GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

Has anyone bothered to look at the contents of the speech? How many racist jokes did he tell?
The racist bigots of the Deep South were right wing extremists 60 years ago, just like they are today. The only thing that has changed is their preferred party affiliation.

This simple fact is willfully evaded by rubes. They are actively engaged in deluding themselves into believing a Democrat of the Jim Crow South had the same political beliefs as a modern day Democrat.

It just doesn't get any dumber than that. That's some rock bottom willful retardation you're looking at right there, boys and girls.

Just how stupid do you have to be to believe a Jim Crow Democrat supported the usurpation of states rights and high taxes and affirmation action like a modern Democrat does? A Jim Crow Democrat was virulently anti-communist, pro-Defense, notorious for being intractably pro states rights, and hated darkies, fags, and rock and roll.

Jesus Christ, every time I hear a retard try to stain a modern day Democrat with the Jim Crow brush, it makes me laugh hysterically at their profound and deliberately revisionist historical ignorance. You have to be down near the single digit IQ level to allow yourself to be so easily manipulated into buying that shit from partisan hack media outlets. Your piss cup must overfloweth.

Put it down!!!
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The racist bigots of the Deep South were right wing extremists 60 years ago, just like they are today. The only thing that has changed is their preferred party affiliation.

This simple fact is willfully eluded by rubes.
You're an idiot, like thats news.
First off, we're talking about 12 years ago, not 60.
Second, most of the people alive and active 60 years ago are dead now
Third, the biggest racists are blacks in the Democrat Party, not whites.
This reminds me when liberals were outraged that 30 or so years ago Romney strapped his dog cage on the top of his car. Only to find out that Obama ate a dog. Liberals are idiots.
This reminds me when liberals were outraged that 30 or so years ago Romney strapped his dog cage on the top of his car. Only to find out that Obama ate a dog. Liberals are idiots.
Let's see.

A grown man abusing an animal vs. a child eating what his parents give him to eat.

The idiot here is you.
This reminds me when liberals were outraged that 30 or so years ago Romney strapped his dog cage on the top of his car. Only to find out that Obama ate a dog. Liberals are idiots.
Let's see.

A grown man abusing an animal vs. a child eating what his parents give him to eat.

The idiot here is you.

It certainly stopped the idiotic smears during the campaign.

The new GOP is sinking to new lows. Sad.
You're a little shit stirrer aren't you? I bet you got your ass beat in school and was laughed at. Your immature antics on this forum prove it.

Your comments on this board prove you're an anachronism.
Republican candidates have given speeches to the NAACP. Did the same anklebiters now all upset say that meant they shared the same goals? I remember "RACIST" screeches about those same candidates. Seems a bit odd, no, to simultaneously insist this one appearance carries so much absolute weight while the others carry none whatsoever?
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Would you believe that the Jewish ADL came up today with a qualified support for Scalise?!


[In an interview with me, Stacy Burdett, the ADL’s Government and National Affairs Director, said that Scalise, unintentionally or not, had “legitimized” Duke’s “hate and bigotry.” However, she said she was satisfied thus far with his response, though she added that it was just an “opening” and that it is still on Scalise in coming weeks to convert the affair into a positive lesson for the American people.

“By standing on their platform, whether he intended to or not, he potentially sent a message that he endorsed their views,” Burdett told me.

“Hate groups like David Duke’s organization are a real part of American life,” Burdett said. “Any appearance before such a group risks legitimizing their bigotry.

But Burdett added that the ADL is satisfied with the statement that Scalise released yesterday.]


What a surprise that the racist, Stormfronter BIGOT wants to rope Jews into the discussion as well. You are NOT a conservative, you are NOT on my side, and I DESPISE everything you stand for.


Is that you with the sunglasses or are you the third one from the left?

Syriusly This is what a Stormfronter looks like. Get it right next time.
The guy was stupid to be any part of an event with Duke.

We cannot assume he knew it was a Duke event. There are no facts in evidence at this time that he did.

Time will tell.
you do know that GOP KKK Duke spoke at the conference via video, don't you? How is that not facts in evidence?
You chalk it up to whatever you have to in order to defend a racist. I understand that it may require some mental gymnastics for you - just do whatever you gotta do.

I dont need to do anything. Both the huffingpost and Fox news told the story - he was there discussing tax policy. You simply refuse to backdown now that you're neck deep in a conclusion you've concocted in your mind.
Yeah, the tax policy and "slush" funds that HUD uses to favor "a selective group based on RACE," and it's not the white race KKK Scalise was talking about.
this Lamestream media has become an ENEMY to anyone who is Republican in this country. time to slap them down or let continue on their SMEAR campaign.

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Why are Republicans and Teabaggers picking up where the OLD Democrats left off? Democrats grew a heart and got smarter.
The guy was stupid to be any part of an event with Duke.

We cannot assume he knew it was a Duke event. There are no facts in evidence at this time that he did.

Time will tell.
you do know that GOP KKK Duke spoke at the conference via video, don't you? How is that not facts in evidence?
You chalk it up to whatever you have to in order to defend a racist. I understand that it may require some mental gymnastics for you - just do whatever you gotta do.

I dont need to do anything. Both the huffingpost and Fox news told the story - he was there discussing tax policy. You simply refuse to backdown now that you're neck deep in a conclusion you've concocted in your mind.
Yeah, the tax policy and "slush" funds that HUD uses to favor "a selective group based on RACE," and it's not the white race KKK Scalise was talking about.

Were those his words?

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