GOP House of Reps votes to cut EPA funding


Gold Member
Oct 8, 2013
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!
thanks for the opening post and its news , good for the CONS !! EPA needs to be gone along with a few others that were already mentioned Hangover .
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
The problem with the ignorant progs is that they think that throwing money at gigantic bureaucracy guarantees success. The sad fact that they don't teach in gigantic bureaucracies like the U.S. education system is that the primary purpose of a bureaucracy is to get bigger and get more funding. In most long standing federal bureaucracies the initial mission is forgotten or overshadowed with power plays, competing and often redundant operations and bureaucratic bullshit that actually hurts the people the initial mission statement was intended to help.A cut in the gigantic EPA budget is like a mosquito on an elephant's ass but the radical left gets another useless thing to blame on the republican majority while the Country goes down the tubes under a socialist administration.
think that the other Gents have informed you Hangover . I agree with their posted information .
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.

That's some weapons grade stupid shit right there.

The EPA is a parasitic entity that needs to be done away with. The states can handle their own environments. It's almost assured that the moonbat messiah will veto it, but at some point democrook congress critters will have to answer for their failure to get legislation passed. The republicrats can get things through the house and now the senate, but once people recognize what a partisan sociopath the messiah is, they'll start to see what a goat fuck the democrook party is.

If this country is to be saved from these blithering idiots and their sociopathic political whores, the republicrats better get a decent conservative elected and smoke out a few more libtards from congress so they can roll back this regressive libtard insanity.

If things do go that way maybe some of these bed wetters will follow another leftist messiah's lead and take that last gulp of kool-aid, or at least GTFO of our beloved republic.

Yeah get rid of it! China has no EPA and they're doing fine!

The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......


think that the other Gents have informed you Hangover . I agree with their posted information .
There's no information, only fantasy and con propaganda BS. And it's obvious you're to uneducated to defend your polluting ideology.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
You could definitely be a candidate for the GOP....they need a few more in that clown car.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
You should run for office. See if you can help the rest of the GOP field look sane by comparison.
Who needes the EPA?

All environmental regulations should be voluntary. If we can't trust corporations to do the right thing, who can we trust?
Who needes the EPA?

All environmental regulations should be voluntary. If we can't trust corporations to do the right thing, who can we trust?
....after all, this IS the CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA......
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
You could definitely be a candidate for the GOP....they need a few more in that clown car.

I'm not the numbnuts members wearing clownface here at USMB.

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