I reach 200, but the Non sequiturs are fun...and just make you look like more of a moron.

The repeal was supported by Americans, their representatives and the military and now it's gone. The military will be better for it and so will America.

You haven't provided a single fact to prove otherwise...not even with over 20 countries not having a ban. Thanks for playing though. You are amusing.
The "church" angle went over your butch head, but not shocking.

It is called the slippery slope, once you get one thing through then there's the next thing and the next thing.

Drug usage will be debated years from now. Dress and apperance standards will be up for debate. Etc, these things in the military must be like the mall. Raul can smoke crack at Macys in the dressing room during breaks and weight 250 lbs, so why is the Army opposed to taking him.

You're just a simple-minded radioman, err woman. Don't ever think you are going to change the world to your disturbed viewpoint.

So you're now claiming if someone is drunk at work that they don't get in trouble? There are plenty of people booted out for DUIs, getting drunk on base/at bars, etc.

Or if someone is cheating on their spouse openly, they don't get in trouble?

FYI....I knew Kelly Flynn, she got in trouble for sleeping with an airmen's husband....but the PC Clinton Admin let her quit instead of getting court a man would.

Try another argument, butchie.

I'm not surprised you missed the point. You claim that the repeal of DADT will lead to religion being drummed out of the military. Why would that be the case of other biblical "sins" didn't?

It's the other way around. I'm not simple minded and I'm fairly damn sure that your view is the one that is outdated here, not hers. I know bigotry is hard to let go of but maybe right before you die you'll realize where you went wrong.
Little boy, you are the outsider in the USAF....but deep down you know it. You probably squirm when they pray at military events or when it's clear Democrats are doing something stupid again in regards to the military.

For example, Kerry saying "the troops were scaring women and children in Iraq." Obamination and Reid saying "the war in Iraq was a failure, a lost cause."

Good support there from your fellow liberals, eh? Oh, but they have the best interests of the military in mind with PC moves that are to appease the gay voters that typcially loathe the US military. Is loathe too big a word for you, airman?

The "church" angle went over your butch head, but not shocking.

It is called the slippery slope, once you get one thing through then there's the next thing and the next thing.

Drug usage will be debated years from now. Dress and apperance standards will be up for debate. Etc, these things in the military must be like the mall. Raul can smoke crack at Macys in the dressing room during breaks and weight 250 lbs, so why is the Army opposed to taking him.

You're just a simple-minded radioman, err woman. Don't ever think you are going to change the world to your disturbed viewpoint.

I'm not surprised you missed the point. You claim that the repeal of DADT will lead to religion being drummed out of the military. Why would that be the case of other biblical "sins" didn't?

It's the other way around. I'm not simple minded and I'm fairly damn sure that your view is the one that is outdated here, not his. I know bigotry is hard to let go of but maybe right before you die you'll realize where you went wrong.

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