GOP House of Reps votes to cut EPA funding

well , he mentioned the Tea Parties good house keeping at their rallies especially when compared to lefty rallies . Maybe he is an admirer of the Tea party rather than 'rinos' Old School .
Thanks for the compliment.

RINOs are traitors in their own party....whereas the Tea Party philosophy is just average Americans opposed to overtaxation without representation. In other words....I'm against totalitarian rule.
And so you highlight a weakness and fault with the Tea Party. They consider themselves as just average Americans and fail to comprehend the arrogance of the statement. It was a mistake Sarah Palin made and a key element in causing a hateful backlash against her. The Tea Party has been suffering that same backlash but failed to recognize it.
Actually anyone that bucks Obama's stupid economic policies become targets by a fawning press carrying the Dummycraps water. If they had just remained silent and not complained about getting screwed through Obamacare you wouldn't even know about the Tea Party. Anyone who doesn't toss Obozo's salad and ask for seconds gets the same treatment.

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