GOP Getting Lots of $$$$$

(although the list below is from the last election, these donors are expected to match the same amounts in future RNC elections...Here are some of the big donors now filling the RNCā€™s coffers:

Diane Hendricks: The richest woman in Wisconsin, Hendricks is worth more than $4 billion, thanks to the roofing supply company she founded with her late husband, Ken Hendricks. Hendricks gave the RNC $334,000 in one shot, making her instantly a big deal for the party. But she has an earlier political-funding claim to fame: In 2012, her $500,000 donation to Scott Walkerā€™s recall campaign made her the Wisconsin governorā€™s most generous backer. A member of the Koch brothersā€™ donor network, Hendricks gave $1 million to the Kochsā€™ Freedom Partners Action Fund super PAC last fall.

Henry Kravis: Kravis is the founder of private equity firm KKR who made his billions in leveraged buyouts. Like Hendricks, he maxed out to the RNC in just one day.

Joseph Craft III: The president and CEO of coal mining company Alliance Resource Partners, He gave the RNC $334,000.

Warren Stephens: The founder of an Arkansas-based private equity firm chipped in $334,000.

Thomas Russell: A former World War II paratrooper who founded an enormously successful natural gas equipment supply company in Oklahoma, Russell has been a steady GOP donor who has never dabbled in super PACs. He, too, has given the maximum $334,000 to the GOPā€™s central command.

Kenneth Griffin: Recently declared the ā€œkingā€ of hedge funds, Griffin donated $324,000 to the RNC, Griffin was the 14th largest donor to outside groups, giving more than $3 million to a number of super PACs, including America Rising, a Republican super PAC that specializes in digging up opposition research on Democrats.

George Klein: A New York City real estate developer, Klein is an honorary chairmanand past board member of Sheldon Adelsonā€™s Republican Jewish Coalition. He has given $250,000 to the RNC this year.
The RNC has brought in $120 million this year thanks to President Trump. This is far beyond previous yearsā€™ fundraising hauls and well-outperforming the Democratic National Committee.

The DNC is struggling after raising $38 million in the first six months of 2017 compared to the RNCā€™s $75 million.

Oh boo hoo.
I hope that they use it wisely and ensure that they gain a larger majority in both chambers of the US Legislature, and expand their state legislatures. The real power is in the states and the Congress. Who is president doesn't matter if you have enough votes to override a veto.
Sedition is only a positive against snowflakes...

You may want to better practice your English syntax.

BTW, the term, "sedition," is usually applied when someone wants to overthrow a monarch or a theocratic government (well, maybe you as a cult member have your own biases.)
The opposite side of the coin / thread title is 'DNC CONTRIBUTIONS BOTTOM OUT'.

That's what happens when the former President leaves the DNC $24 million in debt, allows the rigged criminal candidate to 'buy' the DNC, and she illegally uses donations meant for others on herself...

That's what happens when the DNC is continuously rocked by scandals, crimes, sexual misconduct, and produce 1,000+ election losses, etc...

They are giving no one reason to donate.

Their biggest 'selling points' are 'Obstructuon' and the continued seditious attempts / intent to take down the President. They OFFER nothing POSITIVE.

They don't have to offer anything positive. The Republicans have given Democrats so much ammunition to use in 2018 that they don't need anything positive. Everything the Republicans are passing or tried to pass is against the will of the voters.

Republicans did gain a lot of seats at the state, local and federal level during the Obama years but Trump will have the same corrosive effect that Obama had. As a matter of fact, Obama's approvals have gone up since Trump became President. The last Fox poll had Obama at a 61% approval. Since November, Democrats have had success. In Virginia, Northram did better than Clinton did with various constituencies. Democrats picked up 15 seats in the House of Delegates, beating several Republican incumbents. In the Philadelphia suburbs, Democrats for the first time picked up seats in local races for the first time. Even in red Oklahoma, Democrats have picked up several seats in the state legislature including a race in a district that went 61% for Trump.

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