GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

Yep :p Redfish making up facts :eusa_liar: again and expecting people to take it on face value like fox viewers :tinfoil: do :nono:

this is such horseshit------half of the GOP is women. Why must you libtards continue to lie?

Oh, I do know the reason---------its all you have.

There are only 4 female Republican Senators and 19 female Republicans in the House.
How did that turn into half? Like in 50%?

Conversely there are 16 Democratic female Senators and 58 female Democrats in the House.

Now sit down and STFU. I'm embarrassed for you.
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Im not....he shouldnt have been.

PDS...Palin Derangement Syndrome....The doctors of universal healthcare have diagnosed the symptoms. Treatment of the affliction is pre-ordained by Congressional law and Executive branch regulation.


Thats neat...but then imus shouldnt have been fired either. We live in a world full of babies who need to be apologized to for everything. Dont cry when its you.

Actually, we live in a world full of adults. Well, most of us any way.

It’s more sad than funny; that so many GOP politicians are so clueless and inept to not understand how to effectively communicate with all voters, not just women.

This is clearly the consequence of blind adherence to rightist political dogma, the arrogance manifested by that dogma, and republican existence in an echo chamber specifically designed to shield republicans from diversity and dissent.

It’s more sad than funny; that so many GOP politicians are so clueless and inept to not understand how to effectively communicate with all voters, not just women.

This is clearly the consequence of blind adherence to rightist political dogma, the arrogance manifested by that dogma, and republican existence in an echo chamber specifically designed to shield republicans from diversity and dissent.

It is a quite sad commentary on the pathetic state of affairs of Republicorp :boohoo: I think they're going to get :whip: in the next election.
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PDS...Palin Derangement Syndrome....The doctors of universal healthcare have diagnosed the symptoms. Treatment of the affliction is pre-ordained by Congressional law and Executive branch regulation.


Thats neat...but then imus shouldnt have been fired either. We live in a world full of babies who need to be apologized to for everything. Dont cry when its you.

Actually, we live in a world full of adults. Well, most of us any way.
Thats why we have a activist group for everything because it seems we must make the world PC.
GOP trains men how to run against women

Obviously, human resources hired the wrong consultant...again.

According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.

We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?

The #2 delegate recipient in the GOP last year opposes contraception in all forms. This is why women who think for themselves oppose the GOP in all forms. Do I need to rub your nose in the graphic again?

Your mom isn't proud of you. You bring my mother up, I get to bring yours up, right?
Very Telling....the GOP war on contraception is the cause.


So you're saying that women need Obabble to help them manage the functions of their vagina?

No, they just resist people like you trying to remove their right to reproductive choice. :lol: :lol: :lol: :lol:
According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.

We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?

There was an 18 point gender gap in the last election...I can't imagine why. :lol:

Sandra Fluke scares the holy shit out of Redflesh....I love it!!!! A woman he can't intimidate and he has no idea how to handle it. 332-206
We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?

There was an 18 point gender gap in the last election...I can't imagine why. :lol:

and what is the gap now after women realized they voted for a liar?

I will show you

According to the poll, taken between November 6 and November 11, 54 percent of American voters disapprove of Obama's job as president, and only 39 percent approve. The rate among women is slightly better, at 51 percent and 40 percent, respectively. The poll showed a major shift from the slight disapproval (49 to 45 percent) expressed in October, beating what was previously Obama's worst month – October 2011 (55 to 41).

Women Sour on Obama, New Poll Shows Lowest Presidential Approval Rating

Poll: Mitt Romney beats President Obama today
As more bad poll numbers continue to pour in for President Barack Obama, a new survey finds that if the 2012 election matchup were held this month, Mitt Romney would hold the edge with the voters.

Romney topped Obama 49 percent to 45 percent among registered voters in the Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday. Among all Americans, the 2012 rivals would be tied, at 47 percent.

Read more: Poll: Mitt Romney beats President Obama today - Tal Kopan -

the reason Obama had a 18 point gap just like with any slick male player being able to charm the pants off a female he did it with pick up lines and lies and now that women have found out their lover lied to them they have fallen in line with the rest of America

Obama's chances for winning re-election in 2016 seem pretty thin. Good thing he's not running. he he he

they know how to communicate with women ... things like, get me my dinner, and bend over when your cooking honey ... they love to say honey to them or baby cause they are so caring ... like bend over honey an cracks us a smiling while you do the dishes baby... A every day conversation to a republican wife ... they tell their friends this is my wife the best little cum catcher in town... that how they introduce their wife ... hell Republicans know how to communicate with a woman ... that's why they have such low divorces in republican families ask Newt he's a real man:lol::lol::lol:
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abortion is not birth control, it is murder.

Point: I am against about 88% of all abortions.

Point: I support it for health/life of the mother, rape and incest.

Point: abortion is a medical term

Point: murder is a legal term

I support an end to all abortions...I just think we use education and science to accomplish that goal, not legislating control over another's body.


Everyone supports ending abortion, the conflict concerns how to end the practice, not its merits. And in addition to being un-Constitutional, ‘banning’ abortion simply won’t accomplish the desired goal.
No liberal/progressive/Democrat woman, in any stage in life, social ladder and/or status or lack thereof has ever been treated by any Republican/conservative as were Sarah Palin, Michelle Bachmann, Ann Coulter, Nicky Haley, Michele Malkin, Mia Love, Laura Ingraham, Laura Bush, Condi Rice, Dana Perrino, etc. etc. has been treated and referred to by liberals/Democrats.

Some of these ladies are not even white. But, obviously, if they dare to be conservative, they are fair game for any and all vile and typical liberal slanders and name-calling by the ever-so-loving and tolerant liberals who got their practice by besmirching people like Justice Thomas, Dr. Ben Carter, Ron Christie, Walter Williams, Thomas Sewell and Alan West, to name just a few of their targets of irrational and racist hate.
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many women believed obama's lies. they wanted to like the first black president. they wanted the country to prove that it is not racist.

they had good motives but obama failed them. American women, most of them, are much smarter than the dem/libs think they are. They will not be fooled twice.

Obama's not running again.

And these women DID vote for him twice, that was the point.

The next time, you are probably going to have Hillary Clinton up against "Another Old White Guy who doesn't get it".

wytch asked why women voted for obama, I gave her the answer.

the candidates in 2016 will NOT be Hillary and an old white guy.

Let the Democrats run Hilary Rodham.

The Republicans can, should and WILL nominate a dynamic, charismatic and compelling young candidate, male or female, black or white (Heaven knows the talent pool is deep) and then VOILA!! it will be almost the mirror image of the 2008 National Disaster, with the difference that no Republican could ever be a disaster such as the present disaster.

By then (2016) both the House AND the Senate will be Republican.

And America's hope, the future of grandchildren and sanity will have been restored.
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OK, hold on to your dream. But your hero obama has destroyed the dem party and the cause of liberalism for years. you fools voted for him and now you deserve what he has done to you and your party.

Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.

OK, hold on to your dream. But your hero obama has destroyed the dem party and the cause of liberalism for years. you fools voted for him and now you deserve what he has done to you and your party.

Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.

you should be more honest

see black republicans and women do in fact vote republican in large numbers
Point: I am against about 88% of all abortions.

Point: I support it for health/life of the mother, rape and incest.

Point: abortion is a medical term

Point: murder is a legal term

I support an end to all abortions...I just think we use education and science to accomplish that goal, not legislating control over another's body.


Everyone supports ending abortion, the conflict concerns how to end the practice, not its merits. And in addition to being un-Constitutional, ‘banning’ abortion simply won’t accomplish the desired goal.
No not everyone. I do not support ending abortions.long as the person who is getting it pays with their own cash. I dont care if they have 300 abortions in their life times.its not my problem
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OK, hold on to your dream. But your hero obama has destroyed the dem party and the cause of liberalism for years. you fools voted for him and now you deserve what he has done to you and your party.

Not my dream, I'm beyond cynicism.

But if you guys are holding on to the fact that anyone is still going to be talking about the ObamaCare website in six months, you're delusional.

The bigger problem the Republicans have.

Women won't vote for them.
Blacks won't vote for them.
Asians won't vote for them.
Hispanics won't vote for them.

you should be more honest

see black republicans and women do in fact vote republican in large numbers

Lol under ten percent for blacks is not a large number. Unless the poll went 11.

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