GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

And if every man who impregnated a woman would follow through on the promises they often make to spread those legs (marriage, support, honor, fidelity), there would likely be fewer abortions as well, right?

It's easy to blame the woman since she is the one who has a choice to make.

For once, I agree with you, candycorn. A man who abandons the woman with a baby/child, be it a single male or a negligent husband, deserves the worst society legally thrusts upon him.

But in the final analysis, we still have to consider those thighs. Open or closed.

The REAL choice.

Usually the abandonment is as soon as Clear Blue renders its verdict and last week's promises that "I'll always be there for you" are forgotten.
Reminds me of what one of your fellow idiots said about the recent passing of Mandela...

"The economy was better under apartheid" if being treated as a 2nd class citizen (the way your party treats you you ignorant hag) is fine as long as prices are low.

Why you're so submissive to old white men is a mystery you'll have to explain some day....

besides McCain and McConnel, who are the old white guys that are running the GOP?

Alan West? Cruz? Rand Paul? Palin? Jindal? Nikki Haley? Kelly Ayotte?-------not old, not all white, and not all guys.

as usual, Fluke-------you are full of shit.

Rush Limbaugh is actually the head of the Republican Party.


As for the "old white guys"


Gee, look the #1 and #2 Senate Republicans are there. Amazingly you didn't see any GOP women above... (they all voted for it).

On the House side, gee, take your pick. Nice that you mentioned a Fox commentator as a "leader of your party"; that you have to reach outside of the elected people who are leading your party should be a clue as to what is wrong with your party.

If I were a democrat running against any of them, I'd hammer away about their vote against such a needed statute. Its clear that the GOP hatred for females goes far beyond the abortion issue.
right to an extent. forget the far right, they are as insignificant as the far left. The majority do not want abortion as a form of birth control, but the dem party does.

So you support the GOVERNMENT stopping women who the GOVERNMENT deems uses abortion as "birth control"?

Who makes that decision?

the morals and ethics of a society should be set by a majority of the society. whether they be based or religion or something else---the people should decide what is right and wrong. Government should exist to implement the will of the people, not to determine what it is.

We do not live in a majority rule country.
Move to Iran where they do it your way and allow the majority religious morals run the country.
We live in a nation OF LAWS, not men and their changing like the wind religious opinions.
The United States Constitution does NOT mention God, morals or religion. The Constitution specifically tells the government what IT CAN NOT DO and specifically protects the rights of the MINORITY.
An interesting document.
I see a bunch of sad sack milk weak sissies in the GOP. Claiming the high ground with "morals, ethics and God".
What a bunch of crap.
I run with winners and want someone to come out of the GOP to whip the ass of the spendaholic incompetent Democrats.
But instead of wanting to win the GOP is happy to appease the thumpers.
No wonder the Libertarian Party is growing and if things do not change I am taking my money to Costa Rica and leave this Battle of the spenders versus the religious right.
Fuck em all.
If a pro-choice woman made the correct choice i.e. keeping her legs together, she would never had to face the choice liberals love so much: Keeping the baby or murder.

And if every man who impregnated a woman would follow through on the promises they often make to spread those legs (marriage, support, honor, fidelity), there would likely be fewer abortions as well, right?

It's easy to blame the woman since she is the one who has a choice to make.

For once, I agree with you, candycorn. A man who abandons the woman with a baby/child, be it a single male or a negligent husband, deserves the worst society legally thrusts upon him.

But in the final analysis, we still have to consider those thighs. Open or closed.

The REAL choice.

true, but today we have a society that rewards women for having kids out of wedlock with larger welfare payments.

why not mandatory castration (or vasectomy) for any man who does not support his kids?
I usually just say to the ladies...

Hey bay wanna party with a real man?
Or are you waiting around for a Lib?

Most of them say they are waiting for a Lib.
They feel Liberal men are very much in tune with their feminine side.

And the ladies wanna pick up a few fashion tips.
So you support the GOVERNMENT stopping women who the GOVERNMENT deems uses abortion as "birth control"?

Who makes that decision?

the morals and ethics of a society should be set by a majority of the society. whether they be based or religion or something else---the people should decide what is right and wrong. Government should exist to implement the will of the people, not to determine what it is.

We do not live in a majority rule country.
Move to Iran where they do it your way and allow the majority religious morals run the country.
We live in a nation OF LAWS, not men and their changing like the wind religious opinions.
The United States Constitution does NOT mention God, morals or religion. The Constitution specifically tells the government what IT CAN NOT DO and specifically protects the rights of the MINORITY.
An interesting document.

Hmmm, we don't elect our representatives by majority vote? congress does not pass laws by majority vote? we don't decide local referendums by majority vote? juries don't declare guilt or innocence by majority vote?

I think you are wrong, Mr Dos X's
besides McCain and McConnel, who are the old white guys that are running the GOP?

Alan West? Cruz? Rand Paul? Palin? Jindal? Nikki Haley? Kelly Ayotte?-------not old, not all white, and not all guys.

as usual, Fluke-------you are full of shit.

Rush Limbaugh is actually the head of the Republican Party.


As for the "old white guys"


Gee, look the #1 and #2 Senate Republicans are there. Amazingly you didn't see any GOP women above... (they all voted for it).

On the House side, gee, take your pick. Nice that you mentioned a Fox commentator as a "leader of your party"; that you have to reach outside of the elected people who are leading your party should be a clue as to what is wrong with your party.

If I were a democrat running against any of them, I'd hammer away about their vote against such a needed statute. Its clear that the GOP hatred for females goes far beyond the abortion issue.

We already have laws against violence and abuse. Why not just enforce the laws we already have?
I usually just say to the ladies...

Hey bay wanna party with a real man?
Or are you waiting around for a Lib?

Most of them say they are waiting for a Lib.
They feel Liberal men are very much in tune with their feminine side.

And the ladies wanna pick up a few fashion tips.

very funny and probably the truth
Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

So you think:

1) Women are either too cheap or lazy to take care of their own birth control so government not providing it to them for free is government actually denying them birth control.

2) Birth control is the woman's problem since you consider it a women's issue.

3) You don't understand why it's the Republicans who are negative towards women...
LOL, who do you think funds planned parenthood? PP is the major abortion provider in this country.

No government money is used for abortions; I believe this is a matter of law.

The government funds planned parenthood, the major abortion provider in the country. You are FOS.

The government funds planned parenthood. No monies are used for abortion.

The government funds the Marines. The marines have a terrible record of sexual harassment. Therefore the government funds sexual harassment; right?
The words "nothing but" do not appear in the quote.


we all know what you meant, nice try, but fail.

Mis-quoting what was said because it's not what you wish it said...yeah we get it. You can't debate honestly so you make shit up; as always.


so now you are retracting and saying that the GOP is NOT run by old white guys as you claimed earlier?

You have zero credibility, fluke, just like the bitch in your avatar.

as to dumbass-----you are the poster child for that word.
No government money is used for abortions; I believe this is a matter of law.

The government funds planned parenthood, the major abortion provider in the country. You are FOS.

The government funds planned parenthood. No monies are used for abortion.

The government funds the Marines. The marines have a terrible record of sexual harassment. Therefore the government funds sexual harassment; right?

are you a total loon? are you claiming that none of the money that PP gets from the govt is used for abortions???? are you?

I can't wait for the proof of that one.
Rush Limbaugh is actually the head of the Republican Party.


As for the "old white guys"


Gee, look the #1 and #2 Senate Republicans are there. Amazingly you didn't see any GOP women above... (they all voted for it).

On the House side, gee, take your pick. Nice that you mentioned a Fox commentator as a "leader of your party"; that you have to reach outside of the elected people who are leading your party should be a clue as to what is wrong with your party.

If I were a democrat running against any of them, I'd hammer away about their vote against such a needed statute. Its clear that the GOP hatred for females goes far beyond the abortion issue.

We already have laws against violence and abuse. Why not just enforce the laws we already have?

It provides for rape-shield laws on a federal level. It offers assistance to victims so when/if their husband is locked up or they are separated, the woman doesn't become destitute.

Thats why.

The government funds planned parenthood, the major abortion provider in the country. You are FOS.

The government funds planned parenthood. No monies are used for abortion.

The government funds the Marines. The marines have a terrible record of sexual harassment. Therefore the government funds sexual harassment; right?

are you a total loon? are you claiming that none of the money that PP gets from the govt is used for abortions???? are you?

I can't wait for the proof of that one.

It's a matter of law. If you can prove it does; feel free. Your lazy assumptions are exactly what we have come to expect from you.

The government funds planned parenthood. No monies are used for abortion.

The government funds the Marines. The marines have a terrible record of sexual harassment. Therefore the government funds sexual harassment; right?

are you a total loon? are you claiming that none of the money that PP gets from the govt is used for abortions???? are you?

I can't wait for the proof of that one.

It's a matter of law. If you can prove it does; feel free. Your lazy assumptions are exactly what we have come to expect from you.


I am done with your bullshit and lies----welcome to ignore, dumbass.
The government funds planned parenthood. No monies are used for abortion.

The government funds the Marines. The marines have a terrible record of sexual harassment. Therefore the government funds sexual harassment; right?

are you a total loon? are you claiming that none of the money that PP gets from the govt is used for abortions???? are you?

I can't wait for the proof of that one.

It's a matter of law. If you can prove it does; feel free. Your lazy assumptions are exactly what we have come to expect from you.


it's a game, they don't pay for abortions directly, but because they have government money coming in for other uses they can direct their private money to abortions.

I have no problem with Planned Parenthood other than it should all be private money. They are a good customer of my business. I like what they do. But charity should be private, not forced by guns.

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