GOP Healthcare Bill Denounced

first and foremost - they are weak.

weak individuals tend to have a necessity to group and associate with the same - they are weak and often not very bright - natural prerequisites of the collectivists.

the ones who lead the herd brainwashing them with the leftard talking points usually are neither weak, nor lazy or stupid - but they have an unhealthy need for power grip. The dictator narcissistic types are usually the ones to lead and brainwash the sheeple.

Instead of apologizing to others for being lock-step stupid in this go on a rant about the weakness of others?

Predictable nutter. Even the terms you use are the terms that lemmings use. "leftard"......"sheeple".....

Not an original thought ever enters your head.

Says the guy who calls everyone on the right (in nearly every post) 'nutter'? :lol:

I do not call everyone on the right a nutter. That title is earned.
Instead of apologizing to others for being lock-step stupid in this go on a rant about the weakness of others?

Predictable nutter. Even the terms you use are the terms that lemmings use. "leftard"......"sheeple".....

Not an original thought ever enters your head.

Says the guy who calls everyone on the right (in nearly every post) 'nutter'? :lol:

I do not call everyone on the right a nutter. That title is earned.
While Reid and the Dems call people greedy for choosing plans they like, he and the others exempted themselves from Obamacare.

Apparently, the Dems believe that they are smart enough to choose their own plans, despite not being able to implement the law. They are truly idiots.

And the only greedy people, in their eyes, are those struggling to pay their own way in life. Those who could do more, but don't, are treated special.

Idiots. I want to hear from liberals here why it's okay for congress to be "greedy" and exempt themselves.

He's basically saying, "Hey, we lied to get this shit passed. Now deal with it or else."

Satire or not, it hits on the truth. We were lied to. No apologies from them, just demands that we comply. They have called people greedy many times for having so-called Cadillac plans and it's clear that they don't think we deserve them. They, on the other hand, see themselves as the elite and feel they should be better off than the little people. They can't even create a decent website after spending $634 million dollars. Incompetence is the only thing they are good at. We have dishonest and unqualified people taking control over our very health, our lives, and it should concern even the most benighted little sheep.

The articles merely demonstrates what is likely the actual thoughts of those imposing this socialist crap on us.
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While Reid and the Dems call people greedy for choosing plans they like, he and the others exempted themselves from Obamacare.

Apparently, the Dems believe that they are smart enough to choose their own plans, despite not being able to implement the law. They are truly idiots.

And the only greedy people, in their eyes, are those struggling to pay their own way in life. Those who could do more, but don't, are treated special.

Idiots. I want to hear from liberals here why it's okay for congress to be "greedy" and exempt themselves.

He's basically saying, "Hey, we lied to get this shit passed. Now deal with it or else."

Satire or not, it hits on the truth. We were lied to. No apologies from them, just demands that we comply. They have called people greedy many times for having so-called Cadillac plans and it's clear that they don't think we deserve them. They, on the other hand, see themselves as the elite and feel they should be better off than the little people. They can't even create a decent website after spending $634 million dollars. Incompetence is the only thing they are good at. We have dishonest and unqualified people taking control over our very health, our lives, and it should concern even the most benighted little sheep.

The articles merely demonstrates what is likely the actual thoughts of those imposing this socialist crap on us.

Satire or not?

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