GOP Healthcare Bill Denounced

“It trades on the simplistic notion that individuals should be permitted to decide what kind of health insurance they need. This is flawed logic. First of all, individuals aren’t qualified to assess the complex issues of health care coverage. Second, allowing people to keep plans they like would cater to the kind of selfishness that is wrecking this country.” -- Harry Reid, Communist and Drug Mule
Yeah guys, let's try not to get so worked up over this..

even if that is the truth :D

you know what is satire, right?

it is the straightforward real description of the reality usually hidden by politicians behind the pleasant but meaningless words.
How many more dummies will read the OP....and comment before realizing that it is bullshit? What is the over under?

I live you guys. are the best!
The Las Vegas police want to talk to Harry Reid regarding a string of murdered prostitutes
“It trades on the simplistic notion that individuals should be permitted to decide what kind of health insurance they need. This is flawed logic. First of all, individuals aren’t qualified to assess the complex issues of health care coverage. Second, allowing people to keep plans they like would cater to the kind of selfishness that is wrecking this country.” -- Harry Reid, Communist and Drug Mule

Yes! A key statement from the article! Well done. Hurry up and send that out on twitter and Facebook!
the first example of satire and satirists were by court jesters - highly valued by the monarchs as that was the allowed form of delivering the truth without a risk of offending the royal ears :D
It's a satire piece. Come on you guys.

every satire is based on the fundamental truth, which is hidden in the meaningless words - satirical description is usually concise and up to the point.

you really believe that reid and obama don't share the views that you have to pay more for those on subsidies and for the benefit of the insurance companies?

well, then, if they do not - WHY is their obamacare doing exactly that - ripping off the middle class for the benefit of the big corporations and selected few on the subsidies?

I don't trust obama and reid as far as I can spit and know they don't give a shit about the people of this country.

Having said that, this is a satirical piece of the author's. Could reid have said these things? I have no doubt. Did he? Not that I'm aware of. That's all.
It's a satire piece. Come on you guys.

every satire is based on the fundamental truth, which is hidden in the meaningless words - satirical description is usually concise and up to the point.

you really believe that reid and obama don't share the views that you have to pay more for those on subsidies and for the benefit of the insurance companies?

well, then, if they do not - WHY is their obamacare doing exactly that - ripping off the middle class for the benefit of the big corporations and selected few on the subsidies?

I don't trust obama and reid as far as I can spit and know they don't give a shit about the people of this country.

Having said that, this is a satirical piece of the author's. Could reid have said these things? I have no doubt. Did he? Not that I'm aware of. That's all.

that is what satirical depiction IS - concise wording right to the point based on the expressed views of the person in question.
Harry Reid says we're too stupid to decide what kind of health insurance to buy. He also claims allowing us to keep the plans we have is "kind of selfishness that is wrecking this country.”

It seems to me that the arrogance of scumbag politicians like Obama and Harry Reid is wrecking this country.

GOP Healthcare Bill Denounced | The Arizona Conservative

Senator Ron Johnson’s (R-Wisc) proposed legislation, the “If You Like Your Health Plan, You Can Keep It Act,” was immediately denounced by Senate Majority Leader Harry Reid (D-Nev) as “out of line.”

“This bill would completely undermine the Affordable Care Act,” Reid charged. “It trades on the simplistic notion that individuals should be permitted to decide what kind of health insurance they need. This is flawed logic. First of all, individuals aren’t qualified to assess the complex issues of health care coverage. Second, allowing people to keep plans they like would cater to the kind of selfishness that is wrecking this country.”

In defense of his bill, Senator Johnson argued that “it merely implements President Obama’s promise that those who like their existing insurance would be allowed to keep it. As we’re seeing millions of customers are being notified by their insurers that the Affordable Care Act requires the cancellation of ‘non-conforming plans.’”

“The President’s promise was never intended as a ‘blank check’ on behalf of personal greed,” Reid countered. “Those who like their existing insurance because it gives them coverage they want at a price they can afford are overlooking the broader social obligations they must bear as a member of society. All the President is asking is that we all share the burden of subsidizing the coverage of those worse off than themselves.”​

You believe Reid said those things, huh?

Dumb fuck.

Well of course. The Arizona Conservative said so ... :cuckoo:
It's a satire piece. Come on you guys.

every satire is based on the fundamental truth, which is hidden in the meaningless words - satirical description is usually concise and up to the point.

you really believe that reid and obama don't share the views that you have to pay more for those on subsidies and for the benefit of the insurance companies?

well, then, if they do not - WHY is their obamacare doing exactly that - ripping off the middle class for the benefit of the big corporations and selected few on the subsidies?

I don't trust obama and reid as far as I can spit and know they don't give a shit about the people of this country.

Having said that, this is a satirical piece of the author's. Could reid have said these things? I have no doubt. Did he? Not that I'm aware of. That's all.

No. Reid would never say such things. That is just the crazy talking. Sorry.
every satire is based on the fundamental truth, which is hidden in the meaningless words - satirical description is usually concise and up to the point.

you really believe that reid and obama don't share the views that you have to pay more for those on subsidies and for the benefit of the insurance companies?

well, then, if they do not - WHY is their obamacare doing exactly that - ripping off the middle class for the benefit of the big corporations and selected few on the subsidies?

I don't trust obama and reid as far as I can spit and know they don't give a shit about the people of this country.

Having said that, this is a satirical piece of the author's. Could reid have said these things? I have no doubt. Did he? Not that I'm aware of. That's all.

No. Reid would never say such things. That is just the crazy talking. Sorry.

Yeah, and I never thought any potus would call the opposition party 'the enemy'.
How many more dummies will read the OP....and comment before realizing that it is bullshit? What is the over under?

I live you guys. are the best!

Can you prove Harry Reid didn't make those comments?

they don't need a grip. They need brains. Each of them is so incredibly gullible that it is a wonder how they make it through the day.

How have they not already sent their life savings to nigeria?


If I ever started a thread like this....and exposed myself as such a complete idiot...incapable of recognizing obvious satire....I would calmly just leave the forum and never join a political discussion again. I would be too embarrassed to stay.
Yeah guys, let's try not to get so worked up over this..

even if that is the truth :D

you know what is satire, right?

it is the straightforward real description of the reality usually hidden by politicians behind the pleasant but meaningless words.


Yeah, I know it's satirical, which is why I'm encouraging them not to get worked up over it.


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