GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

we all know what you meant, nice try, but fail.

Mis-quoting what was said because it's not what you wish it said...yeah we get it. You can't debate honestly so you make shit up; as always.

so now you are retracting and saying that the GOP is NOT run by old white guys as you claimed earlier?
No dumbass.

I never said it was "nothing but" old white guys. Old white guys have tried to install government regulations of women's reproductive rights. For reasons only known to them, there are women who feel this is a great idea. Usually these women are submissive and cowardly and cannot articulate why they are that way (see Step-on-me)

That you can name the non old-white guys in the upper ranks of the GOP on two hands and still have fingers left over is petty pathetic even for you.

You have zero credibility, fluke, just like the bitch in your avatar.
Yet you continue to bring up Sandra Fluke. It she were not a factor, you wouldn't be so determined to try to discredit her. The truth is bleak for dumbasses like you; she represents a woman you can't intimidate, who speaks her mind, who is articulate, and as the gender gap in Obama's victory indicated, the power of the voting block Ms. Fluke represents is a real problem for the GOP in 2016. If Hillary gets the nod, women will be energized to install the first female POTUS.
So you support the GOVERNMENT stopping women who the GOVERNMENT deems uses abortion as "birth control"?

Who makes that decision?

the morals and ethics of a society should be set by a majority of the society. whether they be based or religion or something else---the people should decide what is right and wrong. Government should exist to implement the will of the people, not to determine what it is.

We do not live in a majority rule country.
Move to Iran where they do it your way and allow the majority religious morals run the country.
We live in a nation OF LAWS, not men and their changing like the wind religious opinions.
The United States Constitution does NOT mention God, morals or religion. The Constitution specifically tells the government what IT CAN NOT DO and specifically protects the rights of the MINORITY.
An interesting document.

are you a total loon? are you claiming that none of the money that PP gets from the govt is used for abortions???? are you?

I can't wait for the proof of that one.

It's a matter of law. If you can prove it does; feel free. Your lazy assumptions are exactly what we have come to expect from you.


it's a game, they don't pay for abortions directly, but because they have government money coming in for other uses they can direct their private money to abortions.

I have no problem with Planned Parenthood other than it should all be private money. They are a good customer of my business. I like what they do. But charity should be private, not forced by guns.

I can't argue with any of that. That is the way I understand it works.
are you a total loon? are you claiming that none of the money that PP gets from the govt is used for abortions???? are you?

I can't wait for the proof of that one.

It's a matter of law. If you can prove it does; feel free. Your lazy assumptions are exactly what we have come to expect from you.

I am done with your bullshit and lies----welcome to ignore, dumbass.

You'll likely read every word I write from now crave attention too much. Dumbass.
If Hillary gets the nod, women will be energized to install the first female POTUS.

That is the liberal way. Since you've abandoned independent thought and all parrot not only the same position but the same talking points on ever issue, for you nominations come down to hey, do you want the woman or the black who agree on every issue? We picked the black last time, let's go for the women this time...
If Hillary gets the nod, women will be energized to install the first female POTUS.

That is the liberal way. Since you've abandoned independent thought and all parrot not only the same position but the same talking points on ever issue, for you nominations come down to hey, do you want the woman or the black who agree on every issue? We picked the black last time, let's go for the women this time...

I won't discount that the "novelty" of a Woman POTUS will be a draw too great to resist.

However, "same talking points on every issue" is crap. I oppose the immigration bill that Obama champions; I opposed the action he was sponsoring in Syria. I "admitted" he lied about keeping your own doctor although "admission" is too strong a word--it was obvious. I think we should militarize the border--it just makes sense nowadays. Finally, I think Obama's greatest failing is that what was too big to fail is still too big to fail.

And I know a lot of liberals who feel the same way about some of the issues; less about others.
PP does use government $$$ for abortions, a small % of it.
Same as the government funds hospice care and many other things some citizens oppose.
PP does use government $$$ for abortions, a small % of it.
Same as the government funds hospice care and many other things some citizens oppose.

I believe they are violating federal law then...I'm not a legal expert but that is the way I've understood it.
right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

and if my Aunt had balls, she'd be my uncle.

What is your point.

That women should stop getting laid? Yeah, like that's gonna happen.
right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

This would be a clear example of a conservative failing to communicate with women; not only is it a failure to communicate, it’s a hateful, ugly insult as well.

And it’s comments such as this that explains why there is indeed a gender gap, where women understandably reject republican candidates.
I don't know why they just don't merge with the Democrats and stop with the charades..

We pretty much don't have a Republican party as it is...We can have ONE PARTY rule over us, yea!!

I find this offensive they think women are too stupid to understand what they stand for...But whatever good ole CNN pumping out the crap

The old white men who run your party have been telling your for nearly 50 years they know better when it comes to your reproductive choice. You've agreed with them for your entire life. And now you're upset that they think you're too stupid to understand what you stand for and they need a special program to "deal with" women

The reproductive choice is to keep your thighs open for all comers, or keep them closed.

Right and if that works for you great, and that's as far as you go with control your legs and thats it. You don't get say in what other people do in their private time.
Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

This would be a clear example of a conservative failing to communicate with women; not only is it a failure to communicate, it’s a hateful, ugly insult as well.

And it’s comments such as this that explains why there is indeed a gender gap, where women understandably reject republican candidates.

They would rather lose and have an "opinion".
Quote me where I said "nothing but old white guys". You can't, you won't.

from your post:

"Why you're so submissive to old white men is a mystery you'll have to explain some day...."

Wow way to prove you are an idiot..

Uh, nope. I think you just claimed that title for yourself. Fluke was trying to say that the GOP is made up and controlled by old white guys. I proved her wrong. End of story.

sorry if you don't like the ending, but it is what it is.
Most members of the GOP would love to see women back in the kitchen, pregnant, and just doing their "wifely duties. They will never admit it.

Thankfully we have lard arses like Rush telling us what they are thinking. I love the guy! He is the face and ars of the Republican Party!
from your post:

"Why you're so submissive to old white men is a mystery you'll have to explain some day...."

Wow way to prove you are an idiot..

Uh, nope. I think you just claimed that title for yourself. Fluke was trying to say that the GOP is made up and controlled by old white guys. I proved her wrong. End of story.

sorry if you don't like the ending, but it is what it is.

You proved nothing except you apparently think being able to name every woman/minority in your party on your fingers is a sign of diversity.

Most members of the GOP would love to see women back in the kitchen, pregnant, and just doing their "wifely duties. They will never admit it.

Thankfully we have lard arses like Rush telling us what they are thinking. I love the guy! He is the face and ars of the Republican Party!

totally wrong, but nice recitation of the dem/lib talking points. Half of the republican party is women. I can guarantee that they are not in the kitchen and pregnant.

Rush is a commentator, he has no position in any party but the one that occurs in his house when he spends the millions that you fools help him make.

are you really as stupid as fluke? if so you may be the next name on my list of idiots to be ignored.
Most members of the GOP would love to see women back in the kitchen, pregnant, and just doing their "wifely duties. They will never admit it.

Thankfully we have lard arses like Rush telling us what they are thinking. I love the guy! He is the face and ars of the Republican Party!

totally wrong, but nice recitation of the dem/lib talking points. Half of the republican party is women. I can guarantee that they are not in the kitchen and pregnant.

Rush is a commentator, he has no position in any party but the one that occurs in his house when he spends the millions that you fools help him make.

are you really as stupid as fluke? if so you may be the next name on my list of idiots to be ignored.

Putting me on your ignore list would be a badge of valor. As long as the Dems have people like Rush, Cruz, and you to point out....they will do well. The Dems buy their meals with knuckle draggers like the former.

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