GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

I am a black man. Tell me again how great this country was in the 50's.

He was talking about the economy. Liberals started talking about other topics like voting rights, not him. Then you jump in with the chip already on your shoulder chastising him for something he didn't say. Stop being such a thin skinned baby wanting to be offended.

Okay, so we need to decimate other economies like after WW2. When do we start?

I have no idea what you just said. Who's economy did we "decimate" after WW2?
We have seen how the far left communicates with women when they are considered conservative. So this whole thread is based on (as usual) far left hypocrisy.

Yes, when we criticize liberal women, it's for their liberalness. When the left criticize conservative women, it's for being a woman. The hatred of women is clear ... from the left.
He was talking about the economy. Liberals started talking about other topics like voting rights, not him. Then you jump in with the chip already on your shoulder chastising him for something he didn't say. Stop being such a thin skinned baby wanting to be offended.

Of course, what does it matter if you can't vote, can't attend schools with other kids, have to sit in the back of the bus, aren't allowed to sit down at a lunch counter....the GDP was high and unemployment (among whites anyway) was low.

C'mon Zona...stop being thin skinned about being treated like dirt.

Strawman. He was referring to the economy, not civil rights. Stop being such a blond.

He told you that?
Of course, what does it matter if you can't vote, can't attend schools with other kids, have to sit in the back of the bus, aren't allowed to sit down at a lunch counter....the GDP was high and unemployment (among whites anyway) was low.

C'mon Zona...stop being thin skinned about being treated like dirt.

Strawman. He was referring to the economy, not civil rights. Stop being such a blond.

He told you that?

Well, not specifically me, but I'm included as it's a public message board. I read his post...
GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

Its essential that they learn how to communicate with women.

Now that we switched from a Constitutional Republic to an "Aristocracy of Pull" politicians must learn the language of powerful political factions.

We are no longer Americans .

We all have different ways to demand freebies. The New America, long live the free lunch.


GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

Its essential that they learn how to communicate with women.

Now that we switched from a Constitutional Republic to an "Aristocracy of Pull" politicians must learn the language of powerful political factions.

We are no longer Americans .

We all have different ways to demand freebies. The New America, long live the free lunch.



Yep, dividing people and creating hate, envy and fear is the way of the Democratic party. Women are like any other group to them, there to be exploited.
Stop the crying.

Life changes. That is the only constant. How it changes often is beyond our control.

I for one have no desire for a 1950s type of American in the second decade of the 21st century.

Time will tell.

yeah, the 1950s was a terrible time in this country. Oh wait,

I am a black man. Tell me again how great this country was in the 50's.

Obviously, there are a lot from the far right on this board that still dream of the days when there were black and white bathrooms, women couldn't vote, and rulers of the nation were old white men who knew how to keep their "women" and "darkies" in place. Yup, there are a lot of posters who yearn for those good old days.

One doesn't have to look very far into the meaning of their Threads and Posts to see where they are going. But we ARE NOT going back to the 50s! Sorry....if you do want that type of environment, you are going to be disappointed.
yeah, the 1950s was a terrible time in this country. Oh wait,

I am a black man. Tell me again how great this country was in the 50's.

Obviously, there are a lot from the far right on this board that still dream of the days when there were black and white bathrooms, women couldn't vote, and rulers of the nation were old white men who knew how to keep their "women" and "darkies" in place. Yup, there are a lot of posters who yearn for those good old days.

One doesn't have to look very far into the meaning of their Threads and Posts to see where they are going. But we ARE NOT going back to the 50s! Sorry....if you do want that type of environment, you are going to be disappointed.

Don't forget leprechauns, Republicans hate leprechauns.
Do Democrats seriously think they can take the female vote for granted and not bother learning how to communicate with women? how stupid is that.
yeah, the 1950s was a terrible time in this country. Oh wait,

I am a black man. Tell me again how great this country was in the 50's.

Obviously, there are a lot from the far right on this board that still dream of the days when there were black and white bathrooms, women couldn't vote, and rulers of the nation were old white men who knew how to keep their "women" and "darkies" in place. Yup, there are a lot of posters who yearn for those good old days.

One doesn't have to look very far into the meaning of their Threads and Posts to see where they are going. But we ARE NOT going back to the 50s! Sorry....if you do want that type of environment, you are going to be disappointed.

Once again the far left makes unfounded comments based on their programming, but does show how they are the true racists and sexists.
But we ARE NOT going back to the 50s! Sorry....if you do want that type of environment, you are going to be disappointed.

Well we concur.

We are going to back to the 1940's. We shall have our own fuhrer who is going to tyrannized us in the name of the "vaterland."

'Frühling für Hitler und Vaterland':

obama has done anything BUT destroy the dimocrap party.

dimocraps are the scum of the Earth but they know politics. Hoo boy, do they know politics.

And demographics.

Back around the Civil War, White People outnumbered Black by a significant margin. Plus they had all the power. So dimocrap scum backed White people. It's where the numbers were. It was where the power was.

Come 1964 and the demographics changed. Blacks had become a significant portion of the population so they devised a scheme to forever enslave Black people to the dimocrap party. Simple, they steal from White people and give it Black people.

Works every time.

Now they're seeing a growing demographic in other minority populations.... Gays, who have a LOT of power, especially in Hollywood, Hispanics, who will soon (if they don't already) outnumber Blacks and single women.... Who are always pissed off about something. Which could explain why they're single.

Men? Who needs them? In the 2012 election, Romney won 52% of ALL Men. Black Men, White Men, Latinos, Asians....... All Men.

Think dimocrap scum don't know this? Of course they do.

They're splitting us into racial groups and dividing us. Intentionally.

Will it bite them in the ass? I doubt it. We'll win a few and then lose even more. We won't be a White Nation with White, Western European values after the year 2025.
Say goodbye to what was once America. It won't exist after that. You can be sure of that.

Take it any way you wan't dimocrap scum. Up the butt is your favorite, but I don't care how you prefer it.

The Nation is all but gone. And dimocrap scum are the reason why

You see, here's the problem with this kind of deranged thinking.

All the groups you mention - women, hispanics, blacks, gays- make up a majority in this country.

The real problem is, Western European values are socialized medicine, cradle to grave benefits and the rich paying their fair share.

And eventually, a lot of those angry white males will figure out that if they aren't in the 20% of the population that controls 87% of the wealth, they really have no business voting Republican from the get-go.
All the groups you mention - women, hispanics, blacks, gays- make up a majority in this country.

You have done nothing for these groups.

And all you can do is shout "its their fault".

Too much faith in eternal blind allegiance.

Arrogance will ruin you.
Married women are more likely to vote Republican. Another reason the far left has to keep up its efforts at destroying the family entirely.
All the groups you mention - women, hispanics, blacks, gays- make up a majority in this country.

You have done nothing for these groups.

And all you can do is shout "its their fault".

Too much faith in eternal blind allegiance.

Arrogance will ruin you.

I don't know who "you" are exactly. Like I said, I'm a Republican from the time before they let crazy shitheads take over the party.

But to the point, if you look at where women and minorities were in 1960 (Just watch any episode of Mad Men to get the Disney version) and where they are now, and you can kind of see why they are loyal to Democrats.
Married women are more likely to vote Republican. Another reason the far left has to keep up its efforts at destroying the family entirely.

yeah, those damned single women with their own opinions- HOW DARE THEY!!!!

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