GOP facing a 2018 election ‘bloodbath’ over chaotic Trumpcare roll out: analysts

Presidents with 44% approval ratings don't hold the house of representatives in the midterm. Clinton lost it in 94, Bush in 06, Obama in 10.

Why would Trump buck that trend?
Less than 60 days into the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts are saying that the political fallout could doom the Republican Party to an electoral bloodbath in the 2018 elections. reported Wednesday that the GOP’s floundering effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is shaping up to be the defining issue of the election cycle, “one big enough to rattle the foundations of Donald Trump-era Washington and beyond.”

Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said that the “blast radius of failure” will not stop at gaining majorities in the House and Senate, but could rival the Tea Party wave that handed statehouses and governors’ mansions across the country to far-right Republicans in 2010.

He pointed to efforts by both Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2009 to improve the U.S. healthcare system — both of which were followed by historic ballot box defeats
You needed analysts to tell you that? jesus....hell I hope they do get wiped out...time to primary Ryan and anyone else that votes for this garbage bill....time to elect more populists.
Whats a populist? Anyone with a far right viewpoint
Politico "analysts"? LOL
Yes, sweetie, people who know far more than you ever will
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied
There was quite an interesting article on discussing the Trump victory. They were firmly of the opinion that the election changed dramatically when James Comey came out 1 week before the election to say that Hillary was going to be re investigated once again. The time was too short for the polls to get an adequate reading prior to the election. The Clinton lead had virtually disappeared with Comeys comments
Of course they say that NOW because like every other democrat supporter they got it COMPLETELY wrong.
I guess that everyone lacks your perfection

You certainly do...punkin
Not just me, hand job, everyone
You're giving everyone hand jobs? At least you finally got a job.

He gets angry when it's pointed out it's wishful thinking by some whackadoodle left loon site like Politco
He's been angry since November 8th.

He shouldn't have believed Politco :rolleyes:
Less than 60 days into the presidency of Donald Trump, analysts are saying that the political fallout could doom the Republican Party to an electoral bloodbath in the 2018 elections. reported Wednesday that the GOP’s floundering effort to repeal and replace the Affordable Care Act is shaping up to be the defining issue of the election cycle, “one big enough to rattle the foundations of Donald Trump-era Washington and beyond.”

Politico’s Gabriel Debenedetti said that the “blast radius of failure” will not stop at gaining majorities in the House and Senate, but could rival the Tea Party wave that handed statehouses and governors’ mansions across the country to far-right Republicans in 2010.

He pointed to efforts by both Pres. Bill Clinton in 1994 and Barack Obama in 2009 to improve the U.S. healthcare system — both of which were followed by historic ballot box defeats
You needed analysts to tell you that? jesus....hell I hope they do get wiped out...time to primary Ryan and anyone else that votes for this garbage bill....time to elect more populists.
Whats a populist? Anyone with a far right viewpoint
good god.....look it up!
I love the new USMB Lefty Comedy Forum!

Politico "analysts"? LOL
Yes, sweetie, people who know far more than you ever will
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied
There was quite an interesting article on discussing the Trump victory. They were firmly of the opinion that the election changed dramatically when James Comey came out 1 week before the election to say that Hillary was going to be re investigated once again. The time was too short for the polls to get an adequate reading prior to the election. The Clinton lead had virtually disappeared with Comeys comments
Guess you should not have rigged the primaries for someone that transferred top secret documents to her private unsecured server. You have no one to blame except yourself.
Politico "analysts"? LOL
Yes, sweetie, people who know far more than you ever will
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied
There was quite an interesting article on discussing the Trump victory. They were firmly of the opinion that the election changed dramatically when James Comey came out 1 week before the election to say that Hillary was going to be re investigated once again. The time was too short for the polls to get an adequate reading prior to the election. The Clinton lead had virtually disappeared with Comeys comments

According to the CNN election exit polls, 13% of the voters said that they made their mind up in the last week.

Trump won that group.

2016 election results: National Exit polls
Politico "analysts"? LOL
Yes, sweetie, people who know far more than you ever will
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied

Are purposely being stupid? why would you post a WSJ poll from October when WSJ also polled in November?

To show you the difference.

They had been showing Clinton winning hands down for months, with outrageous Electoral numbers in her favor.

But stick with your popular vote spin.

It doesn't always win elections, especially presidential ones, but it makes you feel better, doesn't it?
Yes, sweetie, people who know far more than you ever will
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied

Are purposely being stupid? why would you post a WSJ poll from October when WSJ also polled in November?

To show you the difference.

They had been showing Clinton winning hands down for months, with outrageous Electoral numbers in her favor.

But stick with your popular vote spin.

It doesn't always win elections, especially presidential ones, but it makes you feel better, doesn't it?

How do you know those polls were wrong? I mean the ones months before the election.
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied

Are purposely being stupid? why would you post a WSJ poll from October when WSJ also polled in November?

To show you the difference.

They had been showing Clinton winning hands down for months, with outrageous Electoral numbers in her favor.

But stick with your popular vote spin.

It doesn't always win elections, especially presidential ones, but it makes you feel better, doesn't it?

How do you know those polls were wrong? I mean the ones months before the election.

ALL polls are wrong when the next one comes out.

Why the deflection?
Presidents with 44% approval ratings don't hold the house of representatives in the midterm. Clinton lost it in 94, Bush in 06, Obama in 10.

Why would Trump buck that trend?
I doubt his approval is anywhere near 44%
I never said that, but with a few moderate republicans who have beed fed up with Rump since the get go, it will happen

Ah, you didn't say it as you say it, Brundlfly? :rofl:

You are a hoot. You have literally zero awareness of reality, do you?
Post my comment, idiot
The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied

Are purposely being stupid? why would you post a WSJ poll from October when WSJ also polled in November?

To show you the difference.

They had been showing Clinton winning hands down for months, with outrageous Electoral numbers in her favor.

But stick with your popular vote spin.

It doesn't always win elections, especially presidential ones, but it makes you feel better, doesn't it?

How do you know those polls were wrong? I mean the ones months before the election.

ALL polls are wrong when the next one comes out.

Why the deflection?

An election poll is a measure of how a person would vote if the election were held that day.

At this point I'm not in any way surprised that you don't know that.
Yes, sweetie, people who know far more than you ever will
Who did they predict to win the election?

The polls said Hillary Clinton would win the popular vote by 3 points. She won by 2.

That what Politico said?

a month before the election:
2016 Presidential Election

NBC News/Wall Street Journal

October 8-10, 2016

806 likely voters

Margin of error: +/- 3.45

D Hillary Clinton 46%
R Donald Trump 37%
L Gary Johnson 8%
Other/none 4%
O Jill Stein 2%
Not sure 2%
Depends 1%

Day of the election, they were tied
There was quite an interesting article on discussing the Trump victory. They were firmly of the opinion that the election changed dramatically when James Comey came out 1 week before the election to say that Hillary was going to be re investigated once again. The time was too short for the polls to get an adequate reading prior to the election. The Clinton lead had virtually disappeared with Comeys comments
Guess you should not have rigged the primaries for someone that transferred top secret documents to her private unsecured server. You have no one to blame except yourself.

When she sent Classified Documents to Sid Blumenthal who was not authorized to receive them, Hillary should have been brought up on Charges for that alone. Especially considering that in those emails she shared with Sid that Benghazi was a weapons depot she was using to run guns to terrorists to assassinate Qaddafi and overthrow the Libyan Government.

Well, an Entity from THE ME, got their hands on this UNSECURED & CLASSIFIED INFORMATION and shared it with the very terrorists Hillary was contracting with to do her dirty work. And after they killed Qaddafi, they then went after Benghazi for the weapons that were being stored there.

She is single handedly responsible for THIS:



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A Birther wants to school us on reality.

That is Goddam funny.

So, a "birther" is anyone who is not a party member? It means the same as "infidel?"

So you retards with your "popular vote" delusion, you would be "poppers?"

Don't get me wrong, "stupid as a fucking brick" is perfectly descriptive of you fools, but "popper" is more pithy.

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