GOP lawmaker calls Hispanic workers 'wetbacks"


Gold Member
Jan 30, 2013
GOP lawmaker calls Hispanic workers ?wetbacks?

So, here is a guy who does not even grasp that the term "wetback" is daragatory. He also says that he routinely hired illegals to pick his tomatoes, which, of course, he would not do himself, or find legal citizens to do the work. Then, he says that he means no disrespect. Maybe it is something in the water, up in Alaska.

You have to love the GOP! They continue on the road to self destruction and oblivian, without a clue! Opps! there goes another 200,000 Hispanic voters!
Yes.. because 1 person who is a REP is representative of all REPs.. got it...

So all DEMs support the KKK due to Byrd's membership and efforts with them.... Good to know
I grew up in California too. Lots of farmland there and all of them have always used illegals. It was not politcially correct to use the term for sure, pretty damn dumb obviously. But he is right, that's just what they were called back then. The term "wetback" just referred to the Mexicans that would show up ready to work the fields. There was no sense in calling them "illegal aliens", because they weren't looking to just leech off of our social services, they were there to just work.
Yes.. because 1 person who is a REP is representative of all REPs.. got it...

So all DEMs support the KKK due to Byrd's membership and efforts with them.... Good to know

who said that?

why cant you deal with what is really said instead of always making up some lie
Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about Hispanics, and it will be all about illegal aliens voting in our elections by the millions and using up our health care resources. Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about blacks, and it will be all about food stamps, ObamaPhones, crime, and Obama's birth certificate. Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about homosexuals, and it will be all about AIDS, and incest, and butt fucking, and pedophilia, and bestiality. Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about Muslims, and it's all about ragheads, 9/11, and national security.

I just don't understand why minorities don't vote Republican. It must be because Obama gives them presents. That's what it is!
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yeap they will have to dump this base we talk to all day long.

They will never win another national election by trying to please them
Geez I knew this was going to get posted. The guy is old and probably used the term he heard used when he was young. The headline is misleading anyway but it does further the narrative the media has that the GOP is filled with racist old white men.
Of course they ignore the true racists of the Democratic party.
Yes.. because 1 person who is a REP is representative of all REPs.. got it...

So all DEMs support the KKK due to Byrd's membership and efforts with them.... Good to know

who said that?

why cant you deal with what is really said instead of always making up some lie

You CONTINUALLY go down that path, twatwaffle... want us to show where you have in everything from individual actions by individual officials to unfounded and debunked newspaper articles from 35 years ago that you attribute to the GOP as a whole??? Easily done
Dude that article is about the COURT case in which the judge finds the republicans in violation of their consent decree.

Wow you people will lie about anything
GOP Memo Admits Plan Could 'Keep Black Vote Down' - Los Angeles Times

In an Aug. 13 memo the court made public Friday, Kris Wolfe, the Republican National Committee Midwest political director, wrote Lanny Griffith, the committee's Southern political director, and said of the Louisiana campaigning:

"I know this race is really important to you. I would guess that this program will eliminate at least 60-80,000 folks from the rolls. . . . If it's a close race . . . which I'm assuming it is, this could keep the black vote down considerably."

Unseals Document

She said in the memorandum that the program had been approved by Gregory Graves, deputy political director of the National Republican Senatorial Committee.

The document, called Exhibit 13, was unsealed by U.S. District Judge Dickinson R. Debevoise when lawyers for the Democratic National Committee said it was needed to question Wolfe.
Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about Hispanics, and it will be all about illegal aliens voting in our elections by the millions and using up our health care resources. Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about blacks, and it will be all about food stamps, ObamaPhones, crime, and Obama's birth certificate. Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about homosexuals, and it will be all about AIDS, and incest, and butt fucking, and pedophilia, and bestiality. Drop in on New Republicans having a conversation about Muslims, and it's all about ragheads, 9/11, and national security.

I just don't understand why minorities don't vote Republican. It must be because Obama gives them presents. That's what it is!

Post of the day:clap2:

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