GOP exposing U.S. as weak emboldens Putin

How is Barack Obama supposed to "man up"? Should he be like Reagan and sell weapons to anyone who will fight against Russia, regardless of whether or not they hate us too? Conservatives shouldn't have any problem with that, unless Obama does it.

It was made clear not even a year into Obama's first term that Republicans weren't going to tolerate anything that he says or does, even if it's a "compromise" of giving Republicans everything that they want. The stupid, racist Teabagger wing of the Republican party was specifically created to stifle America's first black President.

As long as a black Democrat is in office, the big Socialist government is evil and they're coming for your guns right this very moment! Quick! Gather your kids into the prayer bunker!

What do Republican voters even believe? Obama's a Socialist who has made rich people richer and poor people poorer. Obama's a Fascist dictator who has no authority over imbeciles who've stagnated our government to a standstill and nearly caused our nation to default. With 95% of the financial gains going to the richest 1%, and FOX News blathering on about how weak Obama is, Barack Obama has to be the dumbest, weakest Marxist dictator in history. Or the simple truth is that he's not a Marxist or a dictator, just incredibly weak and stupid for putting up with talking monkey Teabaggers ruining the country to make him look bad.
So far, all the cons are laughing at their treason. They should change the name of their party to the Benedick Arnold Party. So proud to aid the enemy.

You appear to be the Benedick here, lo-lo.
Who drew a red line on Syria, only to reverse course and announce he never said that?
Who told Putin he'd have more flexibility after the election?
Who caved in to the Iranians on nukes?
Who caved in to N.Korea?
Who ran out of Iraq?
Who launched a failed surge in Afghanistan?
Who has cut defense funding back to pre-WW2 levels?
Who installed the least qualifed SecDef in history?

If Putin never read a single word any Republican ever said he would still know the U.S. is a 90lb weakling in a heavyweight world.
The fact you think it is even credible the GOP bears any blame at all is testament to your gross stupidity and low information.
the republican party places party over country.

they don't love this country they only LOVE the republican party
We did not have a weak reaction, so it only comes from Obama hatred.

It's amazing how many internet posters are in the war room with Obama and the Generals/Intelligence/Advisors working our response out though and are privy to all of this.

I believe our "Russia Reset" was a weak position. Yes, the words themselves are noble if, in fact, it is a reset with a government that truly wanted a reset.

But to believe that Putin wanted a reset is a poor assumption and exudes weakness to a man like Putin.

To dismantle the shield to show "good faith" was a move a weakness in my opinion for there was nothing we did to warrant having to show "good faith" to Russia. The shield was there as a defense...not an offense. What did we get in return showing good faith from Russia?

For Kerry to go and try to "negotiate" is a sign of weakness. There is nothing to negotiate. Ukraine did nothing to warrant an occupation by Russia. Kerry should have made it clear...we will not do anything until Russia pulls out and if they don't, we will begin with sanctions and other non military actions.

And then he can continue by saying "We will gladly sit down and discuss how Russia can help Ukraine during this tumultuous time within its government....but we will not do anything until Russia pulls out.

So for you to say we are not responding with weakness is your opinion....but to claim my opposing opinion is based on my hatred for Obama is inaccurate.

I believe ON THE FACE, we are responding with weakness. Perhaps the situation room has more "strong" ideas brewing....but on the face? What we see? I see it as a weak position.

What "you believe" isn't pertinent to the professionals who spend their lives on the ground working on these diplomatic matters.

They're them, we're us.

On the face how we're responding is weak? You mean threatening Russia to leave or we take the whole EU at our backs and pounce on them financially? Yea bro, weak as fuck bro.

I mean, instead threaten world war right? Brilliant!

Our reset was brilliant. Russia went from dragging its feet on Iran sanctions to supporting them.


No. Intelligence, beyond partisan spiddling eyeballs can see that's for damn sure.

Putin will always be an unpredictable megalomaniac. That doesn't mean that keeping War threats as a last resort is "weak," that's how perhaps a caveman thinks.

So I am not entitled to offer my opinion?

Yet you are?

No one is suggesting war threats. I do not consider war threats good diplomatic policy.

However, trying to negotiate a resolution when, in fact, only one side is at fault is, in my eyes, weak.

If Canada occupied Buffalo, New York....would you say that the best move was to negotiate to get it back? What should we give to Canada to have them retreat?

(Between you and I....I say let em keep it.....)
Barack Obama will negotiate the return of Alaska if someoen suggests it.

The weakness of this administration is astounding. All they want to do is talk, and they run over themselves trying to figure out which concessions they will make before Putin makes a single demand.
How is Barack Obama supposed to "man up"? Should he be like Reagan and sell weapons to anyone who will fight against Russia, regardless of whether or not they hate us too? Conservatives shouldn't have any problem with that, unless Obama does it.

It was made clear not even a year into Obama's first term that Republicans weren't going to tolerate anything that he says or does, even if it's a "compromise" of giving Republicans everything that they want. The stupid, racist Teabagger wing of the Republican party was specifically created to stifle America's first black President.

As long as a black Democrat is in office, the big Socialist government is evil and they're coming for your guns right this very moment! Quick! Gather your kids into the prayer bunker!

What do Republican voters even believe? Obama's a Socialist who has made rich people richer and poor people poorer. Obama's a Fascist dictator who has no authority over imbeciles who've stagnated our government to a standstill and nearly caused our nation to default. With 95% of the financial gains going to the richest 1%, and FOX News blathering on about how weak Obama is, Barack Obama has to be the dumbest, weakest Marxist dictator in history. Or the simple truth is that he's not a Marxist or a dictator, just incredibly weak and stupid for putting up with talking monkey Teabaggers ruining the country to make him look bad.

you are a paranoid ass.

I answered all of your questions with my opinion......but that doesn't matter. You prefer exuding hyperbole.

Thus why I call you an ass.
Barack Obama will negotiate the return of Alaska if someoen suggests it.

The weakness of this administration is astounding. All they want to do is talk, and they run over themselves trying to figure out which concessions they will make before Putin makes a single demand.

Yet hes a big bad dictator too huh?

you people will say anything

your a sociopath
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

Yes and no. The proper way is to rebuke both Obama and Putin equally as men of God.
To do the right thing, invoke proper govt authority by respecting the law, and quit abusing
power in ways that make BOTH equally hypocrites and lose respect as world leaders.
I believe our "Russia Reset" was a weak position. Yes, the words themselves are noble if, in fact, it is a reset with a government that truly wanted a reset.

But to believe that Putin wanted a reset is a poor assumption and exudes weakness to a man like Putin.

To dismantle the shield to show "good faith" was a move a weakness in my opinion for there was nothing we did to warrant having to show "good faith" to Russia. The shield was there as a defense...not an offense. What did we get in return showing good faith from Russia?

For Kerry to go and try to "negotiate" is a sign of weakness. There is nothing to negotiate. Ukraine did nothing to warrant an occupation by Russia. Kerry should have made it clear...we will not do anything until Russia pulls out and if they don't, we will begin with sanctions and other non military actions.

And then he can continue by saying "We will gladly sit down and discuss how Russia can help Ukraine during this tumultuous time within its government....but we will not do anything until Russia pulls out.

So for you to say we are not responding with weakness is your opinion....but to claim my opposing opinion is based on my hatred for Obama is inaccurate.

I believe ON THE FACE, we are responding with weakness. Perhaps the situation room has more "strong" ideas brewing....but on the face? What we see? I see it as a weak position.

What "you believe" isn't pertinent to the professionals who spend their lives on the ground working on these diplomatic matters.

They're them, we're us.

On the face how we're responding is weak? You mean threatening Russia to leave or we take the whole EU at our backs and pounce on them financially? Yea bro, weak as fuck bro.

I mean, instead threaten world war right? Brilliant!

Our reset was brilliant. Russia went from dragging its feet on Iran sanctions to supporting them.


No. Intelligence, beyond partisan spiddling eyeballs can see that's for damn sure.

Putin will always be an unpredictable megalomaniac. That doesn't mean that keeping War threats as a last resort is "weak," that's how perhaps a caveman thinks.

So I am not entitled to offer my opinion?

Yet you are?

No one is suggesting war threats. I do not consider war threats good diplomatic policy.

However, trying to negotiate a resolution when, in fact, only one side is at fault is, in my eyes, weak.

If Canada occupied Buffalo, New York....would you say that the best move was to negotiate to get it back? What should we give to Canada to have them retreat?

(Between you and I....I say let em keep it.....)

It's a demand, did you miss the news?

We have threatened economic retaliation if they do not leave.
We have issued a sanction on visas, just today.

You guys are surface thinkers because you HATE OBAMA.

So tough on the ego to admit.

In reality, you can criticize the process that YOU DONT GET TO SEE (war room / classified) AFTER you see the results.

Jumping the "ohh mee gawsh Obammy so weak" bandwagon is weak as fuck, in character. It's not the reality of the situation.
In one minute they call him a big bad dictator and the next they call him weak.

they don't tell the truth they just tell the "oh I hate the first black president soooooooooooooooooooooo much" story
Barack Obama will negotiate the return of Alaska if someoen suggests it.

Hey wing nut, when there's a red line under a word, that means you misspelled it. Right click on it and it will correct it.

And really, thinking that people are stupid enough to buy ridiculous propaganda is a Nazi strategy. Didn't work. Only stupid Nazi's bought it.
The republicans are telling the whole world that the United states is weak. It is totally anti-American and treasonous. It's worse than Snowden's revelations. Playing politics with America's reputation, shows that the right wingers will do anything to make Obama look bad. If the voters of this country don't vote the republicans out of congress this year, they are as dumb as the GOP hopes they are.

Ah yes - the dissent of government is treason argument. Could you get more authoritarian?

We must all be silent because criticism of our nation or its leader is TREASON. Where else have I heard that asshattery before, hmmm....

Oh yes, that's right - all during the Bush administration, the president that your side likes to claim is the worst one in history, that line was used a lot for dissenters to Iraq.

So, how does it feel to be IDENTICAL to those that you claim are terrible for this nation and ruining the government? Pathetic that you cant even see yourself in the damn mirror.

How about I let you in on a little secret: this nation was built on dissent and it is central to our government and freedoms. The right is codified in the very first amendment, the right to speak so take your authoritarian BS somewhere else.

Dissent of Shrub's invasion of Iraq would have been justifiable, but portraying a president as weak because he doesn't do something stupid that could start a nuclear war, is just moronic.

Exposing your stupidity only proves the point of the thread.

Nobody has to portray him as weak. Putin knew it right after their 1st meeting together.
Even Hillary has a Handel on this better than Obama.
Hillary called Putin out for his move.
Obama is no leader.
Even though I don't like Hillary's political ideology (just like I don't like Obama's), she has proven that she is a leader.
In one minute they call him a big bad dictator and the next they call him weak.

they don't tell the truth they just tell the "oh I hate the first black president soooooooooooooooooooooo much" story

Obammy is a pussy when it comes to foreign policy. But he doesnt mind imposing his socialist agenda on Americans, because he has allies like you to back him up.
Then why did Putin LIE about the troops when he saw his stock market crash because of the invasion?

Putin is who the right in this country are backing?

KGB dictator is who you prefer over OUR president?

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