GOP House Majority Whip Steve Scalise Spoke At White Supremacist Conference

Duke is not representative of all republicans, all republicans are not racists, and conservative dogma does not condone racism.

This does illustrate again, however, that most racists such as Duke identify as conservative, and feel most comfortable with republicans.

It's incumbent upon republicans and conservatives, therefore, to discover why racists are attracted to the republican agenda, and conservative dogma, and address the problem.

Until the problem is discovered and resolved, Scalise won't be the last republican embarrassed by racists among GOP ranks.
Problem? Why would they 'fix it?'

You seem to be assuming that because a racist might support something that inherently makes it wrong. What if the 'attractive' platform was family values? Should the right then 'fix' that. Would you advocate that the left change their support for SS is you found out that a hate group advocated for the same thing or voted democrat to support that one issue?

There really isn't a problem to resolve. There will always be morons that politicians are somehow associated with at one time or another. Just as in this case, there will be your Bill Ayres that will come and bite you in the ass. The only real interesting think is seeing those that will scream about the one, give a pass to the other. It shows partisanship rather starkly.
Duke is not representative of all republicans, all republicans are not racists, and conservative dogma does not condone racism.

This does illustrate again, however, that most racists such as Duke identify as conservative, and feel most comfortable with republicans.

It's incumbent upon republicans and conservatives, therefore, to discover why racists are attracted to the republican agenda, and conservative dogma, and address the problem.

Until the problem is discovered and resolved, Scalise won't be the last republican embarrassed by racists among GOP ranks.

can you link us to some proof of your claims?

last time I heard Obama was a democrat and the NAACP and NBPP supported him
If you think there is anything "faux" over the justifiable rage over this - you have no clue about what is happening in the world today. You must watch Fox.
As soon as Scalise begins having regular visits by Duke, and he becomes a close advisor like Sharpton is to Obama, then I'll begin to become concerned.
Cons are always saying that the KKK doesn't vote. So why do cons give speeches to them? The KKK by any other name.....
I consistently hear a lot of Republicans here say they do not harbor racists and that it is the Democratic Party that harbors racists.

So what say you about THIS Republican racist? Gonna defend him? Gonna call him out on it?

This should be interesting.
The cons would never win any elections without the help of the hate groups like the KKK and the Aryans. The GOP is the ultimate hate group, and the cons all know it.
The cons would never win any elections without the help of the hate groups like the KKK and the Aryans. The GOP is the ultimate hate group, and the cons all know it.

There is a racist right and they dwell on the far right reaches of the GOP. So let's just wait and give the full GOP an opportunity to show just how comfortable they are with racism.
The cons would never win any elections without the help of the hate groups like the KKK and the Aryans. The GOP is the ultimate hate group, and the cons all know it.

There is a racist right and they dwell on the far right reaches of the GOP. So let's just wait and give the full GOP an opportunity to show just how comfortable they are with racism.

What racism? Is the man in question a member of this group? Do you have record of racist remarks from him?

This is like a democrat going to occupy wall st to talk with people and labeling him as a communist for being present.

It's fuckin' whack-a-doodle smear crap.
OK - we KNEW that some would try to defend him.

I'm more interested in seeing how comfortable the bulk of the Republican Party is with racism.
OK - we KNEW that some will try to defend him.

I'm more interested in seeing how comfortable the bulk of the Republican Party is with racism.

Defend him? You're making baseless accusations about man. So, yeah, i suppose you could call my posts a defense. A politician talked about tax policy once with a known hate group.


What a fucking idiot you sound like.
OK - we KNEW that some will try to defend him.

I'm more interested in seeing how comfortable the bulk of the Republican Party is with racism.

Defend him? You're making baseless accusations about man. So, yeah, i suppose you could call my posts a defense. A politician talked about tax policy once with a known hate group.


What a fucking idiot you sound like.

You are certainly entitled to your opinion. You obviously don't hold the same standards as I do on racism. You are free to defend whatever you'd like.
At best, this was a really stupid blunder by Scalise's advance team, and if any are still in his employ, he should fire them immediately to make clear he had no idea it was a Nazi/KKK Klub.

At worst, he is a closet Nazi and the truth will out. This incident will prompt an army of "investigative journalists" (muckrakers, if you prefer, as I do) to do some further digging to see if they can find a pattern.

In the meantime, prudence dictates not making any judgments or forming any conclusions.

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