GOP Give Snowflakes Another victory

Repub's obsession with the Clintons is truly one of the sickest thing I can remember! These people need serious help! :cuckoo:
No, sadly, the extreme degree of rabid partisanship within the snowflake sect of the Democratic party that enables them to completely ignore the proven scandals, crimes, lies, etc is the truly SICK thing.

Hillary was the most scandal-plagued candidate in US history, making her the worst US Presidential candidate in US history.

The woman was under MULTIPLE criminal investigations with mere days to go in the campaign / before the election.

If you were even infinitesimally honest you would admit that the Democrats and their all-in media would have NEVER have allowed a GOP candidate under the same circumstance remain in the race, especially since some of the crimes being investigated dealt with Influence Peddling / Fraud involving other nations AND 'Espionage'. You KNOW that to be true...the question is will you admit that? (If you actually say 'No' EVERYONE on this board will KNOW you are lying!)

The fact is the Clintons have been plagued / followed / embroiled in scandal all the way dating back to Bill's time in Arkansas when he just started out. We are talking DECADES of scandal.

The FACT is the American people DESERVE politicians, and a President, whose career is not footnoted with dozens of pages of lies, criminal ties, ties to terrorism, insider trading, influence peddling, 'death lists', foreign connections, crimes, scandals, etc....and that is what people got / get with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I am not saying Trump is better - that he is anywhere close to being a great deal better. the truth is America deserves better than both Hillary and Trump. IMO the American people have allowed our options to be limited to the likes of Clinton and Trump by allowing the parties to engaging in the 'politics of Personal Destruction' - where their smear campaigns and dirty tactics destroy the good people we need / deserve to the point where they don't even want to run, where we ALLOW political parties to RIG their Primaries, engage in election fraud to ensure the candidate THEY want gets the nomination, and cheat in debates ...without suffering any consequences.

NOT punishing the Democratic Party, for example, for rigging their debates and cheating sends the message from their members, "I am your bitch - do whatever you want, and it's ok with me'.

I know Democrats hate the GOP and oppose their candidates, but they shouldn't hate them so much as to roll over on their backs with their feet spread up in the air for the DNC to do whatever they want to them. Good Gawd.

I digress -- Bottom Line, the attention and scrutiny of the Clintons is historically documented as being well-earned.
If they did not collude with the Russians, why is TrumpCo throwing up so much smoke and obstructions in front of the investigation?

Gowdy is still stinging from his Benghazi failure and humiliation
Lying is like breathing to you. It just comes naturally. Gowdy helped exposed how Hillary and Obama allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die and then lied about it.

If Rice appears before Godwy, she better not bring that 'weak shit', or he will have her for lunch. I suggest she plead the '5th' to avoid embarrassment or jail time.
If they did not collude with the Russians, why is TrumpCo throwing up so much smoke and obstructions in front of the investigation?


Ham handedly at that...

WH: Devin here's some cherry picked information. Go have a press conference and pretend you're going to show it to the White House.

NUNEZ: Yup, yup, okay!
If they did not collude with the Russians, why is TrumpCo throwing up so much smoke and obstructions in front of the investigation?


Ham handedly at that...

WH: Devin here's some cherry picked information. Go have a press conference and pretend you're going to show it to the White House.

NUNEZ: Yup, yup, okay!

Trump and his justice-obstructing swamp gators have all the subtlety of a flying brick.
Gowdy is still stinging from his Benghazi failure and humiliation
Lying is like breathing to you. It just comes naturally. Gowdy helped exposed how Hillary and Obama allowed 4 Americans to needlessly die and then lied about it.

If Rice appears before Godwy, she better not bring that 'weak shit', or he will have her for lunch. I suggest she plead the '5th' to avoid embarrassment or jail time.
Gowdy forever closed the book on Benghazi, failing miserably and preventing the GOP from vindicating the terrorists and shifting the blame somehow to Hillary.
Susan Rice was well within her rights to look at the actual names.

True, but making those names available to someone, whether inadvertently or on purpose, that disseminated them is illegal. Not following OpSec can get someone prosecuted.

More conspiracy theories I see.

You seem to forget that Obama ordered this Russian investigation to be done BEFORE he left office. It was. It is also reported by FOX NEWS and several other sources that he PRESERVED intelligence that was damming. IOW--he wasn't going to hand it over to Trump or anyone with an R behind their names.

"In the final hours of Barack Obama's presidency, some White House officials reportedly raced to spread and preserve information about possible communications between associates of then-candidate Donald Trump and Russians.

The New York Times, citing former American officials, reported that these officials were concerned that the information they were gaining on the Russian meddling in the election and the possible campaign contact could be compromised with the new administration, and they wanted to set up any future investigation with the information.

According to The Times, after Obama asked for an investigation into Russian tampering into the elections, officials found some "damning" evidence."
Obama administration reportedly raced to preserve intelligence on possible contact between Russians and Trump associates

So Obama sits back, waits patiently for one of them to lie under oath-(Flynn Sessions) and out pops another leak proving they were lying.

The reason why Obama isn't being blamed for this, is because they saw the outrage over Trump's tweety that Obama had the tower wired. NOT TRUE. But we know that the Russians phone lined were sure as hell wirtapped, and anyone that was calling the Russians or the Russians were calling them were being wiretapped. It's much easier to blame former staffers than it is a former President. If they blame Obama, they're going to tell them to PROVE IT.

Trump & Company have been wholly outfoxed by Barack Obama. Nunes took the bait and ran right into the arms of Donald Trump to let him know about it. And the very last thing you do in ANY investigation is let the person you're investigating know what information is coming it. Devin Nunes is DONE.

Nunes committed political suicide in is attempt to protect Trump. I am certain there will be other Republicans that will do the same.

Trump's behavior is making him look like he has something to hide. Rather than defend our country and root out the weaknesses which continue to make us vulnerable to inference from a hostile power, Trump's obstruction of justice is enabling the enemy. One can be forgiven for thinking this means he was, and is, colluding with that enemy.

I have my doubts Trump colluded, but his actions are making him look guilty as shit.

Trump sure as hell is putting the lie to his "America First" rhetoric. He is clearly putting his fragile ego above the security of our country.

He is beginning to border on treason.
Repub's obsession with the Clintons is truly one of the sickest thing I can remember! These people need serious help! :cuckoo:
No, sadly, the extreme degree of rabid partisanship within the snowflake sect of the Democratic party that enables them to completely ignore the proven scandals, crimes, lies, etc is the truly SICK thing.

Hillary was the most scandal-plagued candidate in US history, making her the worst US Presidential candidate in US history.

The woman was under MULTIPLE criminal investigations with mere days to go in the campaign / before the election.

If you were even infinitesimally honest you would admit that the Democrats and their all-in media would have NEVER have allowed a GOP candidate under the same circumstance remain in the race, especially since some of the crimes being investigated dealt with Influence Peddling / Fraud involving other nations AND 'Espionage'. You KNOW that to be true...the question is will you admit that? (If you actually say 'No' EVERYONE on this board will KNOW you are lying!)

The fact is the Clintons have been plagued / followed / embroiled in scandal all the way dating back to Bill's time in Arkansas when he just started out. We are talking DECADES of scandal.

The FACT is the American people DESERVE politicians, and a President, whose career is not footnoted with dozens of pages of lies, criminal ties, ties to terrorism, insider trading, influence peddling, 'death lists', foreign connections, crimes, scandals, etc....and that is what people got / get with Bill and Hillary Clinton.

I am not saying Trump is better - that he is anywhere close to being a great deal better. the truth is America deserves better than both Hillary and Trump. IMO the American people have allowed our options to be limited to the likes of Clinton and Trump by allowing the parties to engaging in the 'politics of Personal Destruction' - where their smear campaigns and dirty tactics destroy the good people we need / deserve to the point where they don't even want to run, where we ALLOW political parties to RIG their Primaries, engage in election fraud to ensure the candidate THEY want gets the nomination, and cheat in debates ...without suffering any consequences.

NOT punishing the Democratic Party, for example, for rigging their debates and cheating sends the message from their members, "I am your bitch - do whatever you want, and it's ok with me'.

I know Democrats hate the GOP and oppose their candidates, but they shouldn't hate them so much as to roll over on their backs with their feet spread up in the air for the DNC to do whatever they want to them. Good Gawd.

I digress -- Bottom Line, the attention and scrutiny of the Clintons is historically documented as being well-earned.

Hilariously one sided rant! No one cares; you own it so EAT IT! :9: :blahblah: :bang3:
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If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

With all of the "incidental" unmasked intelligence that was gathered under Obama they would already have had actual evidence and been screaming it from the mountain top before the election. But oh the IRONY when Susan Rice admitted to gathering as much "raw" unredacted intel, which was then widely distributed, so she could see what the Trump campaign was doing she claims she just "didn't use it" lol. Right.

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If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

With all of the "incidental" unmasked intelligence that was gathered under Obama they would already have had actual evidence and been screaming it from the mountain top before the election. But oh the IRONY when Susan Rice admitted to gathering as much "raw" unredacted intel, which was then widely distributed, so she could see what the Trump campaign was doing she claims she just "didn't use it" lol. Right.

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As we know from the unanimous intelligence report released by 17 intelligence organizations, much of the details surrounding Russia's involvement in our elections and Trump's treasons are classified. We'll know what's going on once the FBI finishes its criminal investigation.
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.
Let me know when any evidence points to anyone but democrats

There is no evidence pointing to Democrats, there is only Trump gesturing wildly in an attempt to deflect attention from his floundering Administration, and the Russia problem and trying to blame Susan Rice, Obama, Clinton, ANYONE but himself.
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We know for sure susan rice was using surviellance against Trump and unmasking his people...illegally...

As Nat Sec Adv she was one of the people authorized to request unmasking of classified FISA warrant data transcripts. It's not illegal when you're authorized to do so. Even if it violates protocol.
In fact, there are specific justifications for unmasking. She did not meet any of them.

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