GOP Debate Thread

Bachmann claims that Iran has vowed to use a nuclear weapon against the US. I'm pretty sure this is false, and extremely, as Paul says, "dangerous talk".
I think Ron Paul is burying himself with Iran.

I agree.
Nonsense....The USSR had America outnumbered at least 4:1 with nukes.

If Iran's neighbors, Israel included, want to go in and bomb them over this, let 'em.

The Soviet Union was not run by a bunch of towel headed Imams who think there 12th Imam is waiting in a well for all the "infidels" to be killed. Iran does!

There is NO comparison!
Nonsense....The USSR had America outnumbered at least 4:1 with nukes.

If Iran's neighbors, Israel included, want to go in and bomb them over this, let 'em.

The Soviet Union was not run by a bunch of towel headed Imams who think there 12th Imam is waiting in a well for all the "infidels" to be killed. Iran does!

There is NO comparison!
How do they go about delivering it, even if they have it....By stealth camel?
Nonsense....The USSR had America outnumbered at least 4:1 with nukes.

If Iran's neighbors, Israel included, want to go in and bomb them over this, let 'em.

The Soviet Union was not run by a bunch of towel headed Imams who think there 12th Imam is waiting in a well for all the "infidels" to be killed. Iran does!

There is NO comparison!

There's a perfect comparison. The USSR was run by ideologues, just like Iran. Neither the USSR leadership, nor the Iranian leadership, wants to lose their power.
He didn't write them and you have no evidence that he's lying in either case.

Now, you go get elected to office and tell us how better to get your constituents their taxes back, defelectapottamus.

Some of them are SIGNED BY HIM!!!!!!!!!

I saw them!

The man is a dead liar!

Not only that but he LEFT the Republican Party in the latter part of the 80s because he said he couldn't stand what Reagan was doing. He went libertarian.


Now he wants to pretend he's a Reaganite, when he left the Republican party because Reagan wouldn't adhere to Ron paul's insane ideas about isolationism.

Now THAT is the truth!
You're deflecting from the original point, to the point that you're not even addressing it.....I accept your capitulation.

I think we see who's capitulating. THE SUBJECT IS PAUL!

I haven't changed the subject. I'm just not accepting your lame excuses.

Paul is Lying about his own newsletters, just as he's LYING about his allegiance to Reagan.
Bachmann threatening to attack Iran.....just to be safe

Paul seems to be the only adult on the stage

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