GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

Obama's not running again.

And these women DID vote for him twice, that was the point.

The next time, you are probably going to have Hillary Clinton up against "Another Old White Guy who doesn't get it".

wytch asked why women voted for obama, I gave her the answer.

the candidates in 2016 will NOT be Hillary and an old white guy.

Let the Democrats run Hilary Rodham.

The Republicans can, should and WILL nominate a dynamic, charismatic and compelling young candidate, male or female, black or white (Heaven knows the talent pool is deep) and then VOILA!! it will be almost the mirror image of the 2008 National Disaster, with the difference that no Republican could ever be a disaster such as the present disaster.

By then (2016) both the House AND the Senate will be Republican.

And America's hope, the future of grandchildren and sanity will have been restored.

a dynamic, charismatic and compelling young candidate, male or female, black or white

Sounds like Teddy Cruz to me! GO FOR IT!
Republicans do need to learn to communicate with women.

1. Stop bitching about paying for birth control pills. They are a prescription drug--and they are covered by insures just like Viagra and all the male enhancement drugs. Insurers (regardless of religion and or challenge have been paying for them for decades.)

2. Republican males have no business telling women how they should feel about carrying a rape baby. Men typically aren't raped--and a "lucky to be alive woman" who may already have a family with a husband--can make their own choices. without some non-associated dumb ass male telling them what they should do and or how a female body works.

If they can figure that out--then they will win the woman vote in this country, which is critical to actually winning elections.

Karen Hughes, Former Bush Adviser: If Another Republican Man Talks Rape, I'll 'Cut Out His Tongue' I would agree with that statement.

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they know how to communicate with women ... things like, get me my dinner, and bend over when your cooking honey ... they love to say honey to them or baby cause they are so caring ... like bend over honey an cracks us a smiling while you do the dishes baby... A every day conversation to a republican wife ... they tell their friends this is my wife the best little cum catcher in town... that how they introduce their wife ... hell Republicans know how to communicate with a woman ... that's why they have such low divorces in republican families ask Newt he's a real man:lol::lol::lol:

Amazing. Your entire brain was constructed by Madison Avenue marketing executives who want to sell you toothpaste.

Just amazing.
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There are only 4 female Republican Senators and 19 female Republicans in the House.
How did that turn into half? Like in 50%?

Conversely there are 16 Democratic female Senators and 58 female Democrats in the House.

Now sit down and STFU. I'm embarrassed for you.
Republican women are introspective. We think, "Would my husband and children be better off with me in Washington or me at home?"

It's not a matter of better or worse, it's a matter of giving our families a traditional upbringing, and choice to support it or not. Not all of us are convinced that experimentation with family values will bring cohesion to the family unit. We freely choose to give our families the personal attention we feel is good for them, even those of us who know they are free to make their own decisions when they turn 18 years old.

We don't judge our men bad because we make that choice, and when one of them decides to run for office, we support that fully, too, as a tradition that seems right to us in our hearts.

We're sorry you are embarrassed. We're proud of our family's accomplishments that we encourage as best we can.

This post is so fucking full of shit.
Im almost embarrassed you think this is the truth.
You are certainly so unsympathetic to real traditional women that you have to dot your i's with 4-letter words. How pathetic is that, to go after people for their love for their families?
wytch asked why women voted for obama, I gave her the answer.

the candidates in 2016 will NOT be Hillary and an old white guy.

Let the Democrats run Hilary Rodham.

The Republicans can, should and WILL nominate a dynamic, charismatic and compelling young candidate, male or female, black or white (Heaven knows the talent pool is deep) and then VOILA!! it will be almost the mirror image of the 2008 National Disaster, with the difference that no Republican could ever be a disaster such as the present disaster.

By then (2016) both the House AND the Senate will be Republican.

And America's hope, the future of grandchildren and sanity will have been restored.

a dynamic, charismatic and compelling young candidate, male or female, black or white

Sounds like Teddy Cruz to me! GO FOR IT!

Well, why not!?

Junior Senator in both cases. One rousing but empty speech vs. one filibuster. Both with doubts about eligibility, due to questions about birth. Both would need to quit the job they swore to faithfully execute. Both of minority, but in this shallow-minded world, where LOOKS dominate, Obama had the distinct advantage.

Both have about the same qualification to be President. Like, NONE!!

On top of that, nothing GWB ever did was as harmful to America as Obamacare, so the fluke that Obama got elected - first time on false hopes, second time on bare-faced lies - should favor Senator Cruz.

Hilary? Remember the fully justified humiliation she suffered from Obama in 2008. Add Benghazi. Then forget it.

Also, don't forget that Democrats might want to be the party to have a President from their ranks who claims to be not only female, but a native Indian for the first time.

2016 a toss-up?
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OK, hold on to your dream. But your hero obama has destroyed the dem party and the cause of liberalism for years. you fools voted for him and now you deserve what he has done to you and your party.

Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.



OK, hold on to your dream. But your hero obama has destroyed the dem party and the cause of liberalism for years. you fools voted for him and now you deserve what he has done to you and your party.

Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.

you should be more honest

see black republicans and women do in fact vote republican in large numbers

Oh, right. That would be the whole whopping 6% of blacks who vote republican.

There just aren't enough angry old white guys to keep the GOP afloat.
Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.

you should be more honest

see black republicans and women do in fact vote republican in large numbers

Oh, right. That would be the whole whopping 6% of blacks who vote republican.

There just aren't enough angry old white guys to keep the GOP afloat.

There is hope even for the almost eternally hopeless, who vote 90% for those who keep them in virtual chains and enslave them for the rest of their lives. Eventually even the stupidest horse will realize that it is wiser to drink from the trough, once lead to it, than go thirsty.

"Women won't vote for them". Not until women see what liberals like Martin Bashir would love to do to them.

"Blacks won't vote for them". Not until they grow up and listen to Alan West and Ben Carter, rather than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

"Asians won't vote for them". Not until they hear MIchele Malkin, Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley.

"Hispanics won't vote for them". Really? Ask now, or better still, in 2014 and 2016, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and all those Hispanics that got kicked in the gut by Obama and his cohorts.

Also, keep in mind that most jobs are provided by "old white guys", before you and your ilk go and risk of being permanently unemployed for dissing them.
Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.

you should be more honest

see black republicans and women do in fact vote republican in large numbers

Oh, right. That would be the whole whopping 6% of blacks who vote republican.

There just aren't enough angry old white guys to keep the GOP afloat.

I am not sure why I bother...but what the hell. Even in the latest Virginia election 54% of white women voted for a nut like Ken Cuccinelli. Every voting bloc has swung wildly from election to election except for blacks. Your assumption that all voting blocs are set in stone...completely unchanging, and will never change, is not supported by any factual data. Party is only one variable. There are dozens more.

If it makes you happy to assume voters never change, okay, but that is your delusion. It doesn't make it true.

There is hope even for the almost eternally hopeless, who vote 90% for those who keep them in virtual chains and enslave them for the rest of their lives. Eventually even the stupidest horse will realize that it is wiser to drink from the trough, once lead to it, than go thirsty.

"Women won't vote for them". Not until women see what liberals like Martin Bashir would love to do to them.

"Blacks won't vote for them". Not until they grow up and listen to Alan West and Ben Carter, rather than Al Sharpton and Jesse Jackson.

"Asians won't vote for them". Not until they hear MIchele Malkin, Bobby Jindal and Nikki Haley.

"Hispanics won't vote for them". Really? Ask now, or better still, in 2014 and 2016, Ted Cruz, Marco Rubio and all those Hispanics that got kicked in the gut by Obama and his cohorts.

Also, keep in mind that most jobs are provided by "old white guys", before you and your ilk go and risk of being permanently unemployed for dissing them.

I'm sure you can bring up all the "Tokens" like Uncle Tom Carson and Michelle the Mail Order Bride from Hell all you want, but the fact is, women and minorities realize the GOP wants them at the back at the bus on their way to a back-ally abortion.

Frankly, I wonder why a lot of the angry white guys voted for Republicans for years... mostly because they play on their religious, racial and sexual fears and distract them from what's really going on. That might have worked for Nixon and Reagan, but it won't work now.

And, no, the old White guys don't provide the jobs. Consumer demand does that. A Capitalist is a parasite that has convinced you it's a vital organ.
Joe....just to prove my point. Voters of any type change change on a dime. Read this and explain your theory again.

Gallup: Obama hemorrhages Hispanic support, drops 23 points in a year | Naked Politics

This was the same Gallup that insisted a Weird Mormon Robot had a 7 point lead going into the election.

One more time, guy. Obama isn't running again. Whoever the GOP runs is going to have to appeal to the same scared white guys to win the nomination before they even talk to Hispanics...
Joe....just to prove my point. Voters of any type change change on a dime. Read this and explain your theory again.

Gallup: Obama hemorrhages Hispanic support, drops 23 points in a year | Naked Politics

This was the same Gallup that insisted a Weird Mormon Robot had a 7 point lead going into the election.

One more time, guy. Obama isn't running again. Whoever the GOP runs is going to have to appeal to the same scared white guys to win the nomination before they even talk to Hispanics...

No Joe...they didn't. I just proved you wrong. Be a man for once and admit it.

I am not sure why I bother...but what the hell. Even in the latest Virginia election 54% of white women voted for a nut like Ken Cuccinelli. Every voting bloc has swung wildly from election to election except for blacks. Your assumption that all voting blocs are set in stone...completely unchanging, and will never change, is not supported by any factual data. Party is only one variable. There are dozens more.

If it makes you happy to assume voters never change, okay, but that is your delusion. It doesn't make it true.

Coo-Coo-Nellie still lost.

Women on the WHOLE voted against that nut. Probalby didn't want him shoving the Wand of Shame up their hoo-has...

That's why the GOP is losing women, they are appealling to the religious nuts who see them as breeding machines.
Joe....just to prove my point. Voters of any type change change on a dime. Read this and explain your theory again.

Gallup: Obama hemorrhages Hispanic support, drops 23 points in a year | Naked Politics

This was the same Gallup that insisted a Weird Mormon Robot had a 7 point lead going into the election.

One more time, guy. Obama isn't running again. Whoever the GOP runs is going to have to appeal to the same scared white guys to win the nomination before they even talk to Hispanics...

No Joe...they didn't. I just proved you wrong. Be a man for once and admit it.

Yes, they did. The only problem was, they couldn't "fudge" their data back in the last week due to Sandy and get in line with everyone else.

It's a big jump with "I'm disappointed with Obama" to "I'm going to totally vote for the guy who wants to deport cousin Pedro!!!!"

I just gave two clear example that prove your premise that voting blocs never change is false. Why can't you admit the obvious?
A majority of white women voted for Ken Cuccinelli. Explain that.

I did.

Women as a WHOLE voted against him.

he lost women, and he lost the election.

And Jesus, man, we are talking about fucking Virgina! If the Republicans can't win a state like that, what chance to they have in the parts of the country where they didn't film "Deliverence"?
This was the same Gallup that insisted a Weird Mormon Robot had a 7 point lead going into the election.

One more time, guy. Obama isn't running again. Whoever the GOP runs is going to have to appeal to the same scared white guys to win the nomination before they even talk to Hispanics...

No Joe...they didn't. I just proved you wrong. Be a man for once and admit it.

Yes, they did. The only problem was, they couldn't "fudge" their data back in the last week due to Sandy and get in line with everyone else.

It's a big jump with "I'm disappointed with Obama" to "I'm going to totally vote for the guy who wants to deport cousin Pedro!!!!"

Joe...isn't kind of racist to say every Hispanic person is illegal or has illegal family members here?

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