GOP Give Snowflakes Another victory

wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

lol 'politically motivated'. There's nothing funnier than when a GOP hack in Congress tries to play that card.

Schiff speaking now on Nunes stepping aside! It doesn't look like he's been taken off Intel Committee, but is still damaged goods; esp. back home in Cal! Rep. Conaway seems to be taking over along with a couple of Congressmen just for this investigation! :blahblah: :banghead: :cuckoo:

The rest of world thinks this is mad... Isn't he up in front of the ethics committee for his actions?

What happens if they find him guilty, how can he be allowed to handle sensitive material....

That's the hypocrisy of the Republican Party! Dems have to abide by rules and precedent, but the evil empire can do whatever the HELL they please with impunity! They own it so if and when it blows up, they better take a good look in the mirror before blaming Obama and Clinton! Damn losers! :9: :blowup:
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
She didn't do any of that....

requesting from the intelligence agency that a US PERSON in thir intelligence community to be unmasked to her AND HER ALONE, is a legal procedure requiring 3 people in the intel agency holding that classified information.... the Agency Director, the intel agency lawyer, and an expert of the laws and procedures and requests on unmasking.

ONLY if these 3 people in the intel agency AGREE that the unmasking of the individual was pertinent for our National Security advisor to know to understand the intelligence, is the request approved.

Once approved, Rice had to go to the intel agency holding the info, to view the unmasked individual....

The unmasking is for her ALONE to see, in their super duper classified safe room.

Nope......she had no reason to see those Andrew McCarthy states.....if those names needed to be unmasked the investigative agencies would have done it...she unmasked dozens of reports that had no bearing on an legal or intelligence matters......
you have no idea what you are talking about...purposeful ignorance is bliss, eh? nuff said

Rice could not and did not make the decision that it was necessary in order to understand the intelligence they gave her. The intell community's panel of 3, makes that decision.

Sure, one day she knew nothing, a few days later she gave "nuttin" to nobody, couple days later she was just doing her job.
Sounds almost like Hillary not wiping her server with a cloth.
Nunes remains the committee chairmen and will return to this particular investigation once the Dem's faux ethics complaints are cleared. You Dem's really aren't the brightest bulbs are you, go ahead piss off Nunes a guy who can give you dummies a colonoscopy. You better be clean as a fresh winter snow.
Their ignorance on every topic is astounding in my opinion. They say things are illegal when they aren't. They pretend they know anything about how classified information is handled.

Well, in "fairness" what are they to do? Admit that they were wrong? It takes a hell of a lot more ethics and value systems to have the guts to openly admit the mistake that is the Trump administration and the republican band of ass lickers in congress.

So, they'll just spin and spin, rely on delusion and eventually they will admit that they never really liked the orange charlatan all that much anyway....they just hated Clinton more.
More regressive propagandist LIES, he didn't quit, he is still the chairman of the intel committee. He temporarily stepped aside to clear his name.

Not when it comes to the Russia probe. Somebody else becomes acting chairman for that.

When the ethics committee clears him he will resume his place in the investigation.

Nah....I bet the only fighting for Nunes is that feminine dude Trey Gowdy

Keep telling yourself that snowflake.
Right when FBI Director James Comey, NSA Director Mike Rogers, and former Attorney General Sally Yates were all slated to testify about Russia's interference in our election in front of the House Intelligence committee, Chairman Deven Nunes called off the hearing and acted on Trump's behalf to obstruct the investigation.

The only correct action Nunes can take at this point is to step aside. His and Trump's obstruction of justice cannot be tolerated.
Their ignorance on every topic is astounding in my opinion. They say things are illegal when they aren't. They pretend they know anything about how classified information is handled.

Well, in "fairness" what are they to do? Admit that they were wrong? It takes a hell of a lot more ethics and value systems to have the guts to openly admit the mistake that is the Trump administration and the republican band of ass lickers in congress.

So, they'll just spin and spin, rely on delusion and eventually they will admit that they never really liked the orange charlatan all that much anyway....they just hated Clinton more.

Amen & hallelujah to that! How they can even invoke the names of Obama and Clinton when they're in complete charge PROVES their rampant insecurities! They're truly PATHETIC! I've NO Respect for these A-Holes! :9: :blahblah: :cuckoo:
All these attempts by Trump and his swamp full of alligators to obstruct the investigation into Russia's interference in our election just makes them look like they have colluded, and continue to collude, with Russia.
So, Trey Goudy will be taking over the committee.

A brilliant counter-move to this partisan nonsense.

Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.

Okay, so he isn't taking the chairmanship, but will be working with the Chair.
Gowdy is still stinging from his Benghazi failure and humiliation
If TrumpCo did not collude with the Russians, why are they working so hard to obstruct the investigation into Russia's interference in our election?

So, Trey Goudy will be taking over the committee.

A brilliant counter-move to this partisan nonsense.

Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.

Okay, so he isn't taking the chairmanship, but will be working with the Chair.
Gowdy is still stinging from his Benghazi failure and humiliation
No he isn't. But you keep fapping away to that thought.
FBI Director James Comey, NSA Director Mike Rogers, and former Attorney General Sally Yates were all slated to testify about Russia's interference in our election at the House Intelligence committee hearing.

And then Nunes stopped them.

Why would TrumpCo obstruct the investigation if they weren't colluding with the Russians?

Comey, Yates to Testify in House Intel Hearing on Russia

FBI Director James Comey and former acting U.S. Attorney General Sally Yates are among the initial witnesses invited to testify before the first House hearing on Russian meddling in the U.S. election. According to a list released Tuesday by the House Permanent Select Committee on Intelligence, the open hearing—set to begin Monday, March 20

Everyone remembers what happened right around then, right? Right?


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