GOP Give Snowflakes Another victory

Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
She didn't do any of that....

requesting from the intelligence agency that a US PERSON in thir intelligence community assessment to be unmasked to her AND HER ALONE, is a legal procedure requiring 3 people in the intel agency holding that classified information.... the Agency Director, the intel agency lawyer, and an expert of the laws and procedures and requests on unmasking.

ONLY if these 3 people in the intel agency AGREE that the unmasking of the individual was pertinent for our National Security advisor to know to understand the intelligence, is the request approved.

Once approved, Rice had to go to the intel agency holding the info, to view the unmasked individual....

The unmasking is for her ALONE to see, in their super duper classified safe room.
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
She didn't do any of that....

requesting from the intelligence agency that a US PERSON in thir intelligence community to be unmasked to her AND HER ALONE, is a legal procedure requiring 3 people in the intel agency holding that classified information.... the Agency Director, the intel agency lawyer, and an expert of the laws and procedures and requests on unmasking.

ONLY if these 3 people in the intel agency AGREE that the unmasking of the individual was pertinent for our National Security advisor to know to understand the intelligence, is the request approved.

Once approved, Rice had to go to the intel agency holding the info, to view the unmasked individual....

The unmasking is for her ALONE to see, in their super duper classified safe room.

Nope......she had no reason to see those Andrew McCarthy states.....if those names needed to be unmasked the investigative agencies would have done it...she unmasked dozens of reports that had no bearing on an legal or intelligence matters......
Susan Rice, as National Security Advisor, received Intelligence Community briefs daily, on things they were working on that involved National Security....She did not choose what the Intelligence community assessments given to her each day....

Occasionally, in those Intelligence assessments, Rice needed to know, as an example, WHO the US PERSON #1 was, in order to fully understand the intelligence she was given ...

She does NOT KNOW who the US PERSON # 1, 2, 3 ETC IS when she asks for them to be unmasked to this bullshit that she asked to have Trump people unmasked is simply another right wing LIE. She would not need to go to the intel agencies to find out who the person is, IF SHE ALREADY KNEW....

your ignorance on this topic is ASTOUNDING!

Their ignorance on every topic is astounding in my opinion. They say things are illegal when they aren't. They pretend they know anything about how classified information is handled. And they stand behind Trump no matter what he, or any of his associates do or say. It's as if some of them are on Putin's payroll.
Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.

Too bad North Korea already went nuclear. Between Korea, Syria, Russia, Afghanistan etc. how's Trumps foreign policy working out?
Given that we haven't seen any of Trump's foreign policy in action yet, we don't know, do we? Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if Clinton had not given N.K. the technology to make a nuke. So much for appeasement as a strategy in foreign policy.

Hey.....I am sure if you look hard enough you will see that North Korea paid the clinton's a lot of money for those secrets...back in the 1990s the clintons were selling national secrets at discount rates....just ask the Chinese....
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
She didn't do any of that....

requesting from the intelligence agency that a US PERSON in thir intelligence community to be unmasked to her AND HER ALONE, is a legal procedure requiring 3 people in the intel agency holding that classified information.... the Agency Director, the intel agency lawyer, and an expert of the laws and procedures and requests on unmasking.

ONLY if these 3 people in the intel agency AGREE that the unmasking of the individual was pertinent for our National Security advisor to know to understand the intelligence, is the request approved.

Once approved, Rice had to go to the intel agency holding the info, to view the unmasked individual....

The unmasking is for her ALONE to see, in their super duper classified safe room.

Nope......she had no reason to see those Andrew McCarthy states.....if those names needed to be unmasked the investigative agencies would have done it...she unmasked dozens of reports that had no bearing on an legal or intelligence matters......
you have no idea what you are talking about...purposeful ignorance is bliss, eh? nuff said

Rice could not and did not make the decision that it was necessary in order to understand the intelligence they gave her. The intell community's panel of 3, makes that decision.
Come on she knew they were Trump people when she saw Person #2 criminally selling out the US to Russia...

Who else would be doing that?

I'm wondering, if these people know so little about how the intelligence agencies work, how the NSA collects data under FISA, and how many forms of communication are intercepted, monitored, or transcribed. Why are we letting them run the government?
wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

More regressive propagandist LIES, he didn't quit, he is still the chairman of the intel committee. He temporarily stepped aside to clear his name.
More regressive propagandist LIES, he didn't quit, he is still the chairman of the intel committee. He temporarily stepped aside to clear his name.

Not when it comes to the Russia probe. Somebody else becomes acting chairman for that.
The FBI has stated 0 times that there is no evidence

Evidence of what? There seems to be evidence that Russia hacked the DNC, but the intel community has stated that there is 0 evidence of collusion.

What there is evidence of is that Susan Rice unmasked Trump officials, and ONLY Trump officials, having incidental contact with the Russians, that those names were illegally leaked to the press, and from her own statement Evelyn Farkas knew about it and was involved.

So, the Democrats investigation of a "conspiracy LOOKING for a crime" is blowing up in their faces
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
She didn't do any of that....

requesting from the intelligence agency that a US PERSON in thir intelligence community to be unmasked to her AND HER ALONE, is a legal procedure requiring 3 people in the intel agency holding that classified information.... the Agency Director, the intel agency lawyer, and an expert of the laws and procedures and requests on unmasking.

ONLY if these 3 people in the intel agency AGREE that the unmasking of the individual was pertinent for our National Security advisor to know to understand the intelligence, is the request approved.

Once approved, Rice had to go to the intel agency holding the info, to view the unmasked individual....

The unmasking is for her ALONE to see, in their super duper classified safe room.

Nope......she had no reason to see those Andrew McCarthy states.....if those names needed to be unmasked the investigative agencies would have done it...she unmasked dozens of reports that had no bearing on an legal or intelligence matters......
you have no idea what you are talking about...purposeful ignorance is bliss, eh? nuff said

Rice could not and did not make the decision that it was necessary in order to understand the intelligence they gave her. The intell community's panel of 3, makes that decision.

Good, then I'm guessing we won't be hearing another Obama clown claiming the 5th.
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation

Dude looks like a lady

We got a word for that in Maine: throwback

What, I don't get it..?
It's a term for an unfortunate genetic combination resulting in a human distorted both physically and mentally.
Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
She didn't do any of that....

requesting from the intelligence agency that a US PERSON in thir intelligence community to be unmasked to her AND HER ALONE, is a legal procedure requiring 3 people in the intel agency holding that classified information.... the Agency Director, the intel agency lawyer, and an expert of the laws and procedures and requests on unmasking.

ONLY if these 3 people in the intel agency AGREE that the unmasking of the individual was pertinent for our National Security advisor to know to understand the intelligence, is the request approved.

Once approved, Rice had to go to the intel agency holding the info, to view the unmasked individual....

The unmasking is for her ALONE to see, in their super duper classified safe room.

Nope......she had no reason to see those Andrew McCarthy states.....if those names needed to be unmasked the investigative agencies would have done it...she unmasked dozens of reports that had no bearing on an legal or intelligence matters......
you have no idea what you are talking about...purposeful ignorance is bliss, eh? nuff said

Rice could not and did not make the decision that it was necessary in order to understand the intelligence they gave her. The intell community's panel of 3, makes that decision.

Good, then I'm guessing we won't be hearing another Obama clown claiming the 5th.
no problem!
More regressive propagandist LIES, he didn't quit, he is still the chairman of the intel committee. He temporarily stepped aside to clear his name.

Not when it comes to the Russia probe. Somebody else becomes acting chairman for that.

When the ethics committee clears him he will resume his place in the investigation.
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."[/QUOT

Why would Republicans be soooo stupid to put a member of Trump's transistion team in charge this investigation in the FIRST place.

"Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee."
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says -

Then Devin Nunes wanted a closed door hearing with FBI Director Comey- (on an already scheduled open public hearing)-who basically told Nunes to F-OFF as he knew what he would do with any information he recieved. So this basically shut down the House investigation.

"The House Intelligence Committee chairman and the panel's top Democrat publicly disagreed Friday over the handling of their investigation into Russian meddling into the US election, coming after the announcement that President Donald Trump's campaign chairman agreed to testify before the committee.Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee."
House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing -

We have Republicans everywhere tripping over this Russian investigation (in an effort to protect Trump) that are getting a big stick shoved up a dark spot.

Devin Nunes might as well start sending out resume's, he not going to be around after 2018.

More regressive propagandist LIES, he didn't quit, he is still the chairman of the intel committee. He temporarily stepped aside to clear his name.

Not when it comes to the Russia probe. Somebody else becomes acting chairman for that.

When the ethics committee clears him he will resume his place in the investigation.

Nah....I bet the only fighting for Nunes is that feminine dude Trey Gowdy
Susan Rice was well within her rights to look at the actual names.

True, but making those names available to someone, whether inadvertently or on purpose, that disseminated them is illegal. Not following OpSec can get someone prosecuted.
Why would Republicans be soooo stupid to make Devin Nunes the chairman of this committee in the first place?

"Nunes, a member of the Trump's transition team executive committee, set off a stunning new political controversy Wednesday when he headed to the White House to personally brief President Donald Trump on the revelations. Despite being advised against doing so, sources said Nunes met with Republican members of the Intelligence Committee before his news conference, but did not share information with the Democrats on the committee."
Nunes apologizes to House Intel Committee, member says -

THEN Nunes cancelled a public hearing, because he wanted to meet with FBI director James Comey (behind closed doors) to get more information from him. Comey basically told him to F-OFF, and it shut down the house side of this investigation.

"Nunes also announced that the committee is bringing in FBI Director James Comey and National Security Agency Director Mike Rogers for a second briefing, this time behind closed doors so that they can provide more information. The committee is also delaying its March 28 hearing, a decision infuriating Democrats on the committee."
House intel committee: Partisan split over canceled open hearing -

Nunes was falling all over himself to protect TRUMP--and he got a big stick shoved up a dark spot. He might as well start sending out resume's now, he's not going to hold an elected seat after 2018.


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