GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

But most women do not want GOVERNMENT making their decisions on their reproductive rights.

I guess thats the real issue-------whether abortion on demand and paid for by the government is a ---------right.
Abortion is a NON issue.
But the Democrats love it when the religious right make it one.
They kick ass on it.
The overwhelming majority of Americans OPPOSE abortion.
But they oppose more giving the power to pick and choose who "legally" gets one and who does not get one to GOVERNMENT.

right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

Nope, people that hate lawyers have no understanding or respect for the rule of law until they need a lawyer.
Better labeled the low information citizen which we have no shortage of now.

I have no idea what your talking about, but I think we do need immigration reform along with proper enforcement. That will probably need to happen when the next President comes into office because no one trusts Obama to enforce any law...(look at the ACA).

Yeah, that's it, feign ignorance. Just pretend your side didn't pull that shit, and wonder why Hispanics vote 70% against you. "But look, Ted Cruz is Hispanic. He was born in Canada!"

No, guy, what we need is an honest discussion about WHY we have an illegal problem.

We have an illegal problem because rich people don't want to pay a fair wage if they don't have to.

So the GOP is stuck between what their rich masters want (a workforce of easily exploitable people with no rights) and what they've spent years getting their inbred redneck voting base upset about. ("That durn Mexican wants to deflower your daughter, Cleetus!")

There is a good bet that says that if you, JoeB131 had more than the two Lincoln pennies in your pocket you keep rubbing together, and had the brains to employ somebody, you would be just as thrifty to pay the minimum amount to your employees as the dreadful capitalists you so love to denigrate.
But most women do not want GOVERNMENT making their decisions on their reproductive rights.

I guess thats the real issue-------whether abortion on demand and paid for by the government is a ---------right.

Most abortions are not paid for by the government.
That is a separate issue.
Many people oppose hospice care, allowing people to die in peace, being paid for by the government.
But most women do not want GOVERNMENT making their decisions on their reproductive rights.

I guess thats the real issue-------whether abortion on demand and paid for by the government is a ---------right.

Most abortions are not paid for by the government.
That is a separate issue.
Many people oppose hospice care, allowing people to die in peace, being paid for by the government.

No abortions are paid for by the government as far as I know.
Abortion is a NON issue.
But the Democrats love it when the religious right make it one.
They kick ass on it.
The overwhelming majority of Americans OPPOSE abortion.
But they oppose more giving the power to pick and choose who "legally" gets one and who does not get one to GOVERNMENT.

right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

So you support the GOVERNMENT stopping women who the GOVERNMENT deems uses abortion as "birth control"?

Who makes that decision?

the morals and ethics of a society should be set by a majority of the society. whether they be based or religion or something else---the people should decide what is right and wrong. Government should exist to implement the will of the people, not to determine what it is.
I guess thats the real issue-------whether abortion on demand and paid for by the government is a ---------right.

Most abortions are not paid for by the government.
That is a separate issue.
Many people oppose hospice care, allowing people to die in peace, being paid for by the government.

No abortions are paid for by the government as far as I know.

LOL, who do you think funds planned parenthood? PP is the major abortion provider in this country.

why work when welfare pays better? I don't know about Romney's landscape guys, but the ones that do my yard make a lot more than minimum wage---and they are all in this country by birth or legal immigration. Plus, they have way too much pride to ever take a government handout.

the guy that runs the service is a local guy with a high school education that now has a 6 figure income due to hard work.

The fact that you lefties cannot seem to grasp is that you get paid what your labor is worth, if you want more pay make your skills more valuable.

I think it all depends who is deciding what labor is valued at, doesn't it?

Let's put it to a vote...

the price of labor should be set by supply and demand. why does a brain surgeon get paid more than a trash collector? I am anxious to hear your answer.

Actually, a trash collector makes a pretty good wage because they are usually unionized and demand good pay and benefits for doing a fairly unpleasent job...

I don't think anyone would fault a brain surgeon getting paid more based on his skill. Where we often have a problem is the CEO getting eight figures when he runs his company so badly he requires a government bailout.
I don't know why they just don't merge with the Democrats and stop with the charades..

We pretty much don't have a Republican party as it is...We can have ONE PARTY rule over us, yea!!

I find this offensive they think women are too stupid to understand what they stand for...But whatever good ole CNN pumping out the crap

The old white men who run your party have been telling your for nearly 50 years they know better when it comes to your reproductive choice. You've agreed with them for your entire life. And now you're upset that they think you're too stupid to understand what you stand for and they need a special program to "deal with" women

The reproductive choice is to keep your thighs open for all comers, or keep them closed.

Maybe the GOP needs a class on social studies to go along with how to talk down to women without them realizing it.
Reminds me of what one of your fellow idiots said about the recent passing of Mandela...

"The economy was better under apartheid" if being treated as a 2nd class citizen (the way your party treats you you ignorant hag) is fine as long as prices are low.

Why you're so submissive to old white men is a mystery you'll have to explain some day....

besides McCain and McConnel, who are the old white guys that are running the GOP?

Alan West? Cruz? Rand Paul? Palin? Jindal? Nikki Haley? Kelly Ayotte?-------not old, not all white, and not all guys.

as usual, Fluke-------you are full of shit.

Rush Limbaugh is actually the head of the Republican Party.


As for the "old white guys"


Gee, look the #1 and #2 Senate Republicans are there. Amazingly you didn't see any GOP women above... (they all voted for it).

On the House side, gee, take your pick. Nice that you mentioned a Fox commentator as a "leader of your party"; that you have to reach outside of the elected people who are leading your party should be a clue as to what is wrong with your party.

You said that the GOP was nothing but old white guys, I proved you wrong. Its that simple.
Most abortions are not paid for by the government.
That is a separate issue.
Many people oppose hospice care, allowing people to die in peace, being paid for by the government.

No abortions are paid for by the government as far as I know.

LOL, who do you think funds planned parenthood? PP is the major abortion provider in this country.

No government money is used for abortions; I believe this is a matter of law.
Abortion is a NON issue.
But the Democrats love it when the religious right make it one.
They kick ass on it.
The overwhelming majority of Americans OPPOSE abortion.
But they oppose more giving the power to pick and choose who "legally" gets one and who does not get one to GOVERNMENT.

right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.
besides McCain and McConnel, who are the old white guys that are running the GOP?

Alan West? Cruz? Rand Paul? Palin? Jindal? Nikki Haley? Kelly Ayotte?-------not old, not all white, and not all guys.

as usual, Fluke-------you are full of shit.

Rush Limbaugh is actually the head of the Republican Party.


As for the "old white guys"


Gee, look the #1 and #2 Senate Republicans are there. Amazingly you didn't see any GOP women above... (they all voted for it).

On the House side, gee, take your pick. Nice that you mentioned a Fox commentator as a "leader of your party"; that you have to reach outside of the elected people who are leading your party should be a clue as to what is wrong with your party.

You said that the GOP was nothing but old white guys, I proved you wrong. Its that simple.

Quote me where I said "nothing but old white guys". You can't, you won't.
I think it all depends who is deciding what labor is valued at, doesn't it?

Let's put it to a vote...

the price of labor should be set by supply and demand. why does a brain surgeon get paid more than a trash collector? I am anxious to hear your answer.

Actually, a trash collector makes a pretty good wage because they are usually unionized and demand good pay and benefits for doing a fairly unpleasent job...

I don't think anyone would fault a brain surgeon getting paid more based on his skill. Where we often have a problem is the CEO getting eight figures when he runs his company so badly he requires a government bailout.

Madoff is in jail, Ken Lay is dead. Bad CEOs are not rewarded. corporate boards and shareholders do not tolerate bad fiscal performance from their CEOs. But no one expects you to know anything about how corporations really work, since all you do is repeat dem talking points 24/7.
Rush Limbaugh is actually the head of the Republican Party.


As for the "old white guys"


Gee, look the #1 and #2 Senate Republicans are there. Amazingly you didn't see any GOP women above... (they all voted for it).

On the House side, gee, take your pick. Nice that you mentioned a Fox commentator as a "leader of your party"; that you have to reach outside of the elected people who are leading your party should be a clue as to what is wrong with your party.

You said that the GOP was nothing but old white guys, I proved you wrong. Its that simple.

Quote me where I said "nothing but old white guys". You can't, you won't.

from your post:

"Why you're so submissive to old white men is a mystery you'll have to explain some day...."
right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

And if every man who impregnated a woman would follow through on the promises they often make to spread those legs (marriage, support, honor, fidelity), there would likely be fewer abortions as well, right?

It's easy to blame the woman since she is the one who has a choice to make.
Abortions are like lawyers... everyone hates them until they need one.

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

And if every man who impregnated a woman would follow through on the promises they often make to spread those legs (marriage, support, honor, fidelity), there would likely be fewer abortions as well, right?

It's easy to blame the woman since she is the one who has a choice to make.

For once, I agree with you, candycorn. A man who abandons the woman with a baby/child, be it a single male or a negligent husband, deserves the worst society legally thrusts upon him.

But in the final analysis, we still have to consider those thighs. Open or closed.

The REAL choice.

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