GOP Debate Audience Boos U.S. Soldier in Iraq

Sure twit, sure.

So we should've allowed Hitler to kill all those Jews since we couldn't kill him.:cuckoo:

Why are you allowed internet access? Don't the men in white coats know what you're doing?

The original translation was MURDER, not kill....but don't let that ruin your rant.

If people were not allowed to kill, then you couldn't kill animals for food and you couldn't defend yourself to the extreme of killing the person/animal trying to kill you.

People like you should just go drive yourself off a bridge to help the world out.


The Ten Commandments
King James Version (KJV)
Exodus 20:1-17

1.) And God spake all these words, saying,

2.) I am the LORD thy God, which have brought thee out of the land of Egypt, out of the house of bondage.

3.) Thou shalt have no other gods before me.

4.) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image, or any likeness of any thing that is in heaven above, or that is in the earth beneath, or that is in the water under the earth:

5.) Thou shalt not bow down thyself to them, nor serve them: for I the LORD thy God am a jealous God, visiting the iniquity of the fathers upon the children unto the third and fourth generation of them that hate me;

6.) And shewing mercy unto thousands of them that love me, and keep my commandments.

7.) Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain; for the LORD will not hold him guiltless that taketh his name in vain.

8.) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy.

9.) Six days shalt thou labour, and do all thy work:

10.) But the seventh day is the sabbath of the LORD thy God: in it thou shalt not do any work, thou, nor thy son, nor thy daughter, thy manservant, nor thy maidservant, nor thy cattle, nor thy stranger that is within thy gates:

11.) For in six days the LORD made heaven and earth, the sea, and all that in them is, and rested the seventh day: wherefore the LORD blessed the sabbath day, and hallowed it.

12.) Honour thy father and thy mother: that thy days may be long upon the land which the LORD thy God giveth thee.

13.) Thou shalt not kill.

14.) Thou shalt not commit adultery.

15.) Thou shalt not steal.

16.) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.

17.) Thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's house, thou shalt not covet thy neighbour's wife, nor his manservant, nor his maidservant, nor his ox, nor his ass, nor any thing that is thy neighbour's.

The above is the ten commandments as presented in the King James version of the bible. Below is the ten commandments in the simplified and numbered form they are usually presented.

The Ten Commandments

1.) Thou shalt have no other gods before me
2.) Thou shalt not make unto thee any graven image
3.) Thou shalt not take the name of the LORD thy God in vain
4.) Remember the sabbath day, to keep it holy
5.) Honour thy father and thy mother
6.) Thou shalt not kill
7.) Thou shalt not commit adultery
8.) Thou shalt not steal
9.) Thou shalt not bear false witness against thy neighbour.
10.) Thou shalt not covet

No, The sixth of the ten commandments reads, “Thou shall not kill.” The New International Version translates it, “Thou shall not murder.”

Killing in war is murder. God will not forgive killing for the state. God does not recognize any sovereignty except HIS.
Gays in the military is going to harm the military long term by keeping out some troops that would do 20 years and it will harm the espirit de corps within the military too.

How? How is having all members serving under the EXACT SAME rules and regulations going to "harm" the US military? Practically all, if not all, of our allies have lifted their bans. Can you provide examples of how this has "harmed" their militaries?

Israel, one of our closest allies, has not had their ban for over a decade. How has this harmed their military? Please provide specific examples.

If you served, you served with gays and lesbians. Now you just know it. Oh the horror...:eek:
That's true. However, only libturd imbeciles would find comfort in the idea of being defended by a bunch of pansies holding hands as they go into battle.

Yeah because the gay people currently in the military go on battle fields holding hands right? Have any proof of that, or is it just another ridiculous statement you've decided to make?

You're good at making statements, and manipulating the words of others-but you're awful at actually backing up what you say.

Until now, we've had DADT, so they couldn't. However, now that it has been repealed, it will only be a matter of time until they are sleeping in the same bunk.

Are heterosexuals allowed to sleep in the same bunk? Why would barracks regulations suddenly be moot simply because you can't kick gays and lesbians out of the military for their private, consenting adult behavior?
Idiot....the majority of military personnel don't like his kind in the first place and have no problem booing him too.

Your hypothesis is not supported by facts.

You see idiot, the military isn't about is about being part of the TEAM, so when your kind go on TV and brag about being gay in the military, etc...well then you just stuck yourself out in front of others in the military thinking you're special.

Nope, not special...just the same. DADT was the "special" policy. Now that it is gone, all military members serve under the exact same rules and regulations. Now that IS special.

He might get special treatment like beaten up or totally ignored by others until it drives him out of the military, since he is "special."

Again, your view is not supported by actual facts or real-life experiences.

Did you see the arms on the guy in the video? You really think that guy is going to get "beaten up"?

Here's a quote from a soldier BEFORE DADT was repealed:

“We have a gay guy [in the unit]. He’s big, he’s mean, and he kills lots of bad guys. No one cared that he was gay.”
So...what is your military experience?


You have no clue what openly gay people will do to the morale within the military because you never served in the military.

There will be more sexual assault cases in the military, there will be more fights and recruiting numbers will go down. Nice job there, idiot.

As for Israel, military service is MANDATORY for every able bodied human in that country, so not a good example. They are in survival mode there so they are willing to throw out certain standards to protect themselves....with us standing behind them with the stick.

The reason why Israel exists is because of our military, not their "gay" military.

Gays in the military is going to harm the military long term by keeping out some troops that would do 20 years and it will harm the espirit de corps within the military too.

How? How is having all members serving under the EXACT SAME rules and regulations going to "harm" the US military? Practically all, if not all, of our allies have lifted their bans. Can you provide examples of how this has "harmed" their militaries?

Israel, one of our closest allies, has not had their ban for over a decade. How has this harmed their military? Please provide specific examples.

If you served, you served with gays and lesbians. Now you just know it. Oh the horror...:eek:
The FACTS I have come from military experience, not from internet websites like you.

Who cares about his arms size, he can be beaten up or just ignored to the point where he doesn't want to be in the military anymore. If nobody wants to be around him anymore, that is worse than being beaten up by those same guys.

If someone wants to tell everyone in the military they're now in this special group, then they are singling themselves out for special treatment. If he kept his mouth shut then people would've ignored his lifestyle until it was thrown in their face...but now it is in their face.

Now if he looks at someone the wrong way in the showers, he'll get his ass whopped or he'll be standing in front of a court martial...

Idiot....the majority of military personnel don't like his kind in the first place and have no problem booing him too.

Your hypothesis is not supported by facts.

You see idiot, the military isn't about is about being part of the TEAM, so when your kind go on TV and brag about being gay in the military, etc...well then you just stuck yourself out in front of others in the military thinking you're special.

Nope, not special...just the same. DADT was the "special" policy. Now that it is gone, all military members serve under the exact same rules and regulations. Now that IS special.

He might get special treatment like beaten up or totally ignored by others until it drives him out of the military, since he is "special."

Again, your view is not supported by actual facts or real-life experiences.

Did you see the arms on the guy in the video? You really think that guy is going to get "beaten up"?

Here's a quote from a soldier BEFORE DADT was repealed:

“We have a gay guy [in the unit]. He’s big, he’s mean, and he kills lots of bad guys. No one cared that he was gay.”
How? How is having all members serving under the EXACT SAME rules and regulations going to "harm" the US military? Practically all, if not all, of our allies have lifted their bans. Can you provide examples of how this has "harmed" their militaries?

Which of our allies has a military that is worth a damn? The British were barely able to beat the 3rd rate Argentinian military.

Israel, one of our closest allies, has not had their ban for over a decade. How has this harmed their military? Please provide specific examples.

Israel hasn't fought a major war since 1973.

If you served, you served with gays and lesbians. Now you just know it. Oh the horror...:eek:

Until now, the kept it to themselves. They couldn't go around proclaiming their love for another man. Oh, the horror!
Until now, we've had DADT, so they couldn't. However, now that it has been repealed, it will only be a matter of time until they are sleeping in the same bunk.

Are heterosexuals allowed to sleep in the same bunk? Why would barracks regulations suddenly be moot simply because you can't kick gays and lesbians out of the military for their private, consenting adult behavior?

Women and men don't bunk in the same room. Furthermore, having women in the military has its own problems, which the Iraq war demonstrated in spades.

Liberal schemes to change society are invariably bad ideas. Social norms have existed for thousands of years for a very good reason: they work. Liberalism doesn't work.
Wow, what a bunch of retarded arguments....the bottom line is that it was wrong to boo the soldier because he's gay. If you can't agree with that than you're a POS bigot, unless you normally boo or support booing US soldiers.
Until now, we've had DADT, so they couldn't. However, now that it has been repealed, it will only be a matter of time until they are sleeping in the same bunk.

Are heterosexuals allowed to sleep in the same bunk? Why would barracks regulations suddenly be moot simply because you can't kick gays and lesbians out of the military for their private, consenting adult behavior?

Women and men don't bunk in the same room. Furthermore, having women in the military has its own problems, which the Iraq war demonstrated in spades.

Liberal schemes to change society are invariably bad ideas. Social norms have existed for thousands of years for a very good reason: they work. Liberalism doesn't work.

Jesus was a horrible person then.

And Ghandi.

And the United States.
Are heterosexuals allowed to sleep in the same bunk? Why would barracks regulations suddenly be moot simply because you can't kick gays and lesbians out of the military for their private, consenting adult behavior?

Women and men don't bunk in the same room. Furthermore, having women in the military has its own problems, which the Iraq war demonstrated in spades.

Liberal schemes to change society are invariably bad ideas. Social norms have existed for thousands of years for a very good reason: they work. Liberalism doesn't work.

Jesus was a horrible person then.

And Ghandi.

And the United States.

Jesus is a myth. Ghandi screwed up India. They had it better under British rule than under self-rule.

The United States didn't change any social norms. U.S. liberals did, and almost all their changes were for the worse.
So...what is your military experience?


You have no clue what openly gay people will do to the morale within the military because you never served in the military.

There will be more sexual assault cases in the military, there will be more fights and recruiting numbers will go down. Nice job there, idiot.

As for Israel, military service is MANDATORY for every able bodied human in that country, so not a good example. They are in survival mode there so they are willing to throw out certain standards to protect themselves....with us standing behind them with the stick.

The reason why Israel exists is because of our military, not their "gay" military.

You really shouldn't speak before you know what you are talking about. I happen to be honorably retired, fuck you very much.

Why would there be more assault cases? It's not as though gays and lesbians weren't serving. We have been serving...and doing it under draconian restrictions that required us to lie about who we are. The only difference between Sept 19th and Sept 20th is that we can't get kicked out if you find out we are gay. Why should that increase the number of assault cases? You might be right though...the number of REPORTED assault cases will rise because now, when gay and lesbian military members are assaulted, they can report it without fear of being found out for being gay.

Over a score of countries, many with cultures similar to our own, have lifted their bans without incident. Canada, Great Britain, Australia...all with "poofters" serving openly. Please provide a SINGLE example of this "harm" that honestly serving gays and lesbians will cause the US military.

Do you know what the Brits said when they were contemplating lifting their ban? They claimed that it would hurt recruitment. Would you like to venture a guess at what REALLY happened?

Israel has been pretty close to be actively at war for the last decade. How have the serving gay and lesbians in their military "harmed" them? Specific examples please.
Women and men don't bunk in the same room. Furthermore, having women in the military has its own problems, which the Iraq war demonstrated in spades.

Liberal schemes to change society are invariably bad ideas. Social norms have existed for thousands of years for a very good reason: they work. Liberalism doesn't work.

Jesus was a horrible person then.

And Ghandi.

And the United States.

Jesus is a myth. Ghandi screwed up India. They had it better under British rule than under self-rule.

The United States didn't change any social norms. U.S. liberals did, and almost all their changes were for the worse.

The United States was founded on the principles of breaking out of a societal norm. India just wanted the same thing the colonies wanted.
So...what is your military experience?


You have no clue what openly gay people will do to the morale within the military because you never served in the military.

There will be more sexual assault cases in the military, there will be more fights and recruiting numbers will go down. Nice job there, idiot.

As for Israel, military service is MANDATORY for every able bodied human in that country, so not a good example. They are in survival mode there so they are willing to throw out certain standards to protect themselves....with us standing behind them with the stick.

The reason why Israel exists is because of our military, not their "gay" military.

You really shouldn't speak before you know what you are talking about. I happen to be honorably retired, fuck you very much.

Why would there be more assault cases? It's not as though gays and lesbians weren't serving. We have been serving...and doing it under draconian restrictions that required us to lie about who we are. The only difference between Sept 19th and Sept 20th is that we can't get kicked out if you find out we are gay. Why should that increase the number of assault cases? You might be right though...the number of REPORTED assault cases will rise because now, when gay and lesbian military members are assaulted, they can report it without fear of being found out for being gay.

Over a score of countries, many with cultures similar to our own, have lifted their bans without incident. Canada, Great Britain, Australia...all with "poofters" serving openly. Please provide a SINGLE example of this "harm" that honestly serving gays and lesbians will cause the US military.

Do you know what the Brits said when they were contemplating lifting their ban? They claimed that it would hurt recruitment. Would you like to venture a guess at what REALLY happened?

Israel has been pretty close to be actively at war for the last decade. How have the serving gay and lesbians in their military "harmed" them? Specific examples please.

I'm proud to serve with those who are proud to serve. If gays and lesbians are proud to serve, they deserve the same respect. They are Americans too. They lay their lives on the line so you can continue to say crap like that about them. :salute:
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The United States was founded on the principles of breaking out of a societal norm. India just wanted the same thing the colonies wanted.

ROFL! What "societal norms" did the Founding Fathers overthrow? changing your form of government is not changing a "societal norm."

Because of Ghandi, India adopted socialism. It has been mired in poverty and misery ever since. Did you know that virtually every railroad in India was built by the British?
You're a liar, you never served except maybe served time in a jail somewhere.

As for the increase of UCMJ violations with openly gay people, bet your sorry ass on it. Gay Raul will now show up at work bragging about his dates on the weekend and the dumb ones will take the bait beating him up.

Throw in Raul living in a tent causing others discomfort that didn't need to be there if he kept his mouth shut. Showers at the gym? Raul might be hanging out in the showers for a reason now, since it's ok for him to tell everyone he is on the market.

Roommate is gay and you don't like it? Well, it is your problem now in the military. Raul ends up with a room by himself since nobody wants to sleep in the same room with him. So since he offends people, he gets his own room in the barracks.:cuckoo:

So...what is your military experience?


You have no clue what openly gay people will do to the morale within the military because you never served in the military.

There will be more sexual assault cases in the military, there will be more fights and recruiting numbers will go down. Nice job there, idiot.

As for Israel, military service is MANDATORY for every able bodied human in that country, so not a good example. They are in survival mode there so they are willing to throw out certain standards to protect themselves....with us standing behind them with the stick.

The reason why Israel exists is because of our military, not their "gay" military.

You really shouldn't speak before you know what you are talking about. I happen to be honorably retired, fuck you very much.

Why would there be more assault cases? It's not as though gays and lesbians weren't serving. We have been serving...and doing it under draconian restrictions that required us to lie about who we are. The only difference between Sept 19th and Sept 20th is that we can't get kicked out if you find out we are gay. Why should that increase the number of assault cases? You might be right though...the number of REPORTED assault cases will rise because now, when gay and lesbian military members are assaulted, they can report it without fear of being found out for being gay.

Over a score of countries, many with cultures similar to our own, have lifted their bans without incident. Canada, Great Britain, Australia...all with "poofters" serving openly. Please provide a SINGLE example of this "harm" that honestly serving gays and lesbians will cause the US military.

Do you know what the Brits said when they were contemplating lifting their ban? They claimed that it would hurt recruitment. Would you like to venture a guess at what REALLY happened?

Israel has been pretty close to be actively at war for the last decade. How have the serving gay and lesbians in their military "harmed" them? Specific examples please.
The FACTS I have come from military experience, not from internet websites like you.

Who cares about his arms size, he can be beaten up or just ignored to the point where he doesn't want to be in the military anymore. If nobody wants to be around him anymore, that is worse than being beaten up by those same guys.

If someone wants to tell everyone in the military they're now in this special group, then they are singling themselves out for special treatment. If he kept his mouth shut then people would've ignored his lifestyle until it was thrown in their face...but now it is in their face.

Now if he looks at someone the wrong way in the showers, he'll get his ass whopped or he'll be standing in front of a court martial...

The facts I provided were from the DADT survey of ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, not some "internet web site"

Just how old is your military experience? Today's military just doesn't care. They care that the person standing next to them can shoot straight, not if they are straight.

How is knowing that someone is gay or straight "throwing" anything "in your face"? Did you know if any of your fellow members were married? Was that considered "throwing" their sexuality "in your face"?

Did you know that only 8% of Iraq and Afghanistan members said that they had to shower in public showers (and that was over 5 years ago)? Do you realize that before DADT was lifted, there were gay men in the showers with you? How does knowing they are gay change that fact?
Little boy, when someone puts themselves above the unit/others, well they are not welcome in the military. You're not a leader, so you don't understand this concept.

So...what is your military experience?


You have no clue what openly gay people will do to the morale within the military because you never served in the military.

There will be more sexual assault cases in the military, there will be more fights and recruiting numbers will go down. Nice job there, idiot.

As for Israel, military service is MANDATORY for every able bodied human in that country, so not a good example. They are in survival mode there so they are willing to throw out certain standards to protect themselves....with us standing behind them with the stick.

The reason why Israel exists is because of our military, not their "gay" military.

You really shouldn't speak before you know what you are talking about. I happen to be honorably retired, fuck you very much.

Why would there be more assault cases? It's not as though gays and lesbians weren't serving. We have been serving...and doing it under draconian restrictions that required us to lie about who we are. The only difference between Sept 19th and Sept 20th is that we can't get kicked out if you find out we are gay. Why should that increase the number of assault cases? You might be right though...the number of REPORTED assault cases will rise because now, when gay and lesbian military members are assaulted, they can report it without fear of being found out for being gay.

Over a score of countries, many with cultures similar to our own, have lifted their bans without incident. Canada, Great Britain, Australia...all with "poofters" serving openly. Please provide a SINGLE example of this "harm" that honestly serving gays and lesbians will cause the US military.

Do you know what the Brits said when they were contemplating lifting their ban? They claimed that it would hurt recruitment. Would you like to venture a guess at what REALLY happened?

Israel has been pretty close to be actively at war for the last decade. How have the serving gay and lesbians in their military "harmed" them? Specific examples please.

I'm proud to serve with those who are proud to serve. If gays and lesbians are proud to serve, they deserve the same respect. They are Americans too. They lay their lives on the line so you can continue to say crap like that about them. :salute:
The FACTS I have come from military experience, not from internet websites like you.

Who cares about his arms size, he can be beaten up or just ignored to the point where he doesn't want to be in the military anymore. If nobody wants to be around him anymore, that is worse than being beaten up by those same guys.

If someone wants to tell everyone in the military they're now in this special group, then they are singling themselves out for special treatment. If he kept his mouth shut then people would've ignored his lifestyle until it was thrown in their face...but now it is in their face.

Now if he looks at someone the wrong way in the showers, he'll get his ass whopped or he'll be standing in front of a court martial...

The facts I provided were from the DADT survey of ACTIVE DUTY MILITARY, not some "internet web site"

Just how old is your military experience? Today's military just doesn't care. They care that the person standing next to them can shoot straight, not if they are straight.

How is knowing that someone is gay or straight "throwing" anything "in your face"? Did you know if any of your fellow members were married? Was that considered "throwing" their sexuality "in your face"?

Did you know that only 8% of Iraq and Afghanistan members said that they had to shower in public showers (and that was over 5 years ago)? Do you realize that before DADT was lifted, there were gay men in the showers with you? How does knowing they are gay change that fact?

I think it would be flattering to know that I attract men and women. But I have a huge ego so who knows.
Little boy, when someone puts themselves above the unit/others, well they are not welcome in the military. You're not a leader, so you don't understand this concept.

You really shouldn't speak before you know what you are talking about. I happen to be honorably retired, fuck you very much.

Why would there be more assault cases? It's not as though gays and lesbians weren't serving. We have been serving...and doing it under draconian restrictions that required us to lie about who we are. The only difference between Sept 19th and Sept 20th is that we can't get kicked out if you find out we are gay. Why should that increase the number of assault cases? You might be right though...the number of REPORTED assault cases will rise because now, when gay and lesbian military members are assaulted, they can report it without fear of being found out for being gay.

Over a score of countries, many with cultures similar to our own, have lifted their bans without incident. Canada, Great Britain, Australia...all with "poofters" serving openly. Please provide a SINGLE example of this "harm" that honestly serving gays and lesbians will cause the US military.

Do you know what the Brits said when they were contemplating lifting their ban? They claimed that it would hurt recruitment. Would you like to venture a guess at what REALLY happened?

Israel has been pretty close to be actively at war for the last decade. How have the serving gay and lesbians in their military "harmed" them? Specific examples please.

I'm proud to serve with those who are proud to serve. If gays and lesbians are proud to serve, they deserve the same respect. They are Americans too. They lay their lives on the line so you can continue to say crap like that about them. :salute:

You are such a child. :lol:

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