GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

That's because you're an idiot, "dude."

Well, what are you saying? Because it seems you think there is this conspiracy to destroy the "family"... which is just paranoid, really. :cuckoo:

Look at your idol's manifesto has to say about it. Look at what has become of the family in this country over the past 4-5 decades. Then listen to far-left loons like you. It's not a conspiracy, it's a matter of far-left policy.


The factors that contribute to the way societies change are varied and complex – there is no single cause, and it’s certainly not the ‘left,’ ‘far’ or otherwise.

Indeed, as already correctly noted, some of the change in society during the last 40 years can be attributed to comprehensive market forces making good-paying jobs scarce and wages stagnant as corporations seek ever-greater profits.

This is neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad,’ it’s the nature of a free market capitalist economy, and society is going to change in response to those economic changes.

But it’s ridiculous partisan hyperbole to argue ‘the left’ is to blame for divorce and single parent families.
Common sense will tell you that old white men want to win elections but young slick liberals like Bill Clinton (in his prime) want to control women such as kids barely older than his daughter delivering pizza and committing sodomy at the president's convenience.
Well, what are you saying? Because it seems you think there is this conspiracy to destroy the "family"... which is just paranoid, really. :cuckoo:

Look at your idol's manifesto has to say about it. Look at what has become of the family in this country over the past 4-5 decades. Then listen to far-left loons like you. It's not a conspiracy, it's a matter of far-left policy.


The factors that contribute to the way societies change are varied and complex – there is no single cause, and it’s certainly not the ‘left,’ ‘far’ or otherwise.

Indeed, as already correctly noted, some of the change in society during the last 40 years can be attributed to comprehensive market forces making good-paying jobs scarce and wages stagnant as corporations seek ever-greater profits.

This is neither ‘good’ nor ‘bad,’ it’s the nature of a free market capitalist economy, and society is going to change in response to those economic changes.

But it’s ridiculous partisan hyperbole to argue ‘the left’ is to blame for divorce and single parent families.

If one political philosophy is more aligned with what has actually taken place then it is reasonable to examine policies and motivations in that light; to at least question sources, particularly when the consequence is something as important as social decay.
Okay, so we need to decimate other economies like after WW2. When do we start?

I have no idea what you just said. Who's economy did we "decimate" after WW2?

We didn't...that doesn't mean we didn't benefit from the decimation. To return to the economic boom of the 50s, the situation would have to be recreated. What caused that economic boom?

That's a false dilemma fallacy
This Thread has lost its way!


Bottom line: Comments from the GOP like "legitimate rape" are making women run from the party. As long as the TP gets to call the shots and insert their extreme candidates into primaries, we will continue to get stupid comments like that. Many TP people would love to return to the good old, bad old days of the 40's and 50's. They will continually let their true feeling come out with stupid comments, which in turn will hurt the GOP.

The GOP is stuck with their TP pals for a long time....:lol:

If one political philosophy is more aligned with what has actually taken place then it is reasonable to examine policies and motivations in that light; to at least question sources, particularly when the consequence is something as important as social decay.

This is the most retarded thing you've said yet.

If a political philosophy is truly aligned with destroying the "traditional" family, it is the one that decided that working people really didn't need to make a good salary for manual labor.

The one that nominates a weird Mormon Robot that says, "I like to fire people" when it thinks working people aren't listening.

So Dad can't bring home a good wage anymore, and Mom has to go into the workplace to keep food on the table and a roof over their heads. and the kids get dumped into day-care and really, maybe the family gets together at meals. But the important thing is they are all working very hard to make a few rich douchebags richer.

Big surprise when these folks get divorced when they realize they really don't see each other enough to have any kind of emotional attachment.
This Thread has lost its way!


Bottom line: Comments from the GOP like "legitimate rape" are making women run from the party. As long as the TP gets to call the shots and insert their extreme candidates into primaries, we will continue to get stupid comments like that. Many TP people would love to return to the good old, bad old days of the 40's and 50's. They will continually let their true feeling come out with stupid comments, which in turn will hurt the GOP.

The GOP is stuck with their TP pals for a long time....:lol:

To be absolutely fair, it isn't the Tea Party that is causing this problem.

It's the religious right. And they've been injecting this kind of stupidity into the GOP for a while.

Todd Akin was NOT the TEA Party's pick in Missouri. They wanted Claire Steelman.
Call me when a (R) talks about shitting and pissing in a woman's mouth...

The thing is, that comment didn't have anything to do with her being a woman. He could have made that comment about anyone. So your post is lame and a red herring.

This is why the GOP can't connect with women, because they don't even have a clue what that means.
I have no idea what you just said. Who's economy did we "decimate" after WW2?

We didn't...that doesn't mean we didn't benefit from the decimation. To return to the economic boom of the 50s, the situation would have to be recreated. What caused that economic boom?

That's a false dilemma fallacy

No, not really it isn't. Someone said they wanted to go back to the 50s. When folks said the 50s sucked in terms of Civil Rights, you said they meant the economic 50s not the social 50s. Well, the economic 50s were brought about because the US was the only country not horribly harmed by WWII. How do you propose to bring back an economic boom that was brought about by the destruction of most of the world's manufacturing?
We didn't...that doesn't mean we didn't benefit from the decimation. To return to the economic boom of the 50s, the situation would have to be recreated. What caused that economic boom?

That's a false dilemma fallacy

No, not really it isn't. Someone said they wanted to go back to the 50s. When folks said the 50s sucked in terms of Civil Rights, you said they meant the economic 50s not the social 50s. Well, the economic 50s were brought about because the US was the only country not horribly harmed by WWII. How do you propose to bring back an economic boom that was brought about by the destruction of most of the world's manufacturing?

Of course, the parts of the 1950's economic boom they don't like to talk about...

The top Marginal Tax rate was 93%.

33% of the workforce was unionized.
That's a false dilemma fallacy

No, not really it isn't. Someone said they wanted to go back to the 50s. When folks said the 50s sucked in terms of Civil Rights, you said they meant the economic 50s not the social 50s. Well, the economic 50s were brought about because the US was the only country not horribly harmed by WWII. How do you propose to bring back an economic boom that was brought about by the destruction of most of the world's manufacturing?

Of course, the parts of the 1950's economic boom they don't like to talk about...

The top Marginal Tax rate was 93%.

33% of the workforce was unionized.

Now there's an inconvenient truth...
This Thread has lost its way!


Bottom line: Comments from the GOP like "legitimate rape" are making women run from the party. As long as the TP gets to call the shots and insert their extreme candidates into primaries, we will continue to get stupid comments like that. Many TP people would love to return to the good old, bad old days of the 40's and 50's. They will continually let their true feeling come out with stupid comments, which in turn will hurt the GOP.

The GOP is stuck with their TP pals for a long time....:lol:

To be absolutely fair, it isn't the Tea Party that is causing this problem.

It's the religious right. And they've been injecting this kind of stupidity into the GOP for a while.

Todd Akin was NOT the TEA Party's pick in Missouri. They wanted Claire Steelman.

Good point as that is what I saw here.
When the Tea Party started here they had one mandate, TAXES.
Then their ranks swelled to include anti gay folks, anti immigration reform of any kind and an Onward Christian Soldier stance on everything else.
Accordingly, the Tea Party is an embarrassment to any thinking voter, especially to Libertarians.
If they would have just stuck with tax issues they would have gone a long way.
No, not really it isn't. Someone said they wanted to go back to the 50s. When folks said the 50s sucked in terms of Civil Rights, you said they meant the economic 50s not the social 50s. Well, the economic 50s were brought about because the US was the only country not horribly harmed by WWII. How do you propose to bring back an economic boom that was brought about by the destruction of most of the world's manufacturing?

Of course, the parts of the 1950's economic boom they don't like to talk about...

The top Marginal Tax rate was 93%.

33% of the workforce was unionized.

Now there's an inconvenient truth...

We did not have a world economy in the 1950s, a place that business could take their capital and invest it for a return that was non confiscatory like a 93% tax rate.
We do now and already capital leaves this country because of a confiscatory tax rate that is too high at the current level.
Raise taxes, more capital leaves the US.
Lower tax rates and more capital comes back.
Common sense which is not too common these days here.
Democrats' fiscal policy is based on 1950s logic. Take a look around at why many other countries are doing much better. They live in the real world, it is 2013.
Hysterical that people claim that a 93% top tax rate causes an "economic boom".
LOL, all that did was add tens of thousands of pages to the tax code for those folks to AVOID paying ANY tax rate on their investments.
Raise the tax rate to 100% on those people and they still pay NO tax.
Amazing people do not understand the tax code and the elimination of it would cause the economic boom they want.
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

Because it's not true.

Here's the truth.

Liberal women want free birth control.

Show me any conservative woman demanding free birth control.
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

Because it's not true.

Here's the truth.

Liberal women want free birth control.

Show me any conservative woman demanding free birth control.

If far more women are voting Democrat than are voting Republican, yet there are an equal number of US women who are either Republican or Democrat, what does that mean?

No woman who can afford her own medical care needs free birth control, but not all women are doing so well financially. There are plenty of poor Republican women, or do you think all Republican women are clones of those Stepford Wives drones on Fox News? Plenty of poor Republican women who probably need free OBGYN health care, which includes birth control. Maybe they are the ones voting Democrat?
We didn't...that doesn't mean we didn't benefit from the decimation. To return to the economic boom of the 50s, the situation would have to be recreated. What caused that economic boom?

That's a false dilemma fallacy

No, not really it isn't. Someone said they wanted to go back to the 50s. When folks said the 50s sucked in terms of Civil Rights, you said they meant the economic 50s not the social 50s. Well, the economic 50s were brought about because the US was the only country not horribly harmed by WWII. How do you propose to bring back an economic boom that was brought about by the destruction of most of the world's manufacturing?

It is a false dilemma, but probably a better choice would have been to call it a false cause fallacy
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

Because it's not true.

Here's the truth.

Liberal women want free birth control.

Show me any conservative woman demanding free birth control.

If it keeps people from having unwanted pregnancies that would end in abortion, why wouldn't you want to give it to them?

If "free" birth control stops even one unwanted pregnancy, why wouldn't you support that?
That's a false dilemma fallacy

No, not really it isn't. Someone said they wanted to go back to the 50s. When folks said the 50s sucked in terms of Civil Rights, you said they meant the economic 50s not the social 50s. Well, the economic 50s were brought about because the US was the only country not horribly harmed by WWII. How do you propose to bring back an economic boom that was brought about by the destruction of most of the world's manufacturing?

It is a false dilemma, but probably a better choice would have been to call it a false cause fallacy

You keep saying that but don't say how it's false. What cause the economic boom of the 50s that you claim someone wants to return to?

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