GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

abortion is not birth control, it is murder.

Point: I am against about 88% of all abortions.

Point: I support it for health/life of the mother, rape and incest.

Point: abortion is a medical term

Point: murder is a legal term
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

abortion is not birth control, it is murder.

Point: I am against about 88% of all abortions.

Point: I support it for health/life of the mother, rape and incest.

Point: abortion is a medical term

Point: murder is a legal term

I support an end to all abortions...I just think we use education and science to accomplish that goal, not legislating control over another's body.
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

If women want birth control, then let them afford it without taxpayer's footing the bill. If they can't afford it, then let them abstain from sex during those days in a month when the chances of becoming pregnant, are higher. If they become preggers anyway, there is always big government who will rescue their ignorant arses. Taxpayers hosed again. Another baby born into poverty and ignorance.
democrats just feel the need to sexually harass women

at least the gop is trying to change, the dems just remain the same and will go the way of the current gop
only in your small demented mind.

Then answer Matthew's question.

the GOP is not against birth control. Many are pro life and are against abortion as a method of birth control. Can you name any republican who has come out against condoms or birth control pills?

“One of the things I will talk about, that no president has talked about before, is I think the dangers of contraception in this country,” the former Pennsylvania senator explained. “It’s not okay. It’s a license to do things in a sexual realm that is counter to how things are supposed to be”:

Rick Santorum said that.
In case you missed it, he got the 2nd highest number of delegates to the RNC convention last year.
Very Telling....the GOP war on contraception is the cause.

GOP trains men how to run against women

Obviously, human resources hired the wrong consultant...again.
only in your small demented mind.

Then answer Matthew's question.

the GOP is not against birth control. Many are pro life and are against abortion as a method of birth control. Can you name any republican who has come out against condoms or birth control pills?
redfish asked. Here is his answer! (Too easy!!!!!!!)

"Although Republicans traditionally have not been against contraceptive birth control (they typically have not had a view either way) the party is growing more anti-birth control, particularly as it comes increasingly under control of the Tea Party. Current Republican-led legislation in Wisconsin and Indiana seeks to put serious constraints on access to birth control. Mitt Romney, who is pro-life, has said he identifies life as beginning at conception rather than implantation, which means he is against contraceptives such as the birth control pill. Former
president George W. Bush attempted to strip contraceptive coverage for federal employees, appointed anti-birth control leader David Hager to the FDA panel that approves and expands access to contraceptive methods, chose another contraception opponent to oversee the nation's contraceptive program for the poor, and invested unprecedented sums into sex-ed programs that prohibit mention of contraception."
(That should shut you up but unfortunately, it won't!)
abortion is not birth control, it is murder.

Point: I am against about 88% of all abortions.

Point: I support it for health/life of the mother, rape and incest.

Point: abortion is a medical term

Point: murder is a legal term

I support an end to all abortions...I just think we use education and science to accomplish that goal, not legislating control over another's body.
Ahhhhhh ...... But seawytch, isn't that exactly what the gop is trying to do. Are they not doing everything in their power to remove a woman's right to choose?
Nay, not the right to choose.

Simply the right to choose that YOU and all of US pay for the results of her carelessness.
Hummmmm...... You're a pretty shallow thinker. Try to stay with me here.
A woman wants an abortion because she knows she cannot support her child and give it the care it needs to flourish. But, the gop is against this and stops her from getting an abortion. The woman is forced to carry to term by a party that screams government should stay out of peoples lives. Once the baby is born the woman's worst fears are realized. Working at a low paying job she cannot feed, clothe, shelter, or care for the child. Because of this she is forced to go to the government for assistance. Now, get your thinking cap on.
Once she is getting welfare exactly who is paying for her "carelessness?" Isn't it you and all of us who pay taxes? Arn't you paying for her and her child through your taxes? EXACTLY HOW DID TAKING AWAY HER CHOICE AND FORCING HER TO HAVE A CHILD SHE DID NOT WANT OR COULD NOT AFFORD PROTECT "US" SO WE DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR HER "CARELESSNESS?" Seems to me when we take away her freedom to choose we are volunteering to pay for her carelessness for the next 16 - 20 years.

So, aren't these the two choices: Pay for her abortion OR pay to support her and the child for the next 18 years. I'm curious, which choice do you think will cost the taxpayers more money?
GOP trains men how to run against women

Obviously, human resources hired the wrong consultant...again.

According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.
GOP trains men how to run against women

Obviously, human resources hired the wrong consultant...again.

According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.

We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?
Nay, not the right to choose.

Simply the right to choose that YOU and all of US pay for the results of her carelessness.
Hummmmm...... You're a pretty shallow thinker. Try to stay with me here.
A woman wants an abortion because she knows she cannot support her child and give it the care it needs to flourish. But, the gop is against this and stops her from getting an abortion. The woman is forced to carry to term by a party that screams government should stay out of peoples lives. Once the baby is born the woman's worst fears are realized. Working at a low paying job she cannot feed, clothe, shelter, or care for the child. Because of this she is forced to go to the government for assistance. Now, get your thinking cap on.
Once she is getting welfare exactly who is paying for her "carelessness?" Isn't it you and all of us who pay taxes? Arn't you paying for her and her child through your taxes? EXACTLY HOW DID TAKING AWAY HER CHOICE AND FORCING HER TO HAVE A CHILD SHE DID NOT WANT OR COULD NOT AFFORD PROTECT "US" SO WE DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR HER "CARELESSNESS?" Seems to me when we take away her freedom to choose we are volunteering to pay for her carelessness for the next 16 - 20 years.

So, aren't these the two choices: Pay for her abortion OR pay to support her and the child for the next 18 years. I'm curious, which choice do you think will cost the taxpayers more money?

Yes, you are right. Murdering unborn children is cheaper for society than bringing them into the world.

Welcome to communist China.
GOP trains men how to run against women

Obviously, human resources hired the wrong consultant...again.

According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.

We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?

There was an 18 point gender gap in the last election...I can't imagine why. :lol:

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