GOP Debate Thread

How the hell else is he supposed to get the money expropriated from his taxpayers back to his taxpayers?

C'mon....Tell us.


NOT by earmarks that come back for sweetheart deals and bridges to nowhere (yes I know that was in Alaska)

The only way Ron Paul can do that is with earmarks???????

Don't hand me that! I LIVE in the state that has every building you can see (downtown) named after some politician who's good at earmarks.

It DOESN'T help the state's economy. If it did Obama's stimulus would have worked.


If one government fund is bad for the economy (stimulus) then another one is TOO (earmarks) IT'S STILL SPENDING THAT SINKING THIS COUNTRY UNDER DEBT!

It's Grade A homogonized bullshit, that Ron Paul is doing that for ANY OTHER REASON THAN the reason any other politician does it: VOTES!

If Ron Paul believes what he believes HE WOULD WALK THE WALK not just talk the talk.

He doesn't and he never has.
Things like fuel taxes to pay for roads and bridges are what they are...Those are taxes you really can't get rid of as they pay for legitimate functions of lawful gubmint.

The game is what it is and he has to get the money his constituents pay in somehow....How do you propose he goes about that?

Are you telling me that is the ONLY reason Ron Paul has done earmarks??????

Because if you have evidence to back that one up, let me know.
Gingrich claimed that Jefferson abolished 18 of 35 judges (judgeships, presumably) and that no one in power criticized him. If both those things are true it is the most surprising thing I've heard this year.

And I bet you'll check this out! Go girl!
Gingrich claimed that Jefferson abolished 18 of 35 judges (judgeships, presumably) and that no one in power criticized him. If both those things are true it is the most surprising thing I've heard this year.

Yeah, it's not even close to true (Marbury v. Madison - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia). The Supreme Court, in its famous unanimous decision Marbury v. Madison, said that Marbury was entitled to his judgeship. And this was a huge political controversy, I'm sure plenty of people in office objected.
The courts are not the final arbiter of law. Wow.... these nutjobs are going off the rails.

And Ron Paul is radical???

Ron Paul IS the nutjob.

Heh... not in this crowd. Wow!

Bullshit, not in this crowd.

Ron Paul is a nutjob.

He believes in pre-Pearl Harbor world where we can just ignore the world and the world will ignore us.

That foreign policy has NEVER worked and never will, and that's only ONE of the problems I have with Ron Paul.
Are you telling me that is the ONLY reason Ron Paul has done earmarks??????

Because if you have evidence to back that one up, let me know.
I have his word on it.

You have any evidence that he's lying?...You have any better way of getting the taxes paid by your constituents back into the district other than how he goes about it?

When you get elected to office and can find a better way, you let us all know.
Does anyone really believe that stuff about how cutting earmarks is going to save us?

I can never hear earmarks without thinking of Palin calling them earform remarks. :lmao:
Are you telling me that is the ONLY reason Ron Paul has done earmarks??????

Because if you have evidence to back that one up, let me know.
I have his word on it.

You have any evidence that he's lying?...You have any better way of getting the taxes paid by your constituents back into the district other than how he goes about it?

When you get elected to office and can find a better way, you let us all know.

Oh, you have HIS WORD on it! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You mean like the word he gave on his racist newsletters where he claimed he didn't even write them???????????

There goes kooky Paul again.

Let's pretend the rest of the world isn't there, and they won't hurt us!

Pearl Harbor and 9/11 never happened!!!!!!!!!!

Isn't it great!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!!
In office, but not in power.

I know its a subtle nuance. but Newt talks like that.
Yes, yet it is...You look it up, numbnutz.

I have. It's not. Paul is playing you for a fool.
The only fool here is you, tovarich.....Go peddle your Marxist bullshit over at DU.

Wow, knowing what fascism means makes me a Marxist? That's a new one. :cuckoo:
Fascism (play /ˈfæʃɪzəm/) is a radical authoritarian nationalist political ideology.[1][2] Fascists seek to rejuvenate their nation based on commitment to the national community as an organic entity, in which individuals are bound together in national identity by suprapersonal connections of ancestry, culture, and blood.[3] To achieve this, fascists purge forces, ideas, people, and systems deemed to be the cause of decadence and degeneration.[3] Fascists advocate the creation of a totalitarian single-party state that seeks the mass mobilization of a nation through indoctrination, physical education, discipline and family policy (such as eugenics).[4][5] That state is led by a supreme leader who exercises a dictatorship over the fascist movement, the government and other state institutions.[6] Fascist governments forbid and suppress opposition.[7]

Fascism promotes political violence and war as actions that create national regeneration, spirit and vitality.[4][8] It views violence as a fact of life that is a necessary means to achieve human progress.[9] It exalts militarism as providing positive transformation in society and providing spiritual renovation, education, instilling of a will to dominate in people's character and creating national comradeship through military service.[10] Fascists commonly utilize paramilitary organizations for violent attacks on opponents or to overthrow a political system.[11]

Fascism - Wikipedia, the free encyclopedia

Tell me about all the violence with Fannie and Freddie.
Are you telling me that is the ONLY reason Ron Paul has done earmarks??????

Because if you have evidence to back that one up, let me know.
I have his word on it.

You have any evidence that he's lying?...You have any better way of getting the taxes paid by your constituents back into the district other than how he goes about it?

When you get elected to office and can find a better way, you let us all know.

Oh, you have HIS WORD on it! :lol::lol::lol::lol::lol:

You mean like the word he gave on his racist newsletters where he claimed he didn't even write them???????????

He didn't write them and you have no evidence that he's lying in either case.

Now, you go get elected to office and tell us how better to get your constituents their taxes back, defelectapottamus.
Ron Paul is chanelling Neville Chamberlain.

Can you imagine him in the 30s?

"We don't have any evidence that Hitler is breaking the Versailles Treaty!"


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