GOP House of Reps votes to cut EPA funding

Who needes the EPA?

All environmental regulations should be voluntary. If we can't trust corporations to do the right thing, who can we trust?
....after all, this IS the CORPORATE STATES OF AMERICA......
Can't win.......throw out a a general progressive term or memorized phrase to make yourself feel like you actually have a point.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
You should run for office. See if you can help the rest of the GOP field look sane by comparison.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think they should cut the entire EPA.

It's wasteful, bloated, and costs businesses and consumers billions in extra costs. It's the primary cause of inflation in America.

I also think we should get rid of the Department of Education.......and I forgot the third thing. .......

Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

States have their own regulations and nuclear waste is handled by energy dept.
Yeah, then big oil won't have to clean up their messes. No regulations for nuclear waste.
And it's easier to herd sheeple than the educated.
With no IRS, there's no national debt...or money....or politicians....or big oil. Yea!

You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
You should run for office. See if you can help the rest of the GOP field look sane by comparison.
Ditto? oldschool running as a con would be like you running as a lib.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.

They are doing what we elected them to do so eat it.
Who needes the EPA?

All environmental regulations should be voluntary. If we can't trust corporations to do the right thing, who can we trust?

Typical leftwing deflective bullshit, if the feds won't do it no body will.
Typical right wing con, trying to destroy all efforts to clean up pollution. You know that if the feds don't do it, corporations will kill us all. But then you're a dead man walking, so why should you give a fuck? That's a Texass for ya.
Who needes the EPA?

All environmental regulations should be voluntary. If we can't trust corporations to do the right thing, who can we trust?

Typical leftwing deflective bullshit, if the feds won't do it no body will.
Typical right wing con, trying to destroy all efforts to clean up pollution. You know that if the feds don't do it, corporations will kill us all. But then you're a dead man walking, so why should you give a fuck? That's a Texass for ya.

What a pathetic fear monger you are. Texas has a very effective Environmental Quality Board, they monitor the petro chemical plants and other industries more closely than the EPA. You're a freaking idiot.
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.
I think you might be correct that Obama will veto it but I want it cut. The EPA is a waste of money.
Who needes the EPA?

All environmental regulations should be voluntary. If we can't trust corporations to do the right thing, who can we trust?

Typical leftwing deflective bullshit, if the feds won't do it no body will.
Typical right wing con, trying to destroy all efforts to clean up pollution. You know that if the feds don't do it, corporations will kill us all. But then you're a dead man walking, so why should you give a fuck? That's a Texass for ya.

I noticed leftist rallies leaving behind mountains of trash and
waste in their wake during a climate march....

Not so with Tea Party rallies.

Obama jets all over the world so he can talk about Global Warming and the evils of fossil fuels....and you call use polluters...
You don't need an IRS with a flat consumption based tax......better known as a national sales tax.

The EPA is purely an advocacy group for tree-huggers.....nothing more. They hold up progress and do nothing to clean up the planet....and especially have no effect on global climate change. It's a scam.
Aside from the national sales tax being a fantasy, exactly what would the tax on everything be to cover the annual budget? 10%? 20%? 35%? Would there be an extra tax to pay off the National Debt?

And the EPA is a regulatory agency, not a advocacy group. The EPA enforces clean ups. They are the ones that made big oil clean up the gulf spill. Without them the whole Gulf of Mexico would be dead by now. Houston, New Orleans, Tampa Bay and all the rest of the cities on the gulf would be totally bankrupt. Property values in Santa Barbara would be junk. Valdeez Alaska would not be a fishing port any more. It's only a matter of time before nuclear waste is the next monster clean up. You should go try living at Chernobyl, or Three Mile Island.
You can do the same thing with the DoJ.

And we don't have a monster cleanup pending on nukes because no new plants have been licensed in decades. OSHA can cover any safety problems. Use of spent fuel is simple. Turn it into ammo and blow the shit out of ISIS.
You should run for office. See if you can help the rest of the GOP field look sane by comparison.
Ditto? oldschool running as a con would be like you running as a lib.
Mudwhistle is a RINO :badgrin:
well , he mentioned the Tea Parties good house keeping at their rallies especially when compared to lefty rallies . Maybe he is an admirer of the Tea party rather than 'rinos' Old School .
well , he mentioned the Tea Parties good house keeping at their rallies especially when compared to lefty rallies . Maybe he is an admirer of the Tea party rather than 'rinos' Old School .
Thanks for the compliment.

RINOs are traitors in their own party....whereas the Tea Party philosophy is just average Americans opposed to overtaxation without representation. In other words....I'm against totalitarian rule.
well , he mentioned the Tea Parties good house keeping at their rallies especially when compared to lefty rallies . Maybe he is an admirer of the Tea party rather than 'rinos' Old School .
Thanks for the compliment.

RINOs are traitors in their own party....whereas the Tea Party philosophy is just average Americans opposed to overtaxation without representation. In other words....I'm against totalitarian rule.
And so you highlight a weakness and fault with the Tea Party. They consider themselves as just average Americans and fail to comprehend the arrogance of the statement. It was a mistake Sarah Palin made and a key element in causing a hateful backlash against her. The Tea Party has been suffering that same backlash but failed to recognize it.
so you are very philosophical ehh Camp , some would say that your analysis is BS and just something to say !! Tea party or American type rallies are known by their good housekeeping while lefties are pretty slovenly .
so you are very philosophical ehh Camp , some would say that your analysis is BS and just something to say !! Tea party or American type rallies are known by their good housekeeping while lefties are pretty slovenly .

You're being pretty charitable.

Try downright destructive.

Riots, cop cars shit on or turned over, windows smashed, shit set of fire, people hospitalized.

Get a bunch of bed wetters together without enough drugs to keep them calm and they'll destroy a city if the cops don't show up soon enough.

I see the tools are at it again doing the work of the polluters.
Why is it that the respiratory health industry doesn't have enough respiratory therapist to cover the demand that has increased to to the sharp rise with respiratory diseases. Our air is obviously still a problem.
Finally, the GOP loves to claim to be the "Party of God", yet ignores God's charge to be "stewards of His Earth".Then they cry about the left's war on Christianity, while they go aggressively against God's wishes.
Hypocrisy much?
The cons are wasting more money trying to cut funding for the EPA. First of all, it probably won't pass the Senate. Second of all, if it does pass the Senate, it will get vetoed by Obama. And third, they'll never override the veto, so the cons are just wasting tax payer money again. But they are showing everyone why the GOP should be thrown out of power.

You know it's not gonna happen so why bother bringing it up ?

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