GOP establishment doesn't seem to comprehend

Keep making fun of poor and lower-middle class families. It's so fucking funny.

Feeding the poor is like "feeding wild animals" all good Republicans know this ..


Trump's campaign is broke

What the fuck would you know about being poor and working your way out of it?

Not something the Democrats try to inspire in people, that is for sure. Proud of my father and mother for the effort they put out to change their lives and the lives of their kids. When I was a kid, my father made sure we ate and he worked on a fat reclamation/recycling truck taking the drums of fat out of the basements of restaurants after it drained from the grease traps. The route was a two man route delivering powered soap and picking up the grease. Him and his co-worker used to split a sandwich everyday because neither one of them had enough money to buy their own.

After my father put my mother, me and my siblings through college, he went back and got his pilot's license to complete his dream from his own childhood.

You don't know a fucking thing about pasta, baloney sandwiches, and peanut butter and jelly every day nor walking around your house in a blanket because heating oil was too expensive.

All you know is what some shitbag liberal told you and that is how those of us on the right know you guys are full of shit.
Melodramatic meltdown.
Keep making fun of poor and lower-middle class families. It's so fucking funny.

Feeding the poor is like "feeding wild animals" all good Republicans know this ..


Trump's campaign is broke

What the fuck would you know about being poor and working your way out of it?

Not something the Democrats try to inspire in people, that is for sure. Proud of my father and mother for the effort they put out to change their lives and the lives of their kids. When I was a kid, my father made sure we ate and he worked on a fat reclamation/recycling truck taking the drums of fat out of the basements of restaurants after it drained from the grease traps. The route was a two man route delivering powered soap and picking up the grease. Him and his co-worker used to split a sandwich everyday because neither one of them had enough money to buy their own.

After my father put my mother, me and my siblings through college, he went back and got his pilot's license to complete his dream from his own childhood.

You don't know a fucking thing about pasta, baloney sandwiches, and peanut butter and jelly every day nor walking around your house in a blanket because heating oil was too expensive.

All you know is what some shitbag liberal told you and that is how those of us on the right know you guys are full of shit.
Melodramatic meltdown.

Another scumbag on the left heard from.. Noted. Don't give a shit about the poor just as long as they keep voting Democrat.
Keep making fun of poor and lower-middle class families. It's so fucking funny.

Feeding the poor is like "feeding wild animals" all good Republicans know this ..


Trump's campaign is broke

What the fuck would you know about being poor and working your way out of it?

Not something the Democrats try to inspire in people, that is for sure. Proud of my father and mother for the effort they put out to change their lives and the lives of their kids. When I was a kid, my father made sure we ate and he worked on a fat reclamation/recycling truck taking the drums of fat out of the basements of restaurants after it drained from the grease traps. The route was a two man route delivering powered soap and picking up the grease. Him and his co-worker used to split a sandwich everyday because neither one of them had enough money to buy their own.

After my father put my mother, me and my siblings through college, he went back and got his pilot's license to complete his dream from his own childhood.

You don't know a fucking thing about pasta, baloney sandwiches, and peanut butter and jelly every day nor walking around your house in a blanket because heating oil was too expensive.

All you know is what some shitbag liberal told you and that is how those of us on the right know you guys are full of shit.
Melodramatic meltdown.

Another scumbag on the left heard from.. Noted. Don't give a shit about the poor just as long as they keep voting Democrat.
Keep dreamin'
If they allow this neo cohen zionist clown Kristol to get a candidate into the race and it costs Trum the election then WE THE PEOPLE will never vote GOP again and will do EVERYTHING in our power to destroy what's left of the GOP.

That's the whole point! They don't fucking care who you vote for, Bush -- Obama -- Romney they're all the same fucking people wanting the exact same things
Can you spot the Liberal on this block?


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If they allow this neo cohen zionist clown Kristol to get a candidate into the race and it costs Trum the election then WE THE PEOPLE will never vote GOP again and will do EVERYTHING in our power to destroy what's left of the GOP.

That's the whole point! They don't fucking care who you vote for, Bush -- Obama -- Romney they're all the same fucking people wanting the exact same things
That's true. But, ignoring Trump's inconsistencies is not a winning strategy either. I think you're wrong on Mitt. He ran an awful campaign though. He ran as who he thought he needed to be rather than the best he could be.

I'd rather lose an election and tell the natl party what they have to do to earn our votes that just do groundhog day every 4 years.
Can't help you STILL don't comprehend what he meant by a WORKERS party. The GOP has ALWAYS been the party of the rich 1% assholes. Well now Trump is going to represent the WORKING MAN AND WOMAN who are MUCH more numerous and loyal to a party when they are treated well. Take your tea party BULLSHIT and shove it.Trump is taking the GOP BACK to where it was when Eisenhower ran it.
Words have meaning. Let's see what the Mayor of Literalville says:
September 29, 2009

RUSH: I've been mentioning this since I started this show. "Workers" is a communist word. "Workers" is a socialist word, it's a Karl Marx word. "Workers of the world unite." We don't have workers, we have citizens; we have employees; we have associates.

true, everyone who has a job is a "worker". Screw the leftist word manipulators.
Now suddenly your MessiahRushie is a "Leftist" word manipulator! :rofl::lmao:

try to pay attention. Rush had it right, you leftists are the word manipulators. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself on a public message board?
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.

Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Words have meaning. Let's see what the Mayor of Literalville says:
September 29, 2009

RUSH: I've been mentioning this since I started this show. "Workers" is a communist word. "Workers" is a socialist word, it's a Karl Marx word. "Workers of the world unite." We don't have workers, we have citizens; we have employees; we have associates.

true, everyone who has a job is a "worker". Screw the leftist word manipulators.
Now suddenly your MessiahRushie is a "Leftist" word manipulator! :rofl::lmao:

try to pay attention. Rush had it right, you leftists are the word manipulators. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself on a public message board?
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.

Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.
"Neo-cohen zionist"? Sounds more like the bigoted anti-Semitic left talking than republican conservatives. Conservatives don't have a problem with a Jewish news analyst. Kristol turned out to be an establishment rather than a conservative republican but it's nothing to get your panties twisted over.

The OP is one of your fellow rightists, a hateful, ignorant bigot.
true, everyone who has a job is a "worker". Screw the leftist word manipulators.
Now suddenly your MessiahRushie is a "Leftist" word manipulator! :rofl::lmao:

try to pay attention. Rush had it right, you leftists are the word manipulators. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself on a public message board?
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.

Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.

But both are smarter than you----------------------------------because you don't get it.
Now suddenly your MessiahRushie is a "Leftist" word manipulator! :rofl::lmao:

try to pay attention. Rush had it right, you leftists are the word manipulators. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself on a public message board?
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.

Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.

But both are smarter than you----------------------------------because you don't get it.
False ! I get it and am smart enough to know it's bullshit besides being inartfully done.
Modified CPR procedures for dealing with leftist loonies...


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try to pay attention. Rush had it right, you leftists are the word manipulators. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself on a public message board?
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.

Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.

But both are smarter than you----------------------------------because you don't get it.
False ! I get it and am smart enough to know it's bullshit besides being inartfully done.

If you got it, you wouldn't be making moronic comments about it. Its not subtle or clever, you just don't get it. Maybe a remedial course in English would be in order for you.

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