GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

A majority of white women voted for Ken Cuccinelli. Explain that.

I did.

Women as a WHOLE voted against him.

he lost women, and he lost the election.

And Jesus, man, we are talking about fucking Virgina! If the Republicans can't win a state like that, what chance to they have in the parts of the country where they didn't film "Deliverence"?

Deliverance was filmed in Georgia, Joe. Virginia is one of the most affluent and best educated States in the Nation. I'd be happy to compare it to whatever Yankee shithole you live in. As for the Cucc...he got 14% of the black female vote. That was the difference...because, you know, McAuliffe is down with the black folk. He is gonna rock their world.
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No Joe...they didn't. I just proved you wrong. Be a man for once and admit it.

Yes, they did. The only problem was, they couldn't "fudge" their data back in the last week due to Sandy and get in line with everyone else.

It's a big jump with "I'm disappointed with Obama" to "I'm going to totally vote for the guy who wants to deport cousin Pedro!!!!"

Joe...isn't kind of racist to say every Hispanic person is illegal or has illegal family members here?

No, but it is racist to compare undocumented workers to terrorists or otherwise villify them or insist on racially profiling them, all things Republicans have advocated.
Deliverance was filmed in Georgia, Joe. Virginia is one of the most affluent and best educated States in the Nation. I'd be happy to compare it to whatever Yankee shithole you live in. As for the Cucc...he got 14% of the black female vote.

I consider everything south of the Mason-Dixon line to be "Deliverence Country", this kind of third world white trash country we got attached to ours.

Sadly, Deliverence Country is the only thing keeping the GOP afloat and stiffling real progress in this country.

Not to worry, all you angry old white guys will die off eventually. Even faster if the GOP gets its way on health care.
Yes, they did. The only problem was, they couldn't "fudge" their data back in the last week due to Sandy and get in line with everyone else.

It's a big jump with "I'm disappointed with Obama" to "I'm going to totally vote for the guy who wants to deport cousin Pedro!!!!"

Joe...isn't kind of racist to say every Hispanic person is illegal or has illegal family members here?

No, but it is racist to compare undocumented workers to terrorists or otherwise villify them or insist on racially profiling them, all things Republicans have advocated.

Who are you talking to, Joe? Nobody is talking about terrorists or racial profiling or any of that stuff. You are the only person talking about Pedro being here illegally and comparing Hispanic folks to terrorists. Come on, Joe. Hispanic folks are human beings just like anyway else. There is no need to denigrate them, or talk about them like they are sub-human.
Joe...isn't kind of racist to say every Hispanic person is illegal or has illegal family members here?

No, but it is racist to compare undocumented workers to terrorists or otherwise villify them or insist on racially profiling them, all things Republicans have advocated.

Who are you talking to, Joe? Nobody is talking about terrorists or racial profiling or any of that stuff. You are the only person talking about Pedro being here illegally and comparing Hispanic folks to terrorists. Come on, Joe. Hispanic folks are human beings just like anyway else. There is no need to denigrate them, or talk about them like they are sub-human.

Queenie, quit trying to suck up to the Hispanics. They won't be voting rethug any time soon. They are much smarter than you.
Deliverance was filmed in Georgia, Joe. Virginia is one of the most affluent and best educated States in the Nation. I'd be happy to compare it to whatever Yankee shithole you live in. As for the Cucc...he got 14% of the black female vote.

I consider everything south of the Mason-Dixon line to be "Deliverence Country", this kind of third world white trash country we got attached to ours.

Sadly, Deliverence Country is the only thing keeping the GOP afloat and stiffling real progress in this country.

Not to worry, all you angry old white guys will die off eventually. Even faster if the GOP gets its way on health care.

You really are filled with a lot of racial and ethic hatred. I am not kidding. So everyone from the State of Maryland south is "White Trash?" That is your world view? No wonder you were talking Pedro being deported. You hate Hispanics, everyone south of Maryland, and all white people. Wow.
Joe...isn't kind of racist to say every Hispanic person is illegal or has illegal family members here?

No, but it is racist to compare undocumented workers to terrorists or otherwise villify them or insist on racially profiling them, all things Republicans have advocated.

Who are you talking to, Joe? Nobody is talking about terrorists or racial profiling or any of that stuff. You are the only person talking about Pedro being here illegally and comparing Hispanic folks to terrorists. Come on, Joe. Hispanic folks are human beings just like anyway else. There is no need to denigrate them, or talk about them like they are sub-human.

Did you miss the whole immigration controversy in Arizona where Jan Brewer and Sherif Joe wanted to racially profile hispanics and pull them over to make sure they weren't illegals?

They were pulling that shit until SCOTUS told them to knock it off.

And Romney and the rest of the GOP crowd were falling all over themselves to defend that sort of behavior.

"I can't have illegals here! I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake"- Mitt Romney
Deliverance was filmed in Georgia, Joe. Virginia is one of the most affluent and best educated States in the Nation. I'd be happy to compare it to whatever Yankee shithole you live in. As for the Cucc...he got 14% of the black female vote.

I consider everything south of the Mason-Dixon line to be "Deliverence Country", this kind of third world white trash country we got attached to ours.

Sadly, Deliverence Country is the only thing keeping the GOP afloat and stiffling real progress in this country.

Not to worry, all you angry old white guys will die off eventually. Even faster if the GOP gets its way on health care.

You really are filled with a lot of racial and ethic hatred. I am not kidding. So everyone from the State of Maryland south is "White Trash?" That is your world view? No wonder you were talking Pedro being deported. You hate Hispanics, everyone south of Maryland, and all white people. Wow.

Quit trying to dance around it, Cleetus. You worked very hard to alienate minorities and women.. Enjoy the hole you've dug yourself into.
No, but it is racist to compare undocumented workers to terrorists or otherwise villify them or insist on racially profiling them, all things Republicans have advocated.

Who are you talking to, Joe? Nobody is talking about terrorists or racial profiling or any of that stuff. You are the only person talking about Pedro being here illegally and comparing Hispanic folks to terrorists. Come on, Joe. Hispanic folks are human beings just like anyway else. There is no need to denigrate them, or talk about them like they are sub-human.

Did you miss the whole immigration controversy in Arizona where Jan Brewer and Sherif Joe wanted to racially profile hispanics and pull them over to make sure they weren't illegals?

They were pulling that shit until SCOTUS told them to knock it off.

And Romney and the rest of the GOP crowd were falling all over themselves to defend that sort of behavior.

"I can't have illegals here! I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake"- Mitt Romney

I have no idea what your talking about, but I think we do need immigration reform along with proper enforcement. That will probably need to happen when the next President comes into office because no one trusts Obama to enforce any law...(look at the ACA).
I consider everything south of the Mason-Dixon line to be "Deliverence Country", this kind of third world white trash country we got attached to ours.

Sadly, Deliverence Country is the only thing keeping the GOP afloat and stiffling real progress in this country.

Not to worry, all you angry old white guys will die off eventually. Even faster if the GOP gets its way on health care.

You really are filled with a lot of racial and ethic hatred. I am not kidding. So everyone from the State of Maryland south is "White Trash?" That is your world view? No wonder you were talking Pedro being deported. You hate Hispanics, everyone south of Maryland, and all white people. Wow.

Quit trying to dance around it, Cleetus. You worked very hard to alienate minorities and women.. Enjoy the hole you've dug yourself into.

I do not represent anyone but myself. I like women. A lot. I like minorities. I have nothing against either group, nor have I ever expressed any negative views about either group. :)

I have no idea what your talking about, but I think we do need immigration reform along with proper enforcement. That will probably need to happen when the next President comes into office because no one trusts Obama to enforce any law...(look at the ACA).

Yeah, that's it, feign ignorance. Just pretend your side didn't pull that shit, and wonder why Hispanics vote 70% against you. "But look, Ted Cruz is Hispanic. He was born in Canada!"

No, guy, what we need is an honest discussion about WHY we have an illegal problem.

We have an illegal problem because rich people don't want to pay a fair wage if they don't have to.

So the GOP is stuck between what their rich masters want (a workforce of easily exploitable people with no rights) and what they've spent years getting their inbred redneck voting base upset about. ("That durn Mexican wants to deflower your daughter, Cleetus!")
Deliverance was filmed in Georgia, Joe. Virginia is one of the most affluent and best educated States in the Nation. I'd be happy to compare it to whatever Yankee shithole you live in. As for the Cucc...he got 14% of the black female vote.

I consider everything south of the Mason-Dixon line to be "Deliverence Country", this kind of third world white trash country we got attached to ours.

Sadly, Deliverence Country is the only thing keeping the GOP afloat and stiffling real progress in this country.

Not to worry, all you angry old white guys will die off eventually. Even faster if the GOP gets its way on health care.

that just shows how ignorant and uninformed you are. do you ever leave your mom's basement?

I have no idea what your talking about, but I think we do need immigration reform along with proper enforcement. That will probably need to happen when the next President comes into office because no one trusts Obama to enforce any law...(look at the ACA).

Yeah, that's it, feign ignorance. Just pretend your side didn't pull that shit, and wonder why Hispanics vote 70% against you. "But look, Ted Cruz is Hispanic. He was born in Canada!"

No, guy, what we need is an honest discussion about WHY we have an illegal problem.

We have an illegal problem because rich people don't want to pay a fair wage if they don't have to.

So the GOP is stuck between what their rich masters want (a workforce of easily exploitable people with no rights) and what they've spent years getting their inbred redneck voting base upset about. ("That durn Mexican wants to deflower your daughter, Cleetus!")

Where do you get this shit? do you spend your days on your knees in front of Chris Matthews?

We have an illegal problem because we do not enforce our borders and because people want to come to the USA to make money to support their families.

It has nothing to do with evil rich guys. If the poorer americans were willing to do manual labor jobs instead of sitting on their asses and collecting welfare and EBT cards there would not be any jobs for illegals.

We have an illegal invasion because of the libtarded policies of our government.
Who are you talking to, Joe? Nobody is talking about terrorists or racial profiling or any of that stuff. You are the only person talking about Pedro being here illegally and comparing Hispanic folks to terrorists. Come on, Joe. Hispanic folks are human beings just like anyway else. There is no need to denigrate them, or talk about them like they are sub-human.

Did you miss the whole immigration controversy in Arizona where Jan Brewer and Sherif Joe wanted to racially profile hispanics and pull them over to make sure they weren't illegals?

They were pulling that shit until SCOTUS told them to knock it off.

And Romney and the rest of the GOP crowd were falling all over themselves to defend that sort of behavior.

"I can't have illegals here! I'm running for office, for Pete's Sake"- Mitt Romney

I have no idea what your talking about, but I think we do need immigration reform along with proper enforcement. That will probably need to happen when the next President comes into office because no one trusts Obama to enforce any law...(look at the ACA).

no ones knows what joe is talking about, he is just a hate filled ignorant tool of the dems.

this is such horseshit------half of the GOP is women. Why must you libtards continue to lie?

Oh, I do know the reason---------its all you have.

There are only 4 female Republican Senators and 19 female Republicans in the House.
How did that turn into half? Like in 50%?

Conversely there are 16 Democratic female Senators and 58 female Democrats in the House.

Now sit down and STFU. I'm embarrassed for you.

Therein lies the basic Democrat/liberal/progressive conundrum:

They can't grasp the fact that small quantity of quality good people (Republican) is worth far more than a large mob of talking-point-repeating, non-thinking and free-loading-promoting inherently bad people (Democrats).
I don't know why they just don't merge with the Democrats and stop with the charades..

We pretty much don't have a Republican party as it is...We can have ONE PARTY rule over us, yea!!

I find this offensive they think women are too stupid to understand what they stand for...But whatever good ole CNN pumping out the crap
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Where do you get this shit? do you spend your days on your knees in front of Chris Matthews?

We have an illegal problem because we do not enforce our borders and because people want to come to the USA to make money to support their families.

It has nothing to do with evil rich guys. If the poorer americans were willing to do manual labor jobs instead of sitting on their asses and collecting welfare and EBT cards there would not be any jobs for illegals.

We have an illegal invasion because of the libtarded policies of our government.

Oh, so I guess those welfare people will be happy working for shit wages.

Here's a hint. A lot of them already do. And then they apply for food stamps and section 8.

We have an illegal problem because guys like your boy Mitt Romney don't want to pay a fair wage to have their bushes trimmed.

I have no idea what your talking about, but I think we do need immigration reform along with proper enforcement. That will probably need to happen when the next President comes into office because no one trusts Obama to enforce any law...(look at the ACA).

Yeah, that's it, feign ignorance. Just pretend your side didn't pull that shit, and wonder why Hispanics vote 70% against you. "But look, Ted Cruz is Hispanic. He was born in Canada!"

No, guy, what we need is an honest discussion about WHY we have an illegal problem.

We have an illegal problem because rich people don't want to pay a fair wage if they don't have to.

So the GOP is stuck between what their rich masters want (a workforce of easily exploitable people with no rights) and what they've spent years getting their inbred redneck voting base upset about. ("That durn Mexican wants to deflower your daughter, Cleetus!")

Don't forget the "they're going to take your guns" lie.
I don't know why they just don't merge with the Democrats and stop with the charades..

We pretty much don't have a Republican party as it is...We can have ONE PARTY rule over us, yea!!

I find this offensive they think women are too stupid to understand what they stand for...But whatever good ole CNN pumping out the crap

The old white men who run your party have been telling your for nearly 50 years they know better when it comes to your reproductive choice. You've agreed with them for your entire life. And now you're upset that they think you're too stupid to understand what you stand for and they need a special program to "deal with" women

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