GOP Give Snowflakes Another victory

Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

He wouldn't be stepping down if his own party hadn't stuck a fork in him.
Reps. Michael Conaway (R-TX), Trey Gowdy (R-SC) and Tom Rooney (R-FL) will take over the investigation.

The intent is to white wash the Trumpers, but the Senate Intel Committee will clear it all up.

Trey? The Dems just had a "Oh Fvck" moment. lol

wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

lol 'politically motivated'. There's nothing funnier than when a GOP hack in Congress tries to play that card.

Schiff speaking now on Nunes stepping aside! It doesn't look like he's been taken off Intel Committee, but is still damaged goods; esp. back home in Cal! Rep. Conaway seems to be taking over along with a couple of Congressmen just for this investigation! :blahblah: :banghead: :cuckoo:
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage
You're nothing more than a delusional, partisan hack nitwit, parroting what faux tells you to think and say. Pathetic.
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.
Let me know when any evidence points to anyone but democrats

There hasn't been a single Democrat implicated in ANY of this. Trump keeps trying to blame the Obama Administration for outing the treason committed by members of his campaign. The evidence against Trump and his staff mounts daily. That Nunez went running to Trump with the evidence shows how completely unsuitable Nunez is to head the investigation.

Trumps attempts to deflect to Susan Rice shows what a pathetic loser he is. He knows his supporters blame her for Benghazi (irrationally so), so it was tossing red meat to the pack to throw out her name, and you dutifully jumped at the bait and began barking loudly about what a horrible person Rice is. But you still have no evidence to back up assertions that members of the administration knowingly spied on the Trump campaign, or that they did anything illegal.

Last but not least, you don't give the evidence to the guilty so they can cover it up. The whole point of a "oversight" committee is to make sure that everyone involved is doing the right thing, not to warn those who are overstepping their authority that they've gone too far. The fact that Nunez warned Trump of what was found is still more proof that that TRUMP is in deep shit over these revellations.
ITs all pointing at dems .....every last piece of evidence......multiple pronouncements by intel agencies that there is no evidence in regards to repubs,,,,,,,this would be laughed out of court so fast as nobody in authority has looked at the dem server........the whole genesis of the bs
If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.
You are a LIAR.

There is no evidence to support your LIE.

The FBI has stated 3 times now there is no evidence to support your LIE.

Clapper declared there is NO COLLUSION., no evidence to support your LIE.

Both the directors of the NSA and FBI testified that the only crimes that have been committed so far has been by the Obama administration / Obama holdovers who illegally released protected classified personal information that had no foreign Intel value - crimes both agreed consist of FELONY ESPIONAGE.

The Obama administration-created, crime-driven scandal-based LIE about any Russian-Trump collusion continues to blow up in their faces. Rice was just the latest - and by far not the last to come - 'shoe to drop'.

Every time you push this lie you lose a little bit of whatever credibility you have left.

17 intelligence agencies concluded that Russia interfered in our elections. Mike Pence looked at the intelligence last year and concluded that Russia interfered in our elections. We are seeing the same pattern in the Netherlands and France.

Susan Rice was well within her rights to look at the actual names. A NSC official in both the Obama and Bush administrations said that requests were made just as Susan Rice did in both administrations. Neither the NSC or FBI have said any crimes were committed the Obama Administration.

You have no credibility.
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation

yep, he's planning to return

good luck with that Devvy!
Yep. I am sick of it. Just called the chairmans office to let them know how sick of it I am.

Thank you for your call. Your call is important to us. Please leave a message at the beep so we can erase it at the end of the day without listening to it.
There hasn't been a single Democrat implicated in ANY of this. The evidence against Trump and his staff mounts daily.


There has not been one Democrat INDICTED or CHARGED.

- It has been PROVEN that the Obama administration improperly, for political reasons, handed over PROTECTED classified personal information deemed to have NO FOREIGN INTEL VALUE over to holdovers in 16 Intel Agencies. There is no other reason except 'Political' to hand over PROTECTED information that has NO INTEL VALUE over to Intel agencies.

- It has been PROVEN that Obama holdovers within those agencies then illegally leaked that information, acts both the Directors of the NSA and FBI deemed to be FELONY CRIMES OF ESPIONAGE.
- Snowflakes would rather 'fish' for potential crimes by Trump and his team than spend 1 minute looking at the already proven crimes committed by their members.


There is NO EVIDENCE the Russians 'hacked the election'
- They hacked DNC e-mails
- Only OBAMA and his DHS have been proven to have tried to hack state election systems.

There is NO EVIDENCE to support the lies that Trump or his team did anything illegal.

There is NO EVIDENCE to support the false accusations of 'Russian-Trump' collusion.
- The FBI just recently came out a 3rd (THIRD) time to declare there is NO EVIDENCE to support this claim.

BOTH the Directors of the NSA and FBI testified under oath that the ONLY CRIMES PROVEN TO HAVE BEEN PERPETRATED SO far is the FELONY ESPIONAGE by Democrats

Ex-Obama snowflake Farkas declared in an interview that she and other Democrats in the Intel Community 'were worried that not enough information was getting out there' into the public. This indicates a personal belief / decision to illegally leak the protected information to 'get it out there' EVEN THOUGH THEY UNDERSTOOD DOING SO WAS A CRIME!

Every time one of you snowflakes claim there is evidence or that 'evidence is mounting' against TRUMP you are LYING!

You are right about one thing, though - Evidence is, however, piling up showing the improper / illegal acts perpetrated by the Obama administration in an effort to spy on Trump during the election and undermine him once elected.
nunes is under an ethics investigation... because he acted unethically.

he lied to Ryan, he lied to the American people, he colluded with Trump people who were being investigated by his committee, he released classified information to the press in his press conferences...
The FBI has stated that there is zero evidence that Obama wire tapped Trump.

There is no indication of any Dems breaking the law like the Pubs with the Russians.

The FBI and the intel agencies have made it quite clear that Trumper associates were involved with the Russians during the campaign.

You alt right snow flakes can cry all the way to jail.

...he will remain in place as chairman of the Intelligence Committee....The Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation will be taken over by Reps. Michael Conaway (R-Texas), Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)

Chuckle....Now a Texan is in charge, not a Californian....

Nunes steps aside from Russia probe
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation
I have disliked Gowdy ever since he played that banjo playing kid in Deliverance. Something about his eyes indicated he could not be trusted.

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