GOP falls out over accusations of nepotism as Tuckers kid is given key role

Tommy Tainant

Diamond Member
Jan 20, 2016
Y Cae Ras

Why on earth is the party of privilege denying this ? They are the party of affirmative action.
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Why on earth is the party of privilege denying this ? They are the party of affirmative action.

Why on earth is the party of privilege denying this ? They are the party of affirmative action. a anchor on Fox News, son gets a job on the Hill....and it's nepotism? Are you dembots just redefining words at will now?

What do you call it when the VP son gets a job on the board of a corrupt Ukrainian gas company then? I call it bribery
Its indicative of right wing corruption. A threat to the world.

"an Anonymous dig". lets see, Tuckers kid gets a job inside the RNC? you mean he didnt get to go sit on some foreign oil board where he knew absolutely nothing about it and rake in hundreds of thousands a month.. and he didn't get to be hired for some secretive shit over in China because his daddy had an understanding with the Chinese?
He got a job inside the RNC and this is a threat to the world? It's not uncommon for people everywhere to get jobs for WHO they know and not necessarily what they know. It's not some one sided thing done by republicans or conservatives. If you're over 20 years old you have to know this by now.
In this particular case you'r really over reacting.

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