GOP Give Snowflakes Another victory

Typical sleaze bag democrat tactics to throw a bunch of ethics allegations against a congressional chairman and pretend it's a victory when they are about to lose a Supreme Court nominee and the former national security adviser is poised to be perp walked into federal prison. I always thought Nunes was kind of bland and lefties better hope that Trey Gowdy doesn't get the job.

Is Flynn going to jail, must have been refused immunity...
If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

Even without the apparent collaboration of Trump's Vichy Government, we can assume Putin's agenda was to replace President Obama with someone he could manipulate. Who better than Trump, an incompetent, inexperienced narcissist sure to create chaos, which he and his obsequious appointees have infected upon the once most powerful nation in history.

"Make America Great Again"? If the reader believes this is Trump's goal, please send $50.00 dollars and a stamped self addressed envelope to General Delivery, PO BOX 4377, Moscow, ID to receive the 2025 World Almanac; this remarkable document has a limited avialabiliyt - on 500 copies have been produced, which include future winners of the World Series, the Super Bowl, the NBA Champions and the winners of the Kentucky Derby, the Indy 500 and many other events which will assure a steady stream of income by the gambler, as well as when to invest and when to take profits and wait for the Bull to return.
Two points.

I love how you "slide" into the position that no collusion took place rather that admit you were wrong.

Secondly my business is up 22% year over year so I believe that defines "making America great"

I didn't slide, I'm not a fascist, fascist's believe guilty unless proved innocent - I believe the investigation into the relationship between Trump, his inner circle and his family with Putin and the Oligarchs in Russian must be allowed to continue.

Your business? Forgive me for questioning your veracity, it has proved to be less than credible in the past.
nunes is under an ethics investigation... because he acted unethically.

he lied to Ryan, he lied to the American people, he colluded with Trump people who were being investigated by his committee, he released classified information to the press in his press conferences...

The next guy is just as bad:
Mike Conaway: 5 Fast Facts You Need to Know

This guy is Nunes 2.0... This is not independent... Paul Ryan's Congress continue to make an ass out of themselves...
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation

Dude looks like a lady

If only republicans hadn't committed treason by collaborating with Russia to sabotage our elections, none of this would be happening! Oh well, hindsight is 20/20 and all that.

Even without the apparent collaboration of Trump's Vichy Government, we can assume Putin's agenda was to replace President Obama with someone he could manipulate. Who better than Trump, an incompetent, inexperienced narcissist sure to create chaos, which he and his obsequious appointees have infected upon the once most powerful nation in history.

"Make America Great Again"? If the reader believes this is Trump's goal, please send $50.00 dollars and a stamped self addressed envelope to General Delivery, PO BOX 4377, Moscow, ID to receive the 2025 World Almanac; this remarkable document has a limited avialabiliyt - on 500 copies have been produced, which include future winners of the World Series, the Super Bowl, the NBA Champions and the winners of the Kentucky Derby, the Indy 500 and many other events which will assure a steady stream of income by the gambler, as well as when to invest and when to take profits and wait for the Bull to return.
Two points.

I love how you "slide" into the position that no collusion took place rather that admit you were wrong.

Secondly my business is up 22% year over year so I believe that defines "making America great"
Congrats. Now you can sip some slightly more expensive liquor as the nation burns.
The fires in the Obama administration were already put out in Ferguson in Baltimore
Meanwhile there's napalm raining down on the White House and Mar-a-Lago

...he will remain in place as chairman of the Intelligence Committee....The Intelligence Committee's Russia investigation will be taken over by Reps. Michael Conaway (R-Texas), Trey Gowdy (R-S.C.) and Tom Rooney (R-Fla.)

Chuckle....Now a Texan is in charge, not a Californian....

Nunes steps aside from Russia probe

If this was done a tin pot dictatorship in Africa the right wing would scream corruption...

The Trumpettes are the assholes who refuse to shake hand of the German PM but kiss a Russian's ass after he interfered in the US elections....

They don't see how the rest of the world is laughing at that clown of a President...
wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

It doesn't stop the investigation, or the facts that have been uncovered so far. I wish they would put Gowdy in charge anyway, he's the smartest man there.

What facts?

That Trump's staff was indeed being recorded, unmasked for political purposes, and illegally leaked to the press.
Those are not facts. They are distortions. Russians were being recorded and trump people were recorded only because they were at the other end of the line talking to the Russians. Their names were masked, but routine procedure is to use a specific protocol to learn the names of the possible espionage co-conspirators or to learn the purpose of the Russian inquiry or espionage attempt. There is absolutely no evidence that it was done for anything other than legitimate national security purposes. As far as leaking goes, that is under investigation. So, nothing you stated is, in fact, a "fact".
That Trump's staff was indeed being recorded, unmasked for political purposes, and illegally leaked to the press.

See, we don't need an investigation....The right wing idiot above has it all figured out...LOL
Despite his (Nunes) exposing the entire Obama administration collecting, dispersing, and illegally leaking protected classified personal info that had no foreign intelligence value - a felony act of Espionage, the GOP is going to hand a small victory to the snowflakes who have denied all this ever happened:

Nunes to step aside from Russia probe

"House Intelligence Committee Chairman Devin Nunes (R-Calif.) will temporarily step aside from an investigation into Russian meddling in the 2016 election..."

The GOP needs to stop acting like THEY are in the minority for fucks sakes. This is pathetic.
wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

It doesn't stop the investigation, or the facts that have been uncovered so far. I wish they would put Gowdy in charge anyway, he's the smartest man there.

What facts?

That Trump's staff was indeed being recorded, unmasked for political purposes, and illegally leaked to the press.
Susan Rice, as National Security Advisor, received Intelligence Community briefs daily, on things they were working on that involved National Security....She did not choose what the Intelligence community assessments given to her each day....

Occasionally, in those Intelligence assessments, Rice needed to know, as an example, WHO the US PERSON #1 was, in order to fully understand the intelligence she was given by the Intel community which required the unmasking of the US Person.

In order to do this, the legal procedure is Rice requesting from the intel agency, the unmasking....then the Intel Agency head, the Intel ageny's lawyer, and an expert on releasing masked intelligence meet, and determine if Rice's request is legal, and necessary in order for her to undertand the intelligence.

If all three in the Intlligence agencies agree, then the request for unmasking for Rice is approved.

Then Rice, has to go to the specific intelligence agency holding the classified information, and b cleared in to their super duper secret classified room and shown the name of the unmasked person,

Rice is not given a print out, no one else but HER receives the unmasked information.

She does NOT KNOW who the US PERSON # 1, 2, 3 ETC IS when she asks for them to be unmasked to this bullshit that she asked to have Trump people unmasked is simply another right wing LIE. She would not need to go to the intel agencies to find out who the person is, IF SHE ALREADY KNEW....

your ignorance on this topic is ASTOUNDING!
Here's an apt comparison......

When right wingers were shouting that it doesn't matter HOW Wikileaks got the information on Hillary's emails, what matters is the content of those emails.....

In the same way, it doesn't matter HOW we found out that Trumpsters were colluding with Russian oligarchs, what matters is the content of those meetings/telephone calls and treasonous deals.
wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

rdean clone your op is a lie. It's a temporary resignation.
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation

Dude looks like a lady

We got a word for that in Maine: throwback
Big whoop. Why he's temporarily recusing himself with the intention of returning to it, I can't imagine, but it is sure one more good reason not to follow this closely: Trey Gowdy absolutely gives me the shivers. What a mutant freak.

Congressman Devin Nunes has reportedly temporarily recused himself from the investigation into possible links between Russia and Donald Trump's campaign following several weeks of controversy....Mr Nunes said Thursday that he planned to return to the Russia investigation in the future. Representative Mike Conaway will lead the investigation for the time being, assisted by Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney.

House Intelligance chairman quits Trump-Russia investigation

yep, he's planning to return

good luck with that Devvy!

So basically you knew that, but you wrote a misleading title anyway, you cheap, dime-store hack.
I'm really getting sick to death of the lying thread titles that are appearing oh so frequently by more than one of our USMB left wing whackos so I wanted to clear this situation up with Nunes. He's an honorable soul to step aside temporarily.

Here is his statement in full.

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes said. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

“Despite the baselessness of the charges, I believe it is in the best interests of the House Intelligence Committee and the Congress for me to have Representative Mike Conaway, with assistance from Representatives Trey Gowdy and Tom Rooney, temporarily take charge of the Committee’s Russia investigation while the House Ethics Committee looks into this matter.

I will continue to fulfill all my other responsibilities as Committee Chairman, and I am requesting to speak to the Ethics Committee at the earliest possible opportunity in order to expedite the dismissal of these false claims.”

Read more: BREAKING: Chairman Nunes Steps Down From Russia Investigation
wow, bout time

what a loser

check out this world class whine lol

“Several leftwing activist groups have filed accusations against me with the Office of Congressional Ethics,” Nunes of California said Thursday in an emailed statement. “The charges are entirely false and politically motivated, and are being leveled just as the American people are beginning to learn the truth about the improper unmasking of the identities of U.S. citizens and other abuses of power.”

rdean clone your op is a lie. It's a temporary resignation.

yeah, temporary until the end of the century
Understand, democrats lie. The lie under all circumstances so seeing them lie here is not unusual.

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