GOP Gets Their Wish - Unemployment is Up

To them, it's not counter productive. If you listen to them wax nostalgic..they talk about a time before the New Deal, when there was no middle class. When what you had was very rich people and a compliant working class willing to put up with any conditions thrown at them to feed their families. And a great many of them couldn't even get a wage capable of doing that. The destruction of the middle class is the ultimate goal of conservativism.


There "was no middle class before the New Deal?"

"The destruction of the middle class is the ultimate goal of conservatism?"


What about the common cold? Can't we also blame that on conservativism?
To the OP:


That's a wonderful way to debate.

Someone makes a point..and you put up a stupid little cartoon calling them stupid.

How smart you are.

I wonder if this is why the country is in the crapper. Because smart people like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and now all the Tea Partiers in Congress that filibuster everything that comes down the pike uses this sort of technique to show why compromise just doesn't work.

They tell the other side they are stupid then ignore them.

The reason we are in the crapper is because dealing with Democrats isn't rational.

It's insane to think that a party that is that dishonest, that unrealistic, and that deceitful can be counted on as a reliable partner in any endeavor.

The reason you and those like you appear stupid is because you've been so easily convinced that the GOP is the one being so.

I suppose you think it's rational to fund religious zealots to destroy a percieved "enemy" without recognizing that those very same zealots think you are an enemy too.

You people are evil.

Pure and simple.
To them, it's not counter productive. If you listen to them wax nostalgic..they talk about a time before the New Deal, when there was no middle class. When what you had was very rich people and a compliant working class willing to put up with any conditions thrown at them to feed their families. And a great many of them couldn't even get a wage capable of doing that. The destruction of the middle class is the ultimate goal of conservativism.


There "was no middle class before the New Deal?"

"The destruction of the middle class is the ultimate goal of conservatism?"


What about the common cold? Can't we also blame that on conservativism?


You saying there was a middle class?


I am happy with every federal job lost if it helps the private revenue generating entities. Nothing to see here.
If anyone recalls, instead of supporting the prez., the GOP (goofy old people) want Obama to fail, and to be a single term prez., so they can further their agenda, which is deeper tax cuts for only the rich, which is fair in my mind, in 10 years or less, we'll be looking more like Syria, Afghanistan, Iraq, and other third world nations, I already have a cave to reside in out in New Mexico, and they (righties) can come and find me.

For the GOP to say Obama hasn't done anything for job creation, is a flat out lie.
10 jobs bills have been introduced and killed by the GOP. For the GOP to say: we need jobs, that's a smokescreen. Why would the GOP want job creation when their rich friends are getting along just fine farming out labor to third world countries which pay workers 25 cents a day? It would hurt their pocketbooks to have to pay an American a fair wage. So why would the GOP kill their sacred cows? not gonna happen.

If the GOP get's control of eveything, Americans can look ahead to even lower wages. Benefits? There won't be any. Look ahead for 25 cent an hour wages, and there'll be none of that social security or medicare, you will be on your own.

So, that's what the GOP is REALLY about, lining their pockets, lining their friend's pockets, and screwing average, ordinary American citizens.

Lower wages would be a God-send. Don't confuse lowering wages with lower wages. Raising the minimum wage cost millions of jobs.

There would be more jobs for those just entering the job market. More people working and less unemployment, more people paying taxes, more people spending their own money rather then their parents or entitlement cash. Fewer companies would be outsourcing. Less people collecting unemployment and collecting food stamps. It all goes hand in hand.

As it is, even though the Dems raised the MW less and less of us are making a living-wage. It raised prices of consumable goods. Now energy is going up as well. Most people only got a pay increase of maybe 1.3 percent and inflation was 3 times that. So, everyone is getting a net loss in pay due to the shrinking dollar.

Who's fault is that? When was the last time the GOP had control of the Treasury?

I mean..gosh..

Could I make my point any clearer then that?

Problem is your single-minded approach isn't realistic.

Not everyone can enter the job market making $20/hr.

Somebody has to start out making less. The goal is earnings and incentive to improve your lot in life rather then remain at low paying jobs all of your life. The job market takes care of itself. If the demand for a more skilled worker is there then pay goes up. When government steps in and makes flipping burgers a high paying job you can't afford to pay all that you need to run your business.
Lower wages would be a God-send. Don't confuse lowering wages with lower wages. Raising the minimum wage cost millions of jobs.

There would be more jobs for those just entering the job market. More people working and less unemployment, more people paying taxes, more people spending their own money rather then their parents or entitlement cash. Fewer companies would be outsourcing. Less people collecting unemployment and collecting food stamps. It all goes hand in hand.

As it is, even though the Dems raised the MW less and less of us are making a living-wage. It raised prices of consumable goods. Now energy is going up as well. Most people only got a pay increase of maybe 1.3 percent and inflation was 3 times that. So, everyone is getting a net loss in pay due to the shrinking dollar.

Who's fault is that? When was the last time the GOP had control of the Treasury?

I mean..gosh..

Could I make my point any clearer then that?

Problem is your single-minded approach isn't realistic.

Not everyone can enter the job market making $20/hr.

Somebody has to start out making less. The goal is earnings and incentive to improve your lot in life rather then remain at low paying jobs all of your life. The job market takes care of itself. If the demand for a more skilled worker is there then pay goes up. When government steps in and makes flipping burgers a high paying job you can't afford to pay all that you need to run your business.

Problem don't see a problem with people that have personal wealth of some 40 billion dollars.

It's a simple economic fact. If you consolidate all wealth into a small effectively kill Capitalism.
To them, it's not counter productive. If you listen to them wax nostalgic..they talk about a time before the New Deal, when there was no middle class. When what you had was very rich people and a compliant working class willing to put up with any conditions thrown at them to feed their families. And a great many of them couldn't even get a wage capable of doing that. The destruction of the middle class is the ultimate goal of conservativism.


There "was no middle class before the New Deal?"

"The destruction of the middle class is the ultimate goal of conservatism?"


What about the common cold? Can't we also blame that on conservativism?


You saying there was a middle class?




If you toss in those who call themselves upper-middle class (18 percent) or lower-middle class (21 percent), the share swells to nearly 9 in 10. Just a fraction of the public labels itself upper class (2 percent) or lower class (8 percent).

Just a fraction of the public labels itself upper class (2 percent) or lower class (8 percent)..These findings are from a Pew Research Center survey taken earlier this year. But they could have come from just about any survey conducted since the dawn of public opinion research. This is a measure that stays pretty constant, in good times and bad.
Who Should Be the Judge of Middle Class? - Room for Debate -

You're stupidity doesn't do much for your credability.

That's a wonderful way to debate.

Someone makes a point..and you put up a stupid little cartoon calling them stupid.

How smart you are.

I wonder if this is why the country is in the crapper. Because smart people like George W. Bush, Dick Cheney, and now all the Tea Partiers in Congress that filibuster everything that comes down the pike uses this sort of technique to show why compromise just doesn't work.

They tell the other side they are stupid then ignore them.

The reason we are in the crapper is because dealing with Democrats isn't rational.

It's insane to think that a party that is that dishonest, that unrealistic, and that deceitful can be counted on as a reliable partner in any endeavor.

The reason you and those like you appear stupid is because you've been so easily convinced that the GOP is the one being so.

I suppose you think it's rational to fund religious zealots to destroy a percieved "enemy" without recognizing that those very same zealots think you are an enemy too.

You people are evil.

Pure and simple.

Well I guess you've bought their rap hook line and sinker.

You have this feeling that someone like me is out to kill seniors (even though my mother is one) and starve babies. You assume we wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. That is the BS the left has been feeding you.

The truth is a majority of people who think like me would give you the shirt off their back if you were in trouble. Fact is the Democrats in Washington can't say the same thing unless it means getting your vote first.
I mean..gosh..

Could I make my point any clearer then that?

Problem is your single-minded approach isn't realistic.

Not everyone can enter the job market making $20/hr.

Somebody has to start out making less. The goal is earnings and incentive to improve your lot in life rather then remain at low paying jobs all of your life. The job market takes care of itself. If the demand for a more skilled worker is there then pay goes up. When government steps in and makes flipping burgers a high paying job you can't afford to pay all that you need to run your business.

Problem don't see a problem with people that have personal wealth of some 40 billion dollars.

It's a simple economic fact. If you consolidate all wealth into a small effectively kill Capitalism.

Why don't you provide a link that supports that then.

Fact is Capitalism feeds off of the wealthy. They provide most of the revenue to government and many of the jobs in the private-sector.

You want to focus on billionaires when the fact is the Democrats want to raise taxes on people who aren't even millionaires. Those who make over $250k. None of those are worth billions. They're playing a shell game, a bait and switch. Eventually they'll raise your God Damn taxes too, not just the so-called Jet-owners.

You'll never get it through your thick skull that over spending got us in this mess in the first place.
The reason we are in the crapper is because dealing with Democrats isn't rational.

It's insane to think that a party that is that dishonest, that unrealistic, and that deceitful can be counted on as a reliable partner in any endeavor.

The reason you and those like you appear stupid is because you've been so easily convinced that the GOP is the one being so.

I suppose you think it's rational to fund religious zealots to destroy a percieved "enemy" without recognizing that those very same zealots think you are an enemy too.

You people are evil.

Pure and simple.

Well I guess you've bought their rap hook line and sinker.

You have this feeling that someone like me is out to kill seniors (even though my mother is one) and starve babies. You assume we wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. That is the BS the left has been feeding you.

The truth is a majority of people who think like me would give you the shirt off their back if you were in trouble. Fact is the Democrats in Washington can't say the same thing unless it means getting your vote first.

Governor Jan Brewer.

'nuff said.
I suppose you think it's rational to fund religious zealots to destroy a percieved "enemy" without recognizing that those very same zealots think you are an enemy too.

You people are evil.

Pure and simple.

Well I guess you've bought their rap hook line and sinker.

You have this feeling that someone like me is out to kill seniors (even though my mother is one) and starve babies. You assume we wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. That is the BS the left has been feeding you.

The truth is a majority of people who think like me would give you the shirt off their back if you were in trouble. Fact is the Democrats in Washington can't say the same thing unless it means getting your vote first.

Governor Jan Brewer.

'nuff said.

Oh, yes. She hates illegals. The bitch.

Got any facts???

Tell me how she is trying to fuck over Americans.
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Problem is your single-minded approach isn't realistic.

Not everyone can enter the job market making $20/hr.

Somebody has to start out making less. The goal is earnings and incentive to improve your lot in life rather then remain at low paying jobs all of your life. The job market takes care of itself. If the demand for a more skilled worker is there then pay goes up. When government steps in and makes flipping burgers a high paying job you can't afford to pay all that you need to run your business.

Problem don't see a problem with people that have personal wealth of some 40 billion dollars.

It's a simple economic fact. If you consolidate all wealth into a small effectively kill Capitalism.

Why don't you provide a link that supports that then.

Fact is Capitalism feeds off of the wealthy. They provide most of the revenue to government and many of the jobs in the private-sector.

You want to focus on billionaires when the fact is the Democrats want to raise taxes on people who aren't even millionaires. Those who make over $250k. None of those are worth billions. They're playing a shell game, a bait and switch. Eventually they'll raise your God Damn taxes too, not just the so-called Jet-owners.

You'll never get it through your thick skull that over spending got us in this mess in the first place. absolutely doesn't. That's a myth.

Capitalism "feeds" off of competition, innovation, supply and demand.

It's an economic system that was started as a thumb in the face to the Kings, Queens and Aristocracy.

It was a movement AGAINST the consolidation of wealth..and gave rise to the notion that any economic level could enter the market and prosper.

Maybe you should bone up on it.
Well I guess you've bought their rap hook line and sinker.

You have this feeling that someone like me is out to kill seniors (even though my mother is one) and starve babies. You assume we wouldn't piss on you if you were on fire. That is the BS the left has been feeding you.

The truth is a majority of people who think like me would give you the shirt off their back if you were in trouble. Fact is the Democrats in Washington can't say the same thing unless it means getting your vote first.

Governor Jan Brewer.

'nuff said.

Oh, yes. She hates illegals.

Got any facts???

She stopped the funding on medical procedures for two people..and effectively killed them.

That's pretty evil.

But I guess you guys are like "Forget it, It's Chinatown Jake."
Oh, yes. She hates illegals.

Got any facts???

She stopped the funding on medical procedures for two people..and effectively killed them.

That's pretty evil.

But I guess you guys are like "Forget it, It's Chinatown Jake."

Back it up with a link.

I wanna see the details.

AHCCCS patient dies awaiting bone marrow transplant -
State budget cuts cost man a liver transplant -
2nd Arizona Patient Booted From Transplant List Dies - Some 100 residents removed from list after funding is cut
Arizona House Democrats: FACT CHECK: House Democrats prove Brewer lying about transplants

I put up several sites for you to peruse.

In any case I ain't expecting any life changing event here. This is what you guys do.

Jan Brewer Critics Gather Signatures To Force Recall Election
Transplant patients a target of Arizona budget cuts | The Raw Story

Congratulations to all of you who want smaller government! 39,000 jobs were shed in June. Of course, private businesses only added 57,000 jobs, so the unemployment rate went up, but that's what smaller government looks like!

So again, Congratulations!

End the space program and shed 38000 more not to mention suppliers etc .... tit for tat
She stopped the funding on medical procedures for two people..and effectively killed them.

That's pretty evil.

But I guess you guys are like "Forget it, It's Chinatown Jake."

Back it up with a link.

I wanna see the details.

AHCCCS patient dies awaiting bone marrow transplant -
State budget cuts cost man a liver transplant -
2nd Arizona Patient Booted From Transplant List Dies - Some 100 residents removed from list after funding is cut
Arizona House Democrats: FACT CHECK: House Democrats prove Brewer lying about transplants

I put up several sites for you to peruse.

In any case I ain't expecting any life changing event here. This is what you guys do.

Jan Brewer Critics Gather Signatures To Force Recall Election
Transplant patients a target of Arizona budget cuts | The Raw Story

In your first link a donor offered to pay for his transplant but he died before he could have the procedure done.

Seems funding cuts wasn't the cause of his death but the fact that he was extremely sick the procedure was shaky to say the least. It says in the article that funding was cut because the type they were talking about doing has a 100 percent failure rate. Price's doctor thinks he knows more then everyone else and claims it's 42%.

It only took about 1 min to discover this.

You might want to read the articles before you use them to base your opinions on.
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