GOP Give Snowflakes Another victory

If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

Even without the apparent collaboration of Trump's Vichy Government, we can assume Putin's agenda was to replace President Obama with someone he could manipulate. Who better than Trump, an incompetent, inexperienced narcissist sure to create chaos, which he and his obsequious appointees have infected upon the once most powerful nation in history.

"Make America Great Again"? If the reader believes this is Trump's goal, please send $50.00 dollars and a stamped self addressed envelope to General Delivery, PO BOX 4377, Moscow, ID to receive the 2025 World Almanac; this remarkable document has a limited avialabiliyt - on 500 copies have been produced, which include future winners of the World Series, the Super Bowl, the NBA Champions and the winners of the Kentucky Derby, the Indy 500 and many other events which will assure a steady stream of income by the gambler, as well as when to invest and when to take profits and wait for the Bull to return.
Two points.

I love how you "slide" into the position that no collusion took place rather that admit you were wrong.

Secondly my business is up 22% year over year so I believe that defines "making America great"

I didn't slide, I'm not a fascist, fascist's believe guilty unless proved innocent - I believe the investigation into the relationship between Trump, his inner circle and his family with Putin and the Oligarchs in Russian must be allowed to continue.

Your business? Forgive me for questioning your veracity, it has proved to be less than credible in the past.

You're an authoritarian. Thus you are defacto fascist. Fascism, communism, socialism, they are all collective governments. A government type that you desire to install here in the USA. The only thing that changes is the level to which those governments abuse their citizenry.
so Bannon who got his goons in the NSC to search the gvts top secret files to find anything that could support trump's lying tweets...and who made arrangements for his goons to pass this alleged evidence over to Nunes in a cloak and dagger secret, middle of the night charade,,,

have BOTH BEEN FIRED within the last 24 hours

Nunes is under investigation now with an ethics probe...
I'd like at least part of that ethics probe procedure to be performed rectally! That would be fitting.
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation

Dude looks like a lady

We got a word for that in Maine: throwback

What, I don't get it..?
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

It is weakness like this that allowed Trump to be elected.......the republicans have a long way to go before they can keep the bullies from kicking sand in their face......
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

Nunez exposed NOTHING, except that TRUMP is scared shitless about the Russian investigation.

Susan Rice did nothing illegal. Trump and his die hard supporters keep saying that the problem is with Obama. Saying it won't make it so.

Rice did nothing illegal, but the same cannot be said for Donald Trump or members of his inner ciricle. Someone is going to be doing a perp walk and soon and it won't be anyone from the Obama Administration.

Trump and his ardent supporters keep trying to deflect from Trump's oft repeated comments that he liked the Russian hackers, and they should hack Hillary Clinton and publish her emails.

I especially loved Trump blaming Democrats for the failure of his POS Healthcare bill. When Trump succeeds, it's all on Donald. When Trump fails, it's someone else's fault. That's a LOSER'S attitude, but then Trump is and always has been a loser.

Moron.....susan rice was unmasking and leaking illegal information...this is far worse than what nixon did, and it goes right to obama since she was the NSA......
If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that. we have heard from evidence of anything you just posted...not one single piece of evidence....

We know for sure susan rice was using surviellance against Trump and unmasking his people...illegally...
If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

Even without the apparent collaboration of Trump's Vichy Government, we can assume Putin's agenda was to replace President Obama with someone he could manipulate. Who better than Trump, an incompetent, inexperienced narcissist sure to create chaos, which he and his obsequious appointees have infected upon the once most powerful nation in history.

"Make America Great Again"? If the reader believes this is Trump's goal, please send $50.00 dollars and a stamped self addressed envelope to General Delivery, PO BOX 4377, Moscow, ID to receive the 2025 World Almanac; this remarkable document has a limited avialabiliyt - on 500 copies have been produced, which include future winners of the World Series, the Super Bowl, the NBA Champions and the winners of the Kentucky Derby, the Indy 500 and many other events which will assure a steady stream of income by the gambler, as well as when to invest and when to take profits and wait for the Bull to return.
Two points.

I love how you "slide" into the position that no collusion took place rather that admit you were wrong.

Secondly my business is up 22% year over year so I believe that defines "making America great"

I didn't slide, I'm not a fascist, fascist's believe guilty unless proved innocent - I believe the investigation into the relationship between Trump, his inner circle and his family with Putin and the Oligarchs in Russian must be allowed to continue.

Your business? Forgive me for questioning your veracity, it has proved to be less than credible in the past.
My credibility is fine. Only the biggest hacks question it. Everyone else may agree or disagree with my points or positions but the know I don't lie or make shit up to suit myself
rdean clone your op is a lie. It's a temporary resignation.

Yeah, sure.....eventually Nunes will be called back because......well, because he is so darn cute and the TV cameras just love the idiot........Delusions much, right wingers???..........LOL
So, Trey Goudy will be taking over the committee.

A brilliant counter-move to this partisan nonsense.

Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.

Okay, so he isn't taking the chairmanship, but will be working with the Chair.
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We know for sure susan rice was using surviellance against Trump and unmasking his people...illegally...

As Nat Sec Adv she was one of the people authorized to request unmasking of classified FISA warrant data transcripts. It's not illegal when you're authorized to do so. Even if it violates protocol.
So, Trey Goudy will be taking over the committee.

A brilliant counter-move to this partisan nonsense.

Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.
They should have done that from the start imo. Cut the dems off at the knees. If the public wanted the left to have a say in our government they wouldn't have kicked them out in mass over the last few years.
wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

It doesn't stop the investigation, or the facts that have been uncovered so far. I wish they would put Gowdy in charge anyway, he's the smartest man there.

What facts?

That Trump's staff was indeed being recorded, unmasked for political purposes, and illegally leaked to the press.
Susan Rice, as National Security Advisor, received Intelligence Community briefs daily, on things they were working on that involved National Security....She did not choose what the Intelligence community assessments given to her each day....

Occasionally, in those Intelligence assessments, Rice needed to know, as an example, WHO the US PERSON #1 was, in order to fully understand the intelligence she was given by the Intel community which required the unmasking of the US Person.

In order to do this, the legal procedure is Rice requesting from the intel agency, the unmasking....then the Intel Agency head, the Intel ageny's lawyer, and an expert on releasing masked intelligence meet, and determine if Rice's request is legal, and necessary in order for her to undertand the intelligence.

If all three in the Intlligence agencies agree, then the request for unmasking for Rice is approved.

Then Rice, has to go to the specific intelligence agency holding the classified information, and b cleared in to their super duper secret classified room and shown the name of the unmasked person,

Rice is not given a print out, no one else but HER receives the unmasked information.

She does NOT KNOW who the US PERSON # 1, 2, 3 ETC IS when she asks for them to be unmasked to this bullshit that she asked to have Trump people unmasked is simply another right wing LIE. She would not need to go to the intel agencies to find out who the person is, IF SHE ALREADY KNEW....

your ignorance on this topic is ASTOUNDING!

Come on she knew they were Trump people when she saw Person #2 criminally selling out the US to Russia...

Who else would be doing that?
Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.

Too bad North Korea already went nuclear. Between Korea, Syria, Russia, Afghanistan etc. how's Trumps foreign policy working out?
They should have done that from the start imo. Cut the dems off at the knees. If the public wanted the left to have a say in our government they wouldn't have kicked them out in mass over the last few years.

Just a reminder. The democrats picked up 3 senate seats in 2016
We know for sure susan rice was using surviellance against Trump and unmasking his people...illegally...

As Nat Sec Adv she was one of the people authorized to request unmasking of classified FISA warrant data transcripts. It's not illegal when you're authorized to do so. Even if it violates protocol.

This explains the problem...and why this is worse than Watergate....and goes directly to obama....

Susan Rice’s White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal

Her interest was not in national security but to advance the political interests of the Democratic party.
The thing to bear in mind is that the White House does not do investigations. Not criminal investigations, not intelligence investigations. Remember that.

In general, it is the FBI that conducts investigations that bear on American citizens suspected of committing crimes or of acting as agents of foreign powers. In the matter of alleged Russian meddling, the investigative camp also includes the CIA and the NSA. All three agencies conducted a probe and issued a joint report in January.
That was after Obama, despite having previously acknowledged that the Russian activity was inconsequential, suddenly made a great show of ordering an inquiry and issuing sanctions.
Consequently, if unmasking was relevant to the Russia investigation, it would have been done by those three agencies.
And if it had been critical to know the identities of Americans caught up in other foreign intelligence efforts, the agencies that collect the information and conduct investigations would have unmasked it.
Because they are the agencies that collect and refine intelligence “products” for the rest of the “intelligence community,” they are responsible for any unmasking; and they do it under “minimization” standards that FBI Director James Comey, in recent congressional testimony, described as “obsessive” in their determination to protect the identities and privacy of Americans.

Understand: There would have been no intelligence need for Susan Rice to ask for identities to be unmasked. If there had been a real need to reveal the identities — an intelligence need based on American interests — the unmasking would have been done by the investigating agencies.


To summarize: At a high level, officials like Susan Rice had names unmasked that would not ordinarily be unmasked.
That information was then being pushed widely throughout the intelligence community in unmasked form . . . particularly after Obama, toward the end of his presidency, suddenly — and seemingly apropos of nothing — changed the rules so that all of the intelligence agencies (not just the collecting agencies) could have access to raw intelligence information.

Read more at: Susan Rice’s White House Unmasking: A Watergate-style Scandal
Oh, and it looks as if the Senate is going to go nuclear....

Another win for the GOP.

Too bad North Korea already went nuclear. Between Korea, Syria, Russia, Afghanistan etc. how's Trumps foreign policy working out?
Given that we haven't seen any of Trump's foreign policy in action yet, we don't know, do we? Of course, it wouldn't be a problem if Clinton had not given N.K. the technology to make a nuke. So much for appeasement as a strategy in foreign policy.

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