GOP feels they need to learn how to communicate with women

The Virginia GOP just put far right, anti birth control candidate against a weak Democrat. He lost. If I was a Republican, I would be embarrassed that this even has to come up. It is like the the GOP leadership is saying, "Maybe we should think about coming into the 21st Century?".....or the 20th perhaps.

Crazy Stuff!

I think it's more than that, though.

The real problem is not just the stupid knob who feels the need to put an adjective in front of the word "Rape".

It's that they really think that they need to do that in order to parse their philosophy that an embryoe has more human rights than the woman it is in.

But here's the thing.

You take away the arguments on abortion, the arguments on guns, the arguments on the gays, and all the GOP has left is that the rest of us should be happy working for a pittance so a few rich people can enjoy Dressage Horsies and Private boats.
According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.

We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?

There was an 18 point gender gap in the last election...I can't imagine why. :lol:

many women believed obama's lies. they wanted to like the first black president. they wanted the country to prove that it is not racist.

they had good motives but obama failed them. American women, most of them, are much smarter than the dem/libs think they are. They will not be fooled twice.
The Virginia GOP just put far right, anti birth control candidate against a weak Democrat. He lost. If I was a Republican, I would be embarrassed that this even has to come up. It is like the the GOP leadership is saying, "Maybe we should think about coming into the 21st Century?".....or the 20th perhaps.

Crazy Stuff!

I think it's more than that, though.

The real problem is not just the stupid knob who feels the need to put an adjective in front of the word "Rape".

It's that they really think that they need to do that in order to parse their philosophy that an embryoe has more human rights than the woman it is in.

But here's the thing.

You take away the arguments on abortion, the arguments on guns, the arguments on the gays, and all the GOP has left is that the rest of us should be happy working for a pittance so a few rich people can enjoy Dressage Horsies and Private boats.

If you really believe that, you are one sick human being. what happened to you to fill you with so much hate?

why are most dems and libs so full of hate?
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

so when is some one against birth control when they don't feel it is some ones else's responsibility to pay for some one else's birth control. are you saying women don't have the capability, capacity or the means to buy their own birth control isn't that being demeaning to women saying that they are not capable of doing that

just stop with your straw man argument it just makes you look like a fool
The Virginia GOP just put far right, anti birth control candidate against a weak Democrat. He lost. If I was a Republican, I would be embarrassed that this even has to come up. It is like the the GOP leadership is saying, "Maybe we should think about coming into the 21st Century?".....or the 20th perhaps.

Crazy Stuff!

I think it's more than that, though.

The real problem is not just the stupid knob who feels the need to put an adjective in front of the word "Rape".

It's that they really think that they need to do that in order to parse their philosophy that an embryoe has more human rights than the woman it is in.

But here's the thing.

You take away the arguments on abortion, the arguments on guns, the arguments on the gays, and all the GOP has left is that the rest of us should be happy working for a pittance so a few rich people can enjoy Dressage Horsies and Private boats.[/QUOTE]

you mean people like John Kerry and Oprah and Algore?

many women believed obama's lies. they wanted to like the first black president. they wanted the country to prove that it is not racist.

they had good motives but obama failed them. American women, most of them, are much smarter than the dem/libs think they are. They will not be fooled twice.

Obama's not running again.

And these women DID vote for him twice, that was the point.

The next time, you are probably going to have Hillary Clinton up against "Another Old White Guy who doesn't get it".

many women believed obama's lies. they wanted to like the first black president. they wanted the country to prove that it is not racist.

they had good motives but obama failed them. American women, most of them, are much smarter than the dem/libs think they are. They will not be fooled twice.

Obama's not running again.

And these women DID vote for him twice, that was the point.

The next time, you are probably going to have Hillary Clinton up against "Another Old White Guy who doesn't get it".

wytch asked why women voted for obama, I gave her the answer.

the candidates in 2016 will NOT be Hillary and an old white guy.
This thread is a perfect example of why there was an 18 point gender gap.

Family planning used to be supported by the GOP.
According to Price Prebius or whatever her name is; the GOP just has a publicity problem....

If you're hiring a consultant that has to teach/weigh in on how an entire gender campaigns when opposed by another gender, the problem may extend beyond marketing.

We get it fluke-----a box of condoms will be enough to buy your vote.

But the reality that you seem incapable of dealing with is that half of GOP members are women. There is no communication problem between the GOP and women. if Preibus said that, he is an idiot.

The vast majority of republicans and conservatives do not oppose normal forms of birth control.

Expecting people to pay for their condoms and BC pills is not opposing birth control.

Most of them, however, do oppose abortion as a form of birth control----aren't you glad that your mother felt that way?

There was an 18 point gender gap in the last election...I can't imagine why. :lol:

and what is the gap now after women realized they voted for a liar?

I will show you

According to the poll, taken between November 6 and November 11, 54 percent of American voters disapprove of Obama's job as president, and only 39 percent approve. The rate among women is slightly better, at 51 percent and 40 percent, respectively. The poll showed a major shift from the slight disapproval (49 to 45 percent) expressed in October, beating what was previously Obama's worst month – October 2011 (55 to 41).

Women Sour on Obama, New Poll Shows Lowest Presidential Approval Rating

Poll: Mitt Romney beats President Obama today
As more bad poll numbers continue to pour in for President Barack Obama, a new survey finds that if the 2012 election matchup were held this month, Mitt Romney would hold the edge with the voters.

Romney topped Obama 49 percent to 45 percent among registered voters in the Washington Post-ABC News poll released Tuesday. Among all Americans, the 2012 rivals would be tied, at 47 percent.

Read more: Poll: Mitt Romney beats President Obama today - Tal Kopan -

the reason Obama had a 18 point gap just like with any slick male player being able to charm the pants off a female he did it with pick up lines and lies and now that women have found out their lover lied to them they have fallen in line with the rest of America
I have never experienced a problem communicating with my Republican congressman.

many women believed obama's lies. they wanted to like the first black president. they wanted the country to prove that it is not racist.

they had good motives but obama failed them. American women, most of them, are much smarter than the dem/libs think they are. They will not be fooled twice.

Obama's not running again.

And these women DID vote for him twice, that was the point.

The next time, you are probably going to have Hillary Clinton up against "Another Old White Guy who doesn't get it".

wytch asked why women voted for obama, I gave her the answer.

the candidates in 2016 will NOT be Hillary and an old white guy.

Um, yeah, they probably will be.

2016 will be a Republican rout
Obama's not running again.

And these women DID vote for him twice, that was the point.

The next time, you are probably going to have Hillary Clinton up against "Another Old White Guy who doesn't get it".

wytch asked why women voted for obama, I gave her the answer.

the candidates in 2016 will NOT be Hillary and an old white guy.

Um, yeah, they probably will be.

2016 will be a Republican rout

OK, hold on to your dream. But your hero obama has destroyed the dem party and the cause of liberalism for years. you fools voted for him and now you deserve what he has done to you and your party.
Nay, not the right to choose.

Simply the right to choose that YOU and all of US pay for the results of her carelessness.
Hummmmm...... You're a pretty shallow thinker. Try to stay with me here.
A woman wants an abortion because she knows she cannot support her child and give it the care it needs to flourish. But, the gop is against this and stops her from getting an abortion. The woman is forced to carry to term by a party that screams government should stay out of peoples lives. Once the baby is born the woman's worst fears are realized. Working at a low paying job she cannot feed, clothe, shelter, or care for the child. Because of this she is forced to go to the government for assistance. Now, get your thinking cap on.
Once she is getting welfare exactly who is paying for her "carelessness?" Isn't it you and all of us who pay taxes? Arn't you paying for her and her child through your taxes? EXACTLY HOW DID TAKING AWAY HER CHOICE AND FORCING HER TO HAVE A CHILD SHE DID NOT WANT OR COULD NOT AFFORD PROTECT "US" SO WE DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR HER "CARELESSNESS?" Seems to me when we take away her freedom to choose we are volunteering to pay for her carelessness for the next 16 - 20 years.

So, aren't these the two choices: Pay for her abortion OR pay to support her and the child for the next 18 years. I'm curious, which choice do you think will cost the taxpayers more money?

Yes, you are right. Murdering unborn children is cheaper for society than bringing them into the world.

Welcome to communist China.

Broken context above: (1) no one is suggesting state mandatory abortion in America; (2) contraception is not abortion.

You do have a point if you are saying that government should get out of the contraception business.
Hummmmm...... You're a pretty shallow thinker. Try to stay with me here.
A woman wants an abortion because she knows she cannot support her child and give it the care it needs to flourish. But, the gop is against this and stops her from getting an abortion. The woman is forced to carry to term by a party that screams government should stay out of peoples lives. Once the baby is born the woman's worst fears are realized. Working at a low paying job she cannot feed, clothe, shelter, or care for the child. Because of this she is forced to go to the government for assistance. Now, get your thinking cap on.
Once she is getting welfare exactly who is paying for her "carelessness?" Isn't it you and all of us who pay taxes? Arn't you paying for her and her child through your taxes? EXACTLY HOW DID TAKING AWAY HER CHOICE AND FORCING HER TO HAVE A CHILD SHE DID NOT WANT OR COULD NOT AFFORD PROTECT "US" SO WE DIDN'T HAVE TO PAY FOR HER "CARELESSNESS?" Seems to me when we take away her freedom to choose we are volunteering to pay for her carelessness for the next 16 - 20 years.

So, aren't these the two choices: Pay for her abortion OR pay to support her and the child for the next 18 years. I'm curious, which choice do you think will cost the taxpayers more money?

Yes, you are right. Murdering unborn children is cheaper for society than bringing them into the world.

Welcome to communist China.

Broken context above: (1) no one is suggesting state mandatory abortion in America; (2) contraception is not abortion.

You do have a point if you are saying that government should get out of the contraception business.

contraception should be the responsibility of the man and woman who are having sex.

conception should be the responsibility of the man and woman who are having sex.

Neither is any business of the federal government.
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

If women want birth control, then let them afford it without taxpayer's footing the bill. If they can't afford it, then let them abstain from sex during those days in a month when the chances of becoming pregnant, are higher. If they become preggers anyway, there is always big government who will rescue their ignorant arses. Taxpayers hosed again. Another baby born into poverty and ignorance.

sex is great, but with it also comes a responsibility. and that responsibility needs to be shared by both partners, as well as the understanding of that responsibility. this isn't all horny uneducated teenagers that are having a million plus abortions a year. in fact a very high percentage are multiple repeat adult offenders. abortion as a form of birth control has created a total disregard for life. we've convinced ourselves a fetus isn't a life because some politician rewrote the definition of what life is to ease the minds of people who are taking a life. it's an element of control
Let's stop dividing people into groups. That sure would be nice ;)

Woman want birth control is pretty much what this is about. Why is the gop against that????

If women want birth control, then let them afford it without taxpayer's footing the bill. If they can't afford it, then let them abstain from sex during those days in a month when the chances of becoming pregnant, are higher. If they become preggers anyway, there is always big government who will rescue their ignorant arses. Taxpayers hosed again. Another baby born into poverty and ignorance.

sex is great, but with it also comes a responsibility. and that responsibility needs to be shared by both partners, as well as the understanding of that responsibility. this isn't all horny uneducated teenagers that are having a million plus abortions a year. in fact a very high percentage are multiple repeat adult offenders. abortion as a form of birth control has created a total disregard for life. we've convinced ourselves a fetus isn't a life because some politician rewrote the definition of what life is to ease the minds of people who are taking a life. it's an element of control

So taking birth control pills is like killing your eggs!

Just like God does, with a menstrual cycle. Notice that having a menstrual cycle and killing eggs is not a sin, but men Onanisming themselves is.
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