GOP establishment doesn't seem to comprehend


Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
Words have meaning. Let's see what the Mayor of Literalville says:
September 29, 2009

RUSH: I've been mentioning this since I started this show. "Workers" is a communist word. "Workers" is a socialist word, it's a Karl Marx word. "Workers of the world unite." We don't have workers, we have citizens; we have employees; we have associates.

true, everyone who has a job is a "worker". Screw the leftist word manipulators.
Now suddenly your MessiahRushie is a "Leftist" word manipulator! :rofl::lmao:

try to pay attention. Rush had it right, you leftists are the word manipulators. Do you enjoy making a fool of yourself on a public message board?
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.
Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
It isn't sarcasm.

September 18, 2007

RUSH: I hate that word -- 'worker'. It's a communist word."
Trump is total Bullshit ..
Shady Accounting Boosts Trump’s Wealth

“Donald Trump claims a net worth of more than $10 billion and income of $557 million. But he appears to get there only by over-valuing properties and ignoring his expenses.”

Politico spoke with more than a dozen financial experts and Trump’s fellow multi-millionaires about the presumptive Republican nominee’s financial statement. Their conclusion: the real estate magnate’s bottom line – what he actually puts in his own pocket – could be much lower than he suggests. Some financial analysts said this, and a very low tax rate, is why Trump won’t release his tax returns.”
Not only that but the money he contributes might be a bit on the ""low"" side too AND it took a newspaper writer to get the dump to come up with the million he promised months ago Now the pos is against judges and newspaper people Appeals only to uneducated boobs like sassy etc etc
Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!
Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
If you say so.

February 17, 2011

RUSH: "the workers," which is a Marxist term I also object to when being applied to people who go to work in this country. We have entrepreneurs. We have employees. We have associates. Workers exist in China, in the old Soviet Union, in Korea and in Cuba.

Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.

But both are smarter than you----------------------------------because you don't get it.
False ! I get it and am smart enough to know it's bullshit besides being inartfully done.

If you got it, you wouldn't be making moronic comments about it. Its not subtle or clever, you just don't get it. Maybe a remedial course in English would be in order for you.
it's not me who's making moronic statements.
it not being subtle or clever is the problem.
I get it .
like I said before, rush's sarcasm fit's his audience because the are neither subtle or clever or smart.
I win,
Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest.
The GOP establishment doesn't give a rats ass about the people. They have openly mocked and demeaned their own base while partnering and collaborating with Democrats.
Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
from howard yes, trump!
Luckily for her, Bill got his PTSD and his STDs stateside.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
from howard yes, trump!

Ya ok. Whatever. You just keep showing how screwed up you are. Nobody goes no Howard Stern for a serious discussion. It is all about sex and humor. He's a shock jock. Again....Grow the Fuck Up, Asshat.
Get a sense of humor.
From the Right-wing RedState:

Trump's Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was "my personal Vietnam" with "few uninfected" women | RedState

Trump’s Vulgar Admission: Avoiding STDs was “my personal Vietnam” with “few uninfected” women

STERN: Now getting back to dating, and when you got to say to a woman, you gotta go to my personal doctor and I’m gonna have you checked out, is that a tough thing to say to a woman?

TRUMP: It’s amazing, I can’t even believe it. I’ve been so lucky in terms of that whole world. It is a dangerous world out there. It’s like Vietnam, sort of.

STERN: Hey it’s your personal Vietnam isn’t it?

TRUMP: It is my personal Vietnam. I feel like a great and very brave soldier!

Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
from howard yes, trump!

Ya ok. Whatever. You just keep showing how screwed up you are. Nobody goes no Howard Stern for a serious discussion. It is all about sex and humor. He's a shock jock. Again....Grow the Fuck Up, Asshat.
Get a sense of humor.
I do I laugh at you trumpsters constantly.
Do you understand sarcasm? Rush uses it very effectively. Sarcasm-------look it up.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.

But both are smarter than you----------------------------------because you don't get it.
False ! I get it and am smart enough to know it's bullshit besides being inartfully done.

If you got it, you wouldn't be making moronic comments about it. Its not subtle or clever, you just don't get it. Maybe a remedial course in English would be in order for you.
it's not me who's making moronic statements.
it not being subtle or clever is the problem.
I get it .
like I said before, rush's sarcasm fit's his audience because the are neither subtle or clever or smart.
I win,

You did not win and you will never win a debate with me on any topic. I am simply smarter, more experienced, and better educated than you are.
Rush's "sarcasm" works for his audience because rush is no smarter then his audience.

But both are smarter than you----------------------------------because you don't get it.
False ! I get it and am smart enough to know it's bullshit besides being inartfully done.

If you got it, you wouldn't be making moronic comments about it. Its not subtle or clever, you just don't get it. Maybe a remedial course in English would be in order for you.
it's not me who's making moronic statements.
it not being subtle or clever is the problem.
I get it .
like I said before, rush's sarcasm fit's his audience because the are neither subtle or clever or smart.
I win,

You did not win and you will never win a debate with me on any topic. I am simply smarter, more experienced, and better educated than you are.
In reality you're none of the above.
You "thinking" you are is your greatest mistake and works to my advantage.
I win again.
Another reason to like Trump. He is funny enough to admit it and make fun of himself for it.
Guess you guys hate comedy.

At least with Trump we won't have to dispute the definition of what sex is.
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
from howard yes, trump!

Ya ok. Whatever. You just keep showing how screwed up you are. Nobody goes no Howard Stern for a serious discussion. It is all about sex and humor. He's a shock jock. Again....Grow the Fuck Up, Asshat.
Get a sense of humor.
I do I laugh at you trumpsters constantly.

If you could only see how ridiculous you look. Just because you refuse to open your eyes and see for yourself doesn't mean that it not the best slapstick ever.

The right is the party of old white people while looking at your own two candidates, one of whom was mentored by Senator Byrd.


Obama eulogizes Sen. Robert Byrd under West Virginia skies

Obama and the Democrats loved their KKK members...forgive because he's a Democrat?
bullshit trump's faux self deprecating humor is a trick to gain sympathy from one live brain cell types like you .
it's calculated and not even close to being honest. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
from howard yes, trump!

Ya ok. Whatever. You just keep showing how screwed up you are. Nobody goes no Howard Stern for a serious discussion. It is all about sex and humor. He's a shock jock. Again....Grow the Fuck Up, Asshat.
Get a sense of humor.
I do I laugh at you trumpsters constantly.

If you could only see how ridiculous you look. Just because you refuse to open your eyes and see for yourself doesn't mean that it not the best slapstick ever.

The right is the party of old white people while looking at your own two candidates, one of whom was mentored by Senator Byrd.


Obama eulogizes Sen. Robert Byrd under West Virginia skies

Obama and the Democrats loved their KKK members...forgive because he's a Democrat?
Ohhhh no not the Robert Byrd was almost a Klan member ploy! Again.
An conservotard that won't except the fact that it's his party that enables all the racist nut job slapdicks to flourish. was comedy on the Howard Stern show. Grow the fuck up, you asshat.
from howard yes, trump!

Ya ok. Whatever. You just keep showing how screwed up you are. Nobody goes no Howard Stern for a serious discussion. It is all about sex and humor. He's a shock jock. Again....Grow the Fuck Up, Asshat.
Get a sense of humor.
I do I laugh at you trumpsters constantly.

If you could only see how ridiculous you look. Just because you refuse to open your eyes and see for yourself doesn't mean that it not the best slapstick ever.

The right is the party of old white people while looking at your own two candidates, one of whom was mentored by Senator Byrd.


Obama eulogizes Sen. Robert Byrd under West Virginia skies

Obama and the Democrats loved their KKK members...forgive because he's a Democrat?
Ohhhh no not the Robert Byrd was almost a Klan member ploy! Again.
An conservotard that won't except the fact that it's his party that enables all the racist nut job slapdicks to flourish.

I know. It is so tough to face those pesky facts.


Robert Byrd (From Wiki)
Senator Robert Byrd was a Kleagle, a Klan recruiter, in his 20s and 30s.
Democrat United States Senator Robert C. Byrd was a recruiter for the Klan while in his 20s and 30s, rising to the title of Kleagle and Exalted Cyclops of his local chapter. After leaving the group, Byrd spoke in favor of the Klan during his early political career. Though he claimed to have left the organization in 1943, Byrd wrote a letter in 1946 to the group's Imperial Wizard stating "The Klan is needed today as never before, and I am anxious to see its rebirth here in West Virginia." Byrd defended the Klan in his 1958 U.S. Senate campaign when he was 41 years old.

Despite being the only Senator to vote against both African American U.S. Supreme Court nominees (liberal Thurgood Marshall and conservative Clarence Thomas) and filibustering the Civil Rights Act of 1964, Byrd later said joining the Klan was his "greatest mistake." The NAACP gave him a 100% rating on their issues during the 108th Congress. However, in a 2001 incident Byrd repeatedly used the phrase "white *******" on a national television broadcast.

You want to get back to reality now? Byrd given a pass because he's a Democrat. Pure and simple.

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